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Is it safe to

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No, if lightening struck nearby, it could travel up your metal plumbing pipes and electrocute you as you stand there on the wet shower floor (or are in a bathtub). Regarding the phone thing, again, lightening could travel along the phone wires and into the handset of a corded phone and zap you. However, it cannot travel to a cordless phone handset. But, if lightening struck a nearby phone line, it could cause a very loud sound to be transmitted through either type of phone that could cause you to have hearing damage.

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I tend to think 'no'.


Not shower related, but once when I was young, we were visiting a great uncle who sold antiques (junk) out of a big barn. He was showing us around and it was storming outside. In his office, he had a desk and metal chair sitting in front of a window. We heard a very loud, nearby strike. We later came back to his office to find that his chair, where he had been working when we came, had been struck......

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I stay off the phone, off the computer out of the shower, and as much as I LOVE thunderstorms, I tend to stay away from windows as well! We unplug our modem and the computers, TV and phones as well, if the lightning is hitting close.

We had a hail storm here a few weeks ago with hail stones as big as golf balls (never happened here before). You should see all the cars around town with hail damage. The storm was soooooo amzing though. It was so loud, we all went and stood in our carport to watch it.

I love storms!

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I stay off the phone, off the computer out of the shower, and as much as I LOVE thunderstorms, I tend to stay away from windows as well! We unplug our modem and the computers, TV and phones as well, if the lightning is hitting close.

We had a hail storm here a few weeks ago with hail stones as big as golf balls (never happened here before). You should see all the cars around town with hail damage. The storm was soooooo amzing though. It was so loud, we all went and stood in our carport to watch it.

I love storms!

Thanks for writing this. I always avoided showers/washing dishes/corded phones during storms because my mom made a deal of it. But it never occurred to me that the computer is a problem (duh...we even lost all our phones and computer modem once due to lightening but yet I never thought of it).

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A woman in our county was standing near the phone on the wall in her home, looking out the door, watching the storm. An electric charge came through the phone and struck her. She lived, she wasn't hurt so seriously.


I heard of a teenager who was mowing the yard, talking on his cell phone, a storm was approaching. An electrical charge went through his phone and struck him too. He also lived, but I would think his ear didn't feel too good.


You could probably shower 100 times during thunderstorms and never have an issue, but I wouldn't take the chance.:001_smile:

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