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Which states have free Dual Enrollment?

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Indiana appears to have a new program called Double Up for 11th/12th graders and those who qualify for Free/Reduced lunch apparently get some kind of a waiver. Not sure if homeschoolers will be able to use it too, though.

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I can't speak for all of Texas, but Austin Community College offers free dual enrollment if you live within their taxing district, and just a slight fee if you don't ($40 per class).

See, ACC makes me crazy. I'm used to Calfornia, which has a vast community college system (there were five within 20 miles of my house in San José--not five that were "branch" campuses of San José, but five autonomous community colleges), and which anyone who is a resident of California can attend for the same cost per credit.


Some c.c. offer "concurrent enrollment," some do not (it's a budget thing). My dds attended c.c. as college students; they paid per unit, just like any other collge student, but the were not limited in any way to the number of courses they could take, and they earned college credit (I didn't need the c.c. to give them high school credit).

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Florida does (I believe it is a testament to the lousy K-12 public education). In our county 10th-12th is free, but some only allow dual enrollment in 11th-12th.


Education in our area of Florida must be exceptionally poor. Students here can begin CC for free as soon as they graduate eighth grade. :D


University of Florida allows students to dual enroll beginning in 9th grade.

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Just a cautionary note as you do your planning: NC had free dual enrollment until last year. Due to budgetary cutbacks, the legislature eliminated free concurrent enrollment except for courses in math, science and technology. There are rumors circulating that those might be scratched this year.


Some CCs allowed high school students to enroll and pay tuition. Others did not. There was not an accross the board policy regarding this.


The cutbacks in NC do not involve students who are enrolled in the early college high school programs who were able to take college level humanities courses at no charge this year.

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MA does, at least so far. I'm not sure if that will continue or not, but I know at least one homeschooler who was taking some CC courses for free (well, had to buy the books and there may have been fees, but free tuition.) You can also do ps part time as a homeschooler, but how easily that works depends on the local hs.

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There is a lottery grant available that covers most of the cost of 2 dual enrollment classes each for junior year and senior year. More than that (or earlier) and you pay for it.




The grant is only $300/semester so it really depends on the college you are dual enrolling at.... for our ds, that will only cover half of one class. Actually, less than half...

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