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Old and new WP users, can you chime in here?

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If you have used and don't like WP, what curriculum have you used in the past?


Even if you have used WP and like it, I'd be interested to know what curriculum you used before.


I'm just curious to see if there is some type of pattern.



We came from SL after using 2 1/2 programs. It was way too much for dd but I still loved the idea behind it. That brought me to WP since it was similar yet different from SL. We've used WP for 3 programs and still going strong. I love the gentler approach and the optional resources to do if I so chose.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I used WP CATW with a 4th grader and did not like it. I planned to have my K son tag along, but the material was too mature for both of them IMO. I was also overwhelmed with the magnitude of the crafts. I know they are totally optional, but Build a wooden snowmen and blow him up for a Winter Celebration is too much! :lol:

Draw your World was too hard for my 4th grader too.


I also tried AW with my K son, I found it to be too choppy. It didn't flow well at all. I like the book choices but the guide wasn't much help.


I used the LA4 and ACCK last year as well. The LA4 grammar book WP wrote, it was fun and well planned out. The ACCK uses ETC and I really liked their phonics cards.


My biggest problem is their Customer service. They are very nice, but I would have to describe them as "scattered." A lot of times it seemed they didn't know what was going on. I ordered in Feb. didn't receive my first box until April. They told me that the LA4 was backordered until April, but I didn't receive that until June. It wasn't even complete until December. I felt that it was wrong of them to sell the product if it wasn't written and then instead of finishing it they did another 2 programs first. They assumed that you wouldn't need the last 2 books before January.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

:blush::blushing:Sorry, you didn't want to know why.


For 3rd Grade we used BF Early American History, Queen Language Lessons, Daily Grams, Singapore Math, A Reason for Spelling and Little Proffessor Kits for Science.

I put aside the WP in November and finished the year with Galloping the Globe, BF Geography, The Elements, Saxon 6/5, Easy Grammar, Daily Gram, AVKO Sequential Spelling, Wordly Wise, and unit study on Anatomy.

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I'm a longtime WinterPromise fan. I'm not sure if what I used before makes much difference?


I used Hands On Homeschooling Age 5 for Joshua's K. He blossomed mightily academically that year and I didn't get the full benefit of the HOH. He just seemed to need a more book-ish program.


Another program I have used for a short time is Galloping the Globe (sort of). We added some MFW ECC resources to that one because I am TERRIBLE with library trips.


I'd say the schedule and provision of all needed books are probably the most valuable parts of WP for our family. So far we have used Animals and Their Worlds/LA1, Amer Story 1/LA2, Amer Story 2/LA3, part of I'm Ready to Learn, LAK and parts of AW again, most of World Around Me science, and I'm excited to start Hideaways in History and Adventures in the Sea and Sky for our new school term.


*knock on wood*... hopefully WP is going to be a lot more consistent with their shipping times from now on. They relocated to MI (away from their little island in VT, which as I understand it was a slight improvement over location in Alaska). I ordered TWO full theme programs the week before their retreat and resulting Nashville flood delay and book damage, and I've already received nearly all of my materials. (that was the first week of May).

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I've used 2 SL programs and 2 WP programs. I like them both for the way they schedule everything out. I like SL for the literature choices and I like how WP includes several choices for the different learning styles when it comes to doing projects. That said, I am a tweaker - I just can't help myself - so I ended up tweaking them all to be a better fit for us.

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We are mostly Sonlighters, but I really do like WP and will be transitioning back to them for my younger daughter. She responds well to all the non-fiction books that WP schedules, whereas SL is very fiction-heavy (which my older really enjoys).


I like both programs because they are fully scheduled, and the history (or science) and LA/readers are integrated. I love that. I really like that WP has an independent work schedule for the kids (SL only has one schedule in the IG and it's for the parent). My younger also likes the arty projects, and even though we don't do too many of them, she really remembers them. I have to find my own w/SL, and I tend to not do things if they aren't scheduled out for me. :tongue_smilie:


We did Animals and Their Worlds 2 years ago and it was an excellent year. It was also the first year my younger daughter had any fun with school, and it was a turning point for her. A great fit for us all around.

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Just wanted to say "hi!" Fun to see you here. I've not used WP, though I'm using a couple of their suggestions this year, along with a lot of SL books & some other things--I'm kind of doing my own lit-based core type idea along with MOH for this year. Can't wait! I'm not big into crafty things so that's the main reason I haven't done WP--that & it's the lit. I love from SL! But we don't follow the IG for SL either--mainly just read the books in order following their one-page list at the beginning.


Merry :-)

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I used SOTW 1 and 2 with a variety of readers and then switched to WP for AS1 and AS2. My kids loved our year with AS1 and have enjoyed this year with AS2, although I had to tweak it a bit and add to it (we read SOTW4 with it) as I thought it was too young for my oldest son. We have also done AW which was not as successful. I think the reason for that was that my kids were just not that interested in animals. We have Sea and Sky, and we have been working through the "sea" part of it for the last month or so. My kids love this program, and they have learned so much from it. Next year I am doing part of Hideways in History with my youngest as my oldest son works through ancient history.


I enjoy WinterPromise, and my kids enjoy the books, the scheduled websites, the DVD suggestions, and the hands-on projects. It is not perfect, but it works for us. :001_smile:

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Even if you have used WP and like it, I'd be interested to know what curriculum you used before.




I was using My Father's World and began to add books from WP's lists for our book basket time and then for extra read-alouds. I had also used Sonlight in the past. I really liked the WP books. My sister was (and still is) using WinterPromise, so I decided to try a full program for the next year. I really liked it but I didn't do a very good job teaching the program because I had to go to work full-time that year and I just couldn't get it all done. My son loved to read and he ended up reading most of the books to himself and we did most of the read-alouds.


Maybe Laurel T. will chime in. She started out with WP though, she didn't use anything before then and she still enjoys it. I think she is on her third WP guide.

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About 4 years ago (perhaps? It's all running together for me now!) we used AS1 and AW. I disliked it and we would not do WP again.


Before WP we used a more traditional school format (I was new, and did not know any other option. This is why the theory of WP blew me away). After WP I made up my own stuff. Then I found TOG, and that was an immediate and resounding success for us. Last year I tried to do MFW ECC and that didn't work, this makes me think the problem is not with MFW or WP but with me :D. My teaching style meshes with TOG and Latin Centered Curriculum. I still get the WP catty, and occasionally add (to my book basket) books that look interesting.

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We used OM in kindy loosely, then SL K for first grade. I liked SL, but it was so dry....all we did was read. We got bored with no projects to tie anything together, and quite honestly I had a hard time seeing how the core connected at all. It just seemed like this hodgepodge of books to work through with no resounding theme.


We used WP AW this past year for kindy and 2nd grade. We really, really enjoyed the material. The kids LOVED learning about animals. Even though we didn't do all the work and projects, they learned an immense amount and enjoyed it. I do think some of it could have been organized better, but they did an overhaul for this year and I think this might have fixed that. ;) I have ordered AS1 for next year and am pretty excited. I'm not sure I'll use them forever, but some of their cores look great and I love the ability to easily combine different ages.

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I used AW for my dcs when they were PK/K/1st. We really enjoyed the books. We did very few crafts and basically used it as our science program.


That was our first year homeschooling. I now use a combo of SOTW/ SL for history and various things for science. I did not use WP or SL for LA, so that hasn't changed.


I must have been lucky with shipping from WP. I had my complete themed program (AW) in a week!

Edited by Jan in SC
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I used AW for my youngest in kindergarten. It was fun, but some of the read-alouds were above his head at five. Some he enjoyed quite a bit. I tweaked it a lot, but overall, I wasn't completely sold on it.


Fast forward three years....


My dd (high school) wanted to study European history and was browsing through the WP catalog and told me she thought their "Royals to Revolution" program was what she wanted. We decided to get it along with their high school LA 3 program and so far we've loved it. The readings mesh with the material, the books are interesting and we're both learning quite a bit.


Next year I will get American Story 1 for my youngest and my dd will do the TOG units that correspond with that time period.


Diane W.

married 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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I had previously done Sonlight and then designed my own history program. With Sonlight, I felt terrible if I didn't keep up with the schedule. I had a baby then so I often got off the schedule. LOL Of course, I was a fan of my own history program but it was a lot of work.


I switched to WP AS1 and it was a great year. Great book choices! Also, I felt like the schedule was more do-able. When I did Sonlight, I sometimes felt like I was treading water just to keep my head above water; that if I relaxed for a minute then I'd drown. That's just my personality though; I feel like I need to be on schedule. With WP, it was easier to remain on schedule.


My kids also loved, loved, loved the hands on activities. I am sooo not crafty but the activities were easy and they gave me "permission" to include what I wanted to include and skip what I wanted to skip. I liked the internet links, as well.


AS1 and AS2 were two of my best home schooling years. CATW was a little less successful but still good.


I had planned on moving right into the Quest series but my customer service experience was so unpleasant that I am leaving WP for MOH, along with books of my choosing. I had problems the first year I ordered with them (missing some books, duplicates of others, waiting on backorders) which were resolved fairly quickly (and Don is so nice). I only ordered the IG and WP exclusives (and any books I couldn't find elsewhere) the second year, buying all the AS2 books for less using other vendors. That year wasn't too bad. I had to wait for some books from WP but not too long and there were no mistakes, at least. My experience ordering CATW was not fun. I ordered really early in the spring to avoid the rush and give them plenty of time and I still had to wait months. What bothered me the most was that I would call and be told,"Oh, that is shipping tomorrow" and then a few weeks would pass and nothing would arrive. After three or four times of being specifically told your box is shipping the next day, or that afternoon, or next week only to receive nothing.... well, it starts to feel like you are being lied to. I stopped caring how "nice" everyone seemed; I just wanted my stuff. I paid for CATW and the extension package and that is a lot of money to spend only to have poor customer service!! I don't want to be told that a certain book isn't needed in the program until week 22 - if I order a complete package then I want the complete package delivered not too long after I order it. In the end, I had to call WP every single day to check on my order (and sometimes twice a day. If they told me something was shipping in the afternoon, I'd call back in the afternoon to check). I think they finally sent everything just to get rid of me! And I still was missing a map, which I just blew off.


I had recommended WP to two of my friends. Both ordered from them and BOTH had bad experiences with trying to get their books. I felt terrible about it! One of my friends ordered 2 programs and 2 LA programs .... in other words she spent a large sum of money; only to have to wait several months to receive everything!


Ugh! I'd love to keep using them but I just cannot.


Furthermore, I am NOT discouraging anyone from using WP, if that is what they desire using. I just think that people should go into this transaction knowing that shipping problems are not uncommon with WP so that they can avoid being surprised and make plans to order in time to receive their items. Order WP exclusives and get your books elsewhere. Or order early so that you have time to wait.

Edited by Mamabyrd
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We used WP AS1 after trying to wing it using the Core Knowledge sequence. I decided I wanted to go chronological, so we switched to SOTW 1 with the AG. We continued to use WP TWAM. I credit that for getting us all in the nature study habit. We then used CATW, the first year it was out, which was a problematic year for that program. I was getting more into LCC and decided not to go back to WP. My kids continue to refer to our time with AS1 as the pinnacle of their homeschooling experience, but the only WP program that fits right now is Sea & Sky. S&S is too creationist for us, and too light on the academics anyway; I need history & literature. When we do QAW next year, I'll be adding Plato's Dialogues & Orphic Hymns & the three Theban plays for the 9th and 6th graders.* I'm okay with WP. It has some strengths, some weaknesses, that I'm once again eager to enjoy and now more able to overcome, respectively.


I'm okay with the level of the books used in the high school courses, for history. I feel that content delivery should be done through books that are at or below the student's reading level.


I've never used the WP LA and never will. The literature is way, way, way below grade level and the writing instruction is mostly non-fiction.


*OMG NINTH and SIXTH graders!

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
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We have always used SOTW for history and unit studies for science. I get the WP catalog every year, and my curiosity finally got the best of me. We chose S&S because it starts in ancient times, and ends in modern. We were ready to start our cycle again so the timing was perfect.

The easiest part for me was making it secular. :)

We barely made it to sky. We did end it with going to the air and space museum though, so we seemed to end on a high note.


We are so excited to go back to SOTW, it just works for us..

For what it's worth, I could see doing some of their history in high school.

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You were happy with WP?



Yes, I was happy with it. There were things I really liked about WP. I can think of three things off the top of my head that urged me to return to SL - having a new baby, I needed things to be easier, more stream-lined which I feel that SL gives me. Also, we wanted a program we could stay with for the long haul and I preferred SL's upper cores over WP. Finally, we missed all the SL books (fiction/missionary stories/etc.) and the questions that come for the readers and history books. (Probably more reasons, too, if I thought about it...)


Things I miss about WP - the built in notebooking pages, hands-on options, and movies/websites. I'm trying to add in some WTM outlining, notebooking, maps, and hands-on to SL and it's a chore.


Probably too much info for your simple question. :001_unsure:

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Yes, I was happy with it. There were things I really liked about WP. I can think of three things off the top of my head that urged me to return to SL - having a new baby, I needed things to be easier, more stream-lined which I feel that SL gives me. Also, we wanted a program we could stay with for the long haul and I preferred SL's upper cores over WP. Finally, we missed all the SL books (fiction/missionary stories/etc.) and the questions that come for the readers and history books. (Probably more reasons, too, if I thought about it...)


Things I miss about WP - the built in notebooking pages, hands-on options, and movies/websites. I'm trying to add in some WTM outlining, notebooking, maps, and hands-on to SL and it's a chore.


Probably too much info for your simple question. :001_unsure:

No, that is perfect because the things that you like about SL are the things I don't care for. :tongue_smilie:Thanks!
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I just wanted to say thank you for this thread and the others. My fears are laid to rest. I see people saying that the guides flow well as you go up in the levels. I currently plan to use all of the WP world history programs: CATW, S&S, QAW, QMA (Though we may switch out the spine), QRR, QModern.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Am I reading this right that the upper (newer) guides flow much better and that some of the older not yet revised guides are still choppy? I know we've taken the AW resources and some of the guide to use, but we throw out or rearrange a lot of the guide. I have a 2006 AS1 sitting here, and I'm certainly not happy with the MYO pages. Though I heard they have been redesigned this spring. I'm just wondering if it's going to have a nice flow to it, or should I spend the summer rearranging the guide?

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Am I reading this right that the upper (newer) guides flow much better and that some of the older not yet revised guides are still choppy? I know we've taken the AW resources and some of the guide to use, but we throw out or rearrange a lot of the guide. I have a 2006 AS1 sitting here, and I'm certainly not happy with the MYO pages. Though I heard they have been redesigned this spring. I'm just wondering if it's going to have a nice flow to it, or should I spend the summer rearranging the guide?

I know that they revised the AW guide to flow better and they explained why it is that way (because of the Pre-K focus on the letters) and that it is the worst in that respect (people feeling like they have to rearrange things).


I had the 2006 AS 1 guide. I was very disappointed with the NA focus. I didn't really look at the rest of it as I had already decided to use HOD Preparing and I found that Bigger was a one year program, so I went about arranging things so we could do it. Hopefully someone who has used both can comment. What I meant was that the guides for the older grade levels flow better.

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