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Am I the only person who dislikes Summer?

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I loved summer growing up, but that was in CA and there was no humidity. I prefer living on the east coast, but I'm NOT a fan of humidity. I can tolerate summer more now that I have a pool, but I really don't like heat above 85. In NH I absolutely LOVE winter! I LOVE walking outside in the snow, with the sun making the snow glisten. The cool air is SO invigorating!!! I only dislike being outside when it's windy AND cold.


Today it was 93 and humid and youngest dd told the woman who runs our homeschool group, "My mom is sweating a lot right here," pointing to the middle of her chest. :001_huh: I told her NOT to tell anyone else that, in a somewhat firm voice.


Then I walked away and :lol::lol::lol:

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You must live near me. It was a *humid* 93 today and I was in heaven.


I was outside most of the day. I flipped dirt, I switched out chick pens. I planted seedlings & seeds. I water and I weeded. I let the sweat pour. The more humid, the more I know it's summer. This is why I can actually enjoy FL in summer! It was the best day of the year. :001_smile: I love to be outside!!



I loved summer growing up, but that was in CA and there was no humidity. I prefer living on the east coast, but I'm NOT a fan of humidity. I can tolerate summer more now that I have a pool, but I really don't like heat above 85. In NH I absolutely LOVE winter! I LOVE walking outside in the snow, with the sun making the snow glisten. The cool air is SO invigorating!!! I only dislike being outside when it's windy AND cold.


Today it was 93 and humid and youngest dd told the woman who runs our homeschool group, "My mom is sweating a lot right here," pointing to the middle of her chest. :001_huh: I told her NOT to tell anyone else that, in a somewhat firm voice.


Then I walked away and :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by LibraryLover
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Wow! I am so surprised at all the people who do not like summer and various aspects about it, and who prefer cooler days, even rainy, overcast days as one responder indicated.


I am definitely in this league! I absolutely hate summer, and prefer winter, snow, overcast, or rainy days.


Great thread! I am not such a minority as I thought!

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Wow! I am so surprised at all the people who do not like summer and various aspects about it, and who prefer cooler days, even rainy, overcast days as one responder indicated.


I am definitely in this league! I absolutely hate summer, and prefer winter, snow, overcast, or rainy days.


Great thread! I am not such a minority as I thought!



I think you are the majority! Most people don't like to sweat or get dirty!

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Every time I say it people give me strange looks. We are still technically in Spring but this past week we have been having Summer temperatures. It makes me cringe to think of what the actual Summer is going to be like. I hate the heat, the humidity and constant sunshine. I can't stand to spend time outdoors when it is really hot out. My husband thinks I am nuts because I have absolutely do desire to vacation in a tropical region. We went to Barbados several years ago and I didn't really enjoy myself. The best part of it was when we spent the day in a car touring the old sites on the island. I can't be the only person that dreads this time of year. I hope :001_unsure:



I'm with ya. I prefer fall, winter then spring, summer. Just LOVE the cooler temps....we live in the city, but our desire is to live in the mountain/country area. No, you are not odd. I'm glad you posted this. Living in the south people assume you really enjoy the warm temps.

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I hate summer. I explain to people, who question my hatred, that if you are cold, you can put on a sweater or curl up under a blanket....in other words, COZY! You cannot get away from summer heat and humidity, unless you sit in A/C, which is also not my favorite thing.


I hate the way I look in the summer. I look hot, and not in a good way :D.



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I loathe summer. Something about 120 degrees in the shade makes me want to hide in a freezer. :)


I see you live in Nevada. There's a quote from one of my favorite movies Fools Rush In, which is set in Las Vegas:


"Why didn't they just build this $*%@ % city on the SUN?!?"

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Scotland has the type of temperature that I would love (the history is a draw too). I've told my husband that I would like to live there someday. How we would move there I don't know, but if someone said I could move tomorrow I would be packed and gone.:tongue_smilie:


We had the privilege of living in Scotland for a year, and I LOVED it! Granted, there were times in the winter when the rain was pouring down sideways, from the wind, and you felt like you would never, ever get warm again, but...for the most part, the weather suited me just fine. Summer was very short, just how I like it!


It's nice to know there are other summer-haters around. I know very few in real life. I have a little wooden plaque that says "Looking for Fall" and I hang it up by the front door by mid-July most years! LOL

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I don't like overcast or rainy days either, though. :) I think it should only rain at night.


Wow! I am so surprised at all the people who do not like summer and various aspects about it, and who prefer cooler days, even rainy, overcast days as one responder indicated.


I am definitely in this league! I absolutely hate summer, and prefer winter, snow, overcast, or rainy days.


Great thread! I am not such a minority as I thought!

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I don't mind getting dirty if I am working.


I don't mind sweating when I am exercising.


It's when I'm supposed to look pretty decent but sweating that bothers me. The heat bothers my rosacea too, and I have hyperhidrosis.


I think you are the majority! Most people don't like to sweat or get dirty!
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I think you are the majority! Most people don't like to sweat or get dirty!


I don't mind it if I'm working (especially if there's a breeze), but can't stand it if I'm sweating when all I'm doing is just standing there.


It's those humid days where there is NO wind of any kind that kind of do me in. The bright sunshine can be combated. :coolgleamA:


I am a fair skinned redhead though, so I burn in about 15 minutes. :glare: I have a lot I need to do outside this summer, so it's time to break out the sunscreen (after my present nasty sunburn heals...).


I may prefer to stay indoors during certain hours, but I know I won't get to. I have four kids--only one of which is a summer hater and a summer loving dh. I'm doomed. :D

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I like summers where I am now (Colorado.) We have the constant sunshine, but pretty much no humidity. Without humidity, it's rarely too hot in the shade for me. I can cool the house with an evaporative cooler instead of air conditioning. It will get up to 100 (which is too hot even without the humidity), but not for long.


Growing up in CT I was not a fan of being constantly covered in sweat. Bleah. I would take cool and misty over that any time.

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I haven't read all the posts but yes, I, too, do not enjoy summer.


I absolutely love the fall, and spring is nice too. The winter can become a real drag after months of shoveling and below-zero temperatures, but as I always say, you can heat your house, add layers, keep moving and stay close to your loved ones to stay warm, but...when it's hot, it's hot!


Humidity does make the heat worse, but I don't buy this "it's a dry heat" excuse for hot weather. If I'm sweating, I'm miserable. Period.


Ideally, the temperature would stay between 40 and 70 all the time, with a nice cool breeze. Where would I find that? The British Isles? But then there's the rain... Oh well.

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We don't have humidity but hey, 113 degrees still feels like 113 degrees. We have 100+ degree temps and nothing but blazing sunshine from mid-May to Oct. Blech.


Don't you love it when people say, "But it's a dry heat!" I tell them, "So is my oven."


Yes, I'm not fond of summer either. Spring and fall are great.

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I look better when I am not sweating, granted. ;) But I feel best when I am working out in the sun, working up a sweat. I love turning the watering hose on myself, too. Right down my neck & back. But I am like that. :lol: I do look better with a little sun on my skin...I don't do pale well. lol


I don't have heatlh issues that make heat more difficult, so I am grateful.


I meet a lot of people who don't like the heat; my whole paternal side, fi. They stay in when it's hot. Or use the remote starters to get the AC going to go to another AC place, just as I do in the winter to get the heat going to go to another heated place.



I don't mind getting dirty if I am working.


I don't mind sweating when I am exercising.


It's when I'm supposed to look pretty decent but sweating that bothers me. The heat bothers my rosacea too, and I have hyperhidrosis.

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Guess I have to laugh. I live in a region that gets hit with snow so much ,and is dreary with so little sun most of the time that summer is a welcome site. We are lucky to get two months of sun and summer a year.


I welcome the sun. Not having to wear coats and boots and gloves and scarves. Tracking in snow and salt is bad on the floors.

I am so happy that summer is finally here for us.


I'll admit though with having hypothyroidism I don't handle the heat well. But I tough it out and enjoy the summer anyways.

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I know! I think many of us who experience long winters tend to be surprised when it finally does turn nice. I prefer my sweat and dirt in the form of gardening (rather than indoor excersizing lol).


Not wearing a million layers, and finally letting the sun touch your skin...wow.


Every New England summer is pretty much a miracle to me. :iagree:


Guess I have to laugh. I live in a region that gets hit with snow so much ,and is dreary with so little sun most of the time that summer is a welcome site. We are lucky to get two months of sun and summer a year.


I welcome the sun. Not having to wear coats and boots and gloves and scarves. Tracking in snow and salt is bad on the floors.

I am so happy that summer is finally here for us.


I'll admit though with having hypothyroidism I don't handle the heat well. But I tough it out and enjoy the summer anyways.

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I am not a summer person by any stretch of the imagination. I don't like hot. In winter, if I get cold I can keep putting clothes on, but in the summer you get to a point where you just can't take any more off :glare:... WalMart frowns on nekkid and at home nekkid can only do so much. ;) Yuck!


I like my garden, but I wish those plants would grow in the snow. I'd be a much happier gardener.


I pretty much become a hermit in the summer.

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Yeah, I wouldn't want a New England winter either. I'm hard to please. ;) I'm not one of those "I'd rather it be _______ than _________ person." I'm a "I want it to be ___________ and that's it" sort of person.


This spring has been lovely with the flowers returning, the lovely outdoor walks, etc. But, the mosquitoes began attacking me yesterday. :tongue_smilie:


I know! I think many of us who experience long winters tend to be surprised when it finally does turn nice. I prefer my sweat and dirt in the form of gardening (rather than indoor excersizing lol).


Not wearing a million layers, and finally letting the sun touch your skin...wow.


Every New England summer is pretty much a miracle to me. :iagree:

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We definitely get snow here, lots and lots of snow and cold to the extreme sometimes. Honestly I prefer it though, it must be my Scandinavian blood;) I would rather have to throw an extra blanket on the bed than lay on top of the sheets tossing and turning, covered in perspiration. We had to go to art class today and I seriously felt like my skin was burning walking from the class to the library (which is about a block and a half). I swear it was more pleasant walking it during a blizzard several months ago.


We are currently camping out in the living room on an air mattress because it is the only room with air conditioning since our central air broke (and the landlords haven't fixed yet). I'm trying to figure out what to cook for dinner that doesn't involve turning on the oven or burners.

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