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Please tell me I'm not the only one!!!

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I was putting new curriculum in our cabinet today, and rearranging etc. I found no less than 10 BRAND NEW books we NEVER used for ancient history (2 years ago), and they are just sitting there! I pulled them off the shelf because I realized what a dork I am. What am I saving them for? Why are they hiding in my curriculum cabinet? We won't do Ancient History for 2 more years?!? My girls are acting like it's Christmas. They love new books :lol:


How many new books are you hiding? :lol:


How many of you have curriculum you've bought and didn't use? OK, we don't have to go there;)




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Me! We've been doing SOTW 2 this year, and a few weeks after we started, I was looking through our stack of library books...a couple of them looked familiar. We already owned them, they were sitting on our bookshelf! A few times this year I've found books on our shelves that would have been perfect for the chapter we'd already finished. :glare:


And on more than one occasion I've bought books that we already own. Happens to me all the time with series books like Magic School Bus.

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This happens to me--but I blame the moves. It happens more often if I'm not the one who put away the books. I like to put away the books, but I also like to know where things are in the kitchen, if you do everything, that's not fun either, it's not fun to do all the unpacking! Lately I've been putting away the books and just taking a few months to figure out where all my kitchen things are.

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My dh, who keeps his books admirably organized, convinced me to take a day and list all my hs-related books by series & also chronologically, and then he uploaded the list to my phone.


So if I'm at Half Price and see a book I want, I can check quickly to see if I already own it; and if I'm studying a period of history with a child, I can glance at the book list for that century/decade and see if there's something the right age level that would fit in well. It's brought an end to discovering I have the same book twice, and to finding a book on my shelf that would have been great if I'd remembered it.

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Me! I used to feel sick at the end of every year when I saw all the books we never got to. I have slowly learned what our capacity is, how much we can realisitically finish in a year, and try not to buy more, unless it's super-cheap. There are so many great curricula out there, it is very tempting to combine, or try to fit in more than one, etc., but most of the time this doesn't happen, and something ends up unused.


My new approach is to buy as much as I can used, and if I really can't decide between 2 curricula sight unseen, I try to buy at least one cheaply. I don't mind so much if we don't get to something that I bought at a library sale for $1, KWIM?


I also organize books I am saving for future years in a themed-box, so all Ancient History curriculum & books go in that box, etc. Before I start planning curriculum for that year, I go through the box to see what I already have, and usually make a list so I don't forget.


This year, though, I did end up with 3 copies of "Sarah, Plain & Tall", because I couldn't find my copy right away. Best laid plans...

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I have a 12x8 ft. bookshelf in my family room that is full of curriculm, no fiction. I also have a library 10x8 with floor to ceiling shelves full of fiction. After 15 years of doing this, I have purchased WAY more than we need, and never sold much. I am planning to sort through and actually sell some stuff this summer. My dh says he will believe it when he sees it. :001_smile:

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A few times this year I've found books on our shelves that would have been perfect for the chapter we'd already finished. :glare:


I. Hate. this.:glare:




Seriously, I found 3 books last night that I shoved at DD and said, "Hey read this in your spare time." Poor kid.

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You are not alone !!! Todays lost books and read alouds become another years readers in this house !! After 22 years, I still do this. Even though I have started all over again, after purging everything when I thought I was done. Then came alone my two miracles after tubal ligation reversal LOL.


I will never ever toss books again ! ( Just thinking about the $24,000ish I spent the first time around. )

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I was putting new curriculum in our cabinet today, and rearranging etc. I found no less than 10 BRAND NEW books we NEVER used for ancient history (2 years ago), and they are just sitting there! I pulled them off the shelf because I realized what a dork I am. What am I saving them for? Why are they hiding in my curriculum cabinet? We won't do Ancient History for 2 more years?!? My girls are acting like it's Christmas. They love new books :lol:


How many new books are you hiding? :lol:


How many of you have curriculum you've bought and didn't use? OK, we don't have to go there;)





Don't ask how many...but let's just say you are not alone. :auto:


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I recently listed two complete curricula that we never used and I completely forgot we had.


Last year when I was ordering lit books for my girls, almost 1/3 of the books I ordered we already owned. :glare: At least now our bookshelves are clean and organized and it's now easy to figure out what we already have before I order anything now.:001_smile:

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When are you having your sale???:lol::lol:


So yes, I am the same way! My problem is that I get really excited about multiple curriculums and can never decide what to use. Sometimes I will sell one, only to buy it back! It's a sickness.



I'm not. . . Yet;). . .The girls are knee deep in mummies and hieroglyphics right now, WHILE I try and teach the American Revolution. :001_rolleyes: When I tried teaching Mummies, they weren't interested. SIGH. My sister is moving to the elementary school from the Jr High to teach 6th grade Math, Science and History next year. I'm going to give her a ton of science books for her classroom.


This is one major reason why I really love Library Thing.


I can type in Ancients or Rome or Greece and up pops every book I own on the topic. No more forgetting. No more buying books twice.


Oh, I am so on that! SUMMER PROJECT!!!!!


Thanks Daisy!

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Guest ToGMom
I bought several books that we already owned when the TOG Bookshelf switched formats. I've been meaning to list them on the FS board for about a year!


PMing you... ;0

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