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What homeschooled children argue about

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OK, this morning at our house, we are laughing so hard.


Older demands: E, you're going to have to stop listening to that in five minutes.


Younger protests: It just started


Older continues to demand: When I get a new Odyssey for my birthday, I want to listen to them!


Younger strongly proclaims: Well, don't I have a RIGHT to listen to opera ?!?


DH and I: :lol::lol:


Other recent disagreements:

Move over, I can't see in the microscope

That's MY roman coin...


What about your house?

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We have a wide variety of arguments - some sound impressive, but some - not so much.


"Quit talking while I'm trying to do my math!"

"You broke my pencil on purpose."

"Who took the Iliad? I was reading it first!"


My favorite from my 3 yo -

"You're just doing that to frusturate (yes I know it's misspelled) me! That means the same thing as making me sad!"

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oh, your children argue over such petty things. Mine?


"Stop staring at me!"


"Stop chewing your gum so loud!"


"Stop making so much noise. I'm trying to concentrate!"


"That's mine!" "You gave it to me!" "No I didn't! It's mine! Give it back!" and on and on.



And I *ESPECIALLY* love it when they are bickering within seconds of waking up in the morning. Thankfully it's not often.

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Mine argues with the cats.



"Murray, you can't eat my pencil!"

"Velvet, quit purring so loudly! I can't concentrate!"


And then there's:


"Mom, Nigel is going to do my math today."

"Murray is reading MOH with me today. Better ask him for a narration."

"Velvet is dying to do my Latin. Is that ok?"


She's a nut.

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During school, it is usually always because of minor irritations, someone is tapping, we're not whispering softly enough when the other one is trying to concentrate, etc.... It makes me crazy.


So far, so good today though. They are both reading quietly, together.:001_smile:

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"It's MY turn to use the white board."


"No mom, I don't want to do my reading. I want to do my math first."


"I don't like this pencil, I want the pink one."


"I want to use markers, not colored pencils."


On and on. Same things over and over every day.

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Unfortunately ours are much less dignified. "Would you stop staring at me?", "Quit looking over my shoulder", "Who took my pencil, I had a pencil RIGHT here." Gotta love teens boys.


Oh no...I was hoping this would end by the time they are teens. :(


Mine are also less dignified. Today they have argued about big brother using little brother's pencil, whether or not math is hard, who reads better, who gets to write the date on the board, why one is looking at the other, BLAH! It never ends.

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Younger strongly proclaims: Well, don't I have a RIGHT to listen to opera ?!?



Demanding the RIGHT to listen to opera.... LOVE IT!! :lol:


We don't have that level of sophistication in DC's "back and forth" yet, since DD is only 2. However, she's gotten really good at pointing her tiny little finger into DS's face (when he does something she doesn't like) and saying "NO, BRUSSA - NO!" ("brussa" is how she says "brother") with a really cute toddler glare... She's definitely no wall flower... ;)

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These weren't arguments, just happenings while sitting in the waiting room at the dr.'s office. After both incidents, I thought, "Wow! Look what homeschooling does!"


Little ones: "Where are all the toys? They're gone!"


Older dd 11yo: "They were most likely acting as pathogens so they had to be removed to keep people from spreading germs."


Then middle dd (8yo) read a book out loud to the younger that was the nursery rhyme "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" ...to see what he could see, to see what he could see....


She promptly looks up as she finishes saying, "That book is really redundant." :lol:

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:rofl::lol: These are to funny.


The ones around here ususally like.....


"let me do it...I can do it faster....will you just hurry up"


"why does he get the _____? I wanted it."


"you pick it up, it's yours" --- "I wasn't the one using it. You pick it up" ----"Mom ___ won't clean up"

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[quote name=

We don't have that level of sophistication in DC's "back and forth" yet' date=' since DD is only 2.


Oh, we surely have our share of "whose turn is it, that's mine, he said squabbling," but his morning I thought - only in a homeschool house would someone demand their right to opera!



These weren't arguments, just happenings while sitting in the waiting room at the dr.'s office. After both incidents, I thought, "Wow! Look what homeschooling does!"


Little ones: "Where are all the toys? They're gone!"


Older dd 11yo: "They were most likely acting as pathogens so they had to be removed to keep people from spreading germs."


Then middle dd (8yo) read a book out loud to the younger that was the nursery rhyme "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" ...to see what he could see, to see what he could see....


She promptly looks up as she finishes saying, "That book is really redundant." :lol:


That made me snort - it's so funny!

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Mine call each other names and make threats in Latin.


He/She won't share (insert book)


Mine like to tell on each other for reading ahead or question each other about the other's assignments to try and prove the other didn't do it.

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