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Slow boards?

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They are taking forever for me too. I was just about to take it as a *sign* that I was meant to accomplish better things today. Then you posted this. :glare:

Hmm. Guess not. :D


Me too! I spend entirely too much time here! Of course, I get such great ideas!


The boards are very slow for me also today. I just thought it was my internet connection. Guess not.

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Slow here.


The other day I kept getting a "Server busy" message, and couldn't even get on. I ended up doing math with my child instead, :blink: eek!


Now, that is just wrong!!! You were actually homeschooling?! You are making the rest of us look bad.

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all those Yahoo Slurp Spiders?


If you don't know what I'm talking about, there is a thread that was started last night and moved to the "How to and testing" board.


It just seems like an odd coincidence to be so slow today when this was discussed last night.


Off to the Dr. Hopefully it will be back to normal when I get back! :)

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I have high-speed internet access and this is the slowest site that I visit. Around lunch each day, I had been visiting here but that seems to be one of the worst times for "Server Busy" errors.


The webcrawlers (Yahoo Slurps and such) will contribute, but not terribly. Usually the board software will allow for blocking them, but that isn't a good solution if the board owners want the content searchable by Google, Yahoo and so on.


The excess chatty posts, particularly in the General forum, probably contribute (and I am not suggesting that stop!) to the board slowness without adding homeschooling content to the board. They are relationship-building for the online community here, though.


Purchasing more bandwidth or moving to a server that can handle the load would be an option, but it will cost the board owners to do this.

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yes, it's driving me crazy. I like to pop on here for a couple of minutes here and there, but it's taking way too long for the pages to load. I have now started opening 3 tabs to different posts, LOL, so that hopefully by the time I am done reading/replying to one, another will be ready. :o

Here's a link for a quick pass time if you are waiting on the slow boards during your "break". :D


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