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Liberty's Kids: The Complete Series on Netflix....any good?

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I find them slightly hokey (Sylvester Stallone plays Paul Revere...Yo, the British are comin'!), but then we rarely watch cartoons. However, as long as your kids "get" that the children are fictional characters, there's a lot of good stuff there. The kid characters (and the supervising adult, a freed slave who works for Benjamin Franklin) are carefully chosen in order to offer a variety of perspectives on the Revolutionary War. The series walks you through the entire war, and introduces many historical figures throughout the series. It was a great jumping off point for us, b/c when our Revolutionary library books came in, my kids already felt connected to many of the topics covered. I think they got a lot more out of the supplemental reading because the kids in the LK series made the period relateable. My 8 y.o. also watched a lot of the John Adams series with Paul Giamatti, and that was really excellent.

Edited by Saille
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Guest Rockiesmom

I have a few of them on VHS. My ds is 5 1/2. What age would you recommend for them? I thought he was too young.

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I find them slightly hokey (Sylvester Stallone plays Paul Revere...Yo, the British are comin'!", but then we rarely watch cartoons. However, as long as your kids "get" that the children are fictional characters, there's a lot of good stuff there.


I agree (and I'm :smilielol5:).

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They are wonderful for our family! My youngest knows Thomas Paine and can recite portions of Common Sense just from watching Liberty's Kids. They are exciting, engaging and include a lot of information about the beginnings of America.

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My dd loved these. I was so excited to see them on Netflix since my high schoolers had watched them on PBS years ago. I wish they had made some for other historical times, and I wish that children's TV today was more like these shows

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To those asking about ages, this is our house:


My 3ds loves to watch them, just because. My 5dd really likes to watch it and has a loose understanding of everything happening. My 8dd gets it.


Hope that helps, but every kid is different.



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Here is a link for more activities to use along side the videos:


Liberty Kidshttp://www.libertyskids.com/fungames.html





Thanks for the link!


My son watched it a few years ago and loved it (at 4 or 5?) and now all 3 of my boys have been enjoying the episodes through Netflix Instant Streaming. We are just now approaching early American history, so I am ecstatic to have them available!!

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Thanks everyone! We watched the first two today and my children enjoyed them! ds 5 thought it was all about pirates (the Boston tea party, actually). :tongue_smilie: My oldest is 6 they are probably to young to really get a whole lot of history understanding from them, but it was harmless entertainment. Hubby and I learned a lot just from overhearing the tv as we were working about the house!

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