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Do you children ever disagree with imaginary friends?

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DD3 talks to someone. I assumed it was an imaginary friend or to herself. Yesterday, she was mumbling, and shouted out 'Stop It'. She was obviously upset but then went back to digging in the dirt.


I am taking her to the doctor next week, and a psychiatrist soon for different issues, so I will mention it to them also. (She is drug/alcohol affected thanks to her bio-mom) I was just curious if you kids do this.


Both of my older kids had IFs but I don't remember hearing them argue with them.

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Did you ask her who she was saying it to?


You know your daughter better than anyone but it *could* have been a logical explanation...


My dd (3yo) was yelling "stop it" over and over again today in the sandbox with her brother and sister sitting next to her. I said, "Excuse me?" (b/c they are not allowed to speak to one another like that) and she said she was saying it to the bee that wouldn't leave her alone. She HATES bugs! (and has thought from a very young age that they should listen to her)

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I know you're concerned for some of your dd's issues, but this is one I wouldn't really worry about. I don't know that my kids had IF's, but I did growing up. I'm sure I argued with her sometimes, because I likely took my frustrations with her over my sister. :001_smile:


I hear my dd playing with her dolls and sometimes reprimanding them, and I've heard the boys talk roughly with their soldiers when they were younger. I don't really think it's an issue.


I hope you get some good help for your dd!!!

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My dd has so many imaginary friends I've lost track. But they definitely argue with her and sometimes I am asked to reprimand them lol. I think it is partially an only child thing and a very active imagination thing. Also she will frustrate my husband when asked why she can't go to sleep she complains of her ifs. I think it is pretty normal but only you know your child.

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DD3 talks to someone. I assumed it was an imaginary friend or to herself. Yesterday, she was mumbling, and shouted out 'Stop It'. She was obviously upset but then went back to digging in the dirt.


Did you ask her about it? Some kids aren't having conversations with imaginary friends, they are replaying and/or practicing conversations in their heads.

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Two out of three of my kids had imaginary friends. Yep, they argued with them. There were even times when my kids weren't talking to them because they were so mad at them. My youngest has also been scared by some of the things her IF's have said to her. She had one (bad Captain Hook) that would also chase her around the house and she would come screaming to me about it! They just have very vivid imaginations and both outgrew it. My middle one that never had IF's was jealous that she didn't have any, but she just couldn't bring herself to make them up.


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My big girl has had tons of imaginary friends so far. One of her first, Hideki, fell at my mother's house by the swings so she called 911 on her pretend cell phone (hand up to ear and talking), told the pretend dispatcher what happened and her location, ran to tell us (we were watching from the porch) what had happened to Hideki and that the ambulance was coming, ran to the driveway to wave and direct the ambulance where to go, ran back over and knelt down next to Hideki while the ambulance crew worked on him then brought him back to the porch to sit him in a chair so he could rest and have ice cream. She had just turned 3 when Hideki's fall happened!


I'm pretty sure she's had arguments with her "friends" too....

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Okay, this is reassuring. :)


I did ask her if she was talking to someone. She nodded little nods, without looking at me. Like she was not wanting me to know.


I then asked her if she could tell me what happened...she just shook her head mildly back and forth.



She has selective mutism, so if you ask her questions when she is in a certain zone, or if she feels invaded upon, she will just stop talking altogether. I was surprised that I even got a nod.

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We have a house full of the unseen friends, of various ages and temperments. My kids talk to them regularly, which I have been known to encourage. My son in particular would most certainly yell at one of his unseen brothers that has done something to annoy him. I say better to yell at "Todd" than the rest of us! lol!

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