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More swim mom stuff, so who else has USA swimmers, or other year round swimmers?

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My youngest better known as swimmer boy has been in year round swimming since he was 7. We really like the sport.


This year he was invited to go to a Zone Swim Camp sponsored by USA swimming. He'll be going to the Eastern Camp. Sadly since he has a stress fracture in his leg he won't be doing much swimming.


So anyone else with a swim kid?

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My youngest better known as swimmer boy has been in year round swimming since he was 7. We really like the sport.


This year he was invited to go to a Zone Swim Camp sponsored by USA swimming. He'll be going to the Eastern Camp. Sadly since he has a stress fracture in his leg he won't be doing much swimming.


So anyone else with a swim kid?


I am sorry to hear about your son's injury. Being invited to go to a Zone Swim Camp is a huge honor. Will he be able to return this fall for short course?


This is our 6th year of USA Swimming with 2 years on summer league prior to that. All three kids have done USA Swimming but now we are just down to the youngest. The older two swim only for high school.


Hilary - Do you enjoy doing Stroke and Turn? In Oregon, Electronic Timing Judges have to be certified. My dh and I work all our home meets as ETs and several of our away meets. However, once in a rare while I find myself sitting on the bleachers at an away meet and I can't take it.:tongue_smilie: I am thinking Stroke and Turn would be a fun thing to add. Besides, I have to sit through those officials' meetings anyway and listen to the stroke briefings.

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Anna- When we lived in KS we lived in Topeka and swam for Topeka Swim Association. We may have been at some of the same meets. :) Now we're in Nebraska, but likely to move....again.


swimmermom3- I *do* enjoy it! It's an awful lot to remember at first. I mean, you know the strokes and technique from watching your dc swim. But you have to learn how to think about things. In the beginning you do a lot of, "OK, I know that wasn't legal, but why wasn't it legal?" You have to specify each infraction. Once you get used to it, though, I think it's the best way to watch a meet! Consider giving it a try! :)

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Here! :tongue_smilie:


We've been involved with USA Swimming for about 5 years now. 2 of my sons swim on a team, and my youngest (6) is working on swimming a full lap. :)


I'm a certified Stroke and Turn judge. It's the best way to watch a meet! :)


:iagree: The only bad part is not cheering your swimmer on. But I do like the perks!


We have been apart of USA Swimming for 2 years. DS swims for the Cincinnati Marlins! Go Marlins!

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Here! :tongue_smilie:


We've been involved with USA Swimming for about 5 years now. 2 of my sons swim on a team, and my youngest (6) is working on swimming a full lap. :)


I'm a certified Stroke and Turn judge. It's the best way to watch a meet! :)

that is cool.

Swimmer boy started when he was 4 turning 5. He hits the cut off great. His birthday is in the middle of the summer BUT the cut off is earlier so he is sometimes older swimming in the 2 year age bracket but that is the way the cookie crumbles. He was a natural at it.


His first year round meet he swam the 100 IM and won it for his age bracket. So I have a hard time remembering back to when he couldn't swim a whole lap


Stroke and turn would make me nutty totally nutty. I can tell things don't look right but no way could I pay that much attention to a swim.


I help out though for our home meets. I use to do hospitatlity and really enjoyed that, but now I usually do ribbons or some other mindless job. I do hate timing, but will do it.


at our summer league meets I'm clerk of course and I line up the little ones. LOVE IT.

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I have 4 in USA Swimming at the moment. They started almost 2 years ago and have progressed fairly well for how late we started. We have swimming from 5-8, 4 nights a week. It's my planning time, if I'm lucky enough to get the youngest asleep for a nap for the first bit. It's the only time I have to sit down with no distractions and read, look at a catalog, plan the next week or year, write lesson plans, etc.


I have the criteria met for a stroke and turn judge, but I haven't gotten around to sending the paperwork in. In fact I need to do that tomorrow. I really hate not being able to cheer though.

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I am sorry to hear about your son's injury. Being invited to go to a Zone Swim Camp is a huge honor. Will he be able to return this fall for short course?

yeah it is a huge honor and we were a bit shocked. YEs he should be able to return to some this summer, we shall see exactly how much he does this summer.



He seems to either be hurt or sick espeically at his top of the age group.


When he was 10 he got sick in Jan and was sick till April on and off. Got everything under the sun. He still made it to our short course season age group champs and on to Zones-probably didn't do his very best but still did pretty good.


Then when he was 12 he hurt his shoulder and totally missed the short course Champs.


and this year he was doing great and expecting to do good at the Champs meet. And in late Jan he got pancreatitis and was in the hospital for 6 days and out for about another week. He did pretty good at Champs meet but again you could tell he wasn't 100%. It pretty much exhausted him.


and now the stress fracture. It isn't bad, and he has been a couch potato per dr's orders for about 3 weeks.


he is going back in to the dr right before the camp to see if the dr will release him to do anything at the camp.

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Did he get the fracture from swimming??

We really don't know as you see in my other post about him, it is about par for the course.


He is my very active child. and is daring always daring. EEEK


The dr actually said it could happen just walking and taking a tumble

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We really don't know as you see in my other post about him, it is about par for the course.


He is my very active child. and is daring always daring. EEEK


The dr actually said it could happen just walking and taking a tumble


I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse. :lol:

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swimmermom3- I *do* enjoy it! It's an awful lot to remember at first. I mean, you know the strokes and technique from watching your dc swim. But you have to learn how to think about things. In the beginning you do a lot of, "OK, I know that wasn't legal, but why wasn't it legal?" You have to specify each infraction. Once you get used to it, though, I think it's the best way to watch a meet! Consider giving it a try! :)


I'm glad to hear you enjoy it. ET is fun in a sick and twisted way. However, last weekend I was running the timing console during the 50s and we were sending them off so fast that the beeps hadn't stopped yet from the end of the current race and the kids were already in the water for backstroke for the next race. I was so intent on watching the ten lanes and making sure that everyone touched their pads that I completely missed that Swimmer Dude raced.:tongue_smilie: How does one do that? And it happens more than I would like to admit. Stroke and Turn is looking good.:D


We were until this year. Ds15 switched to doing highschool swimming and crew.


We loved it and miss the team, but it is so nice to have money in my check book again :lol:


But isn't high school swimming cool in its own laid-back way? My dd was so fried from daily doubles and being exhausted all the time. High school swimming gave her back the joy. I would love for my kids to try crew; it looks like so much fun.


We are on 2 squads that happen to practice at the exact same time at the same pool - it is a beautiful thing...


You are one lucky woman!

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But isn't high school swimming cool in its own laid-back way? My dd was so fried from daily doubles and being exhausted all the time. High school swimming gave her back the joy. I would love for my kids to try crew; it looks like so much fun.


Yeah, he liked it okay but mainly found it to be social. After having so many years of intense coaches correcting things like your thumb position, highschool swimming was quite aimless. There was very, very little coaching on his team. Even the meets were very loose. There were so many infractions that were overlooked. It was frustrating when we first started but we got used to it over time.

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Yeah, he liked it okay but mainly found it to be social. After having so many years of intense coaches correcting things like your thumb position, highschool swimming was quite aimless. There was very, very little coaching on his team. Even the meets were very loose. There were so many infractions that were overlooked. It was frustrating when we first started but we got used to it over time.


That's how it was here too. It's not just the kids that have to adjust; it's the parents. One of the first meets I timed at, I missed the start of the race and put my hand in the air to get a new stopwatch from the head timer. My hand stayed in the air a real long time until someone took pity on me and told me there was no head timer.:001_huh:


However, high school swimming allows my dd to swim pain-free and that is worth a lot. My older son enjoys it because it allows him to be a bigger fish in a smaller pond.

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I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse. :lol:



We just had the team award banquet. the 2 other sets of parents with us, made jokes that they should make the most injured or sick award, we know our children would be in the running. It really is a joke about ds and another kid getting hurt sick, seems to never fail.


When I walked back in after ds's hospitalization the coach almost cracked up looking at me shaking his head, like WHAT NEXT.


I mean pancreatitis is almost unheard of in children, no known cause for it either

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oh and I just remembered this morning he missed when he was 13 going to age group champs because he was playing soccer at the church youth group IN SOCKS in the gym and he slipped and hurt his wrist bad enough we thought it was broken.


Maybe swimming. Or walking. :001_huh: :D


ETA: I've never been a sports person, so this whole thing is just interesting to me. Sorry. LOL

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I have a just-turned-10 yo swimmer girl. She's been doing year-around swimming for 1 1/2 years. We moved her to a new (smaller but more intense) team at the beginning of this school year. There isn't a lot of competition for this honor, but I have to say that was one of the best parenting decisions we have ever made.


She is swimming well (a handful of AAA times, even at the bottom of the age group, and consistent improvements), has made tons of friends, the other parents are wonderful, and she's just blossomed. One of her famous quotes from when she was about 5, when my husband told her to toughen up was, "Everybody knows I'm not tough." And that was true--she wasn't tough, but you should see her slog through the occasional 3-hour practice. She's turned into one more tough swim cookie.


This is my Chinese daughter, the one we had in our pediatrician's office at 9 AM the day after we got home from China. He examined her thoroughly while referring us to a pediatric neurologist and said, and this is a direct quote, "She may never catch up." :lol::lol::lol: I say now!


Swimming has turned out to be the perfect sport for her. She fell into swimming by accident, thanks to our neighborhood swim team, but I couldn't have picked a better sport for her if I'd tried. We also found her current swim team also by "accident." As they say, sometimes it is better to be lucky than good!


That was a long post to say that swimming has been a wonderful experience for our family. I am so happy that it found us!



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My youngest better known as swimmer boy has been in year round swimming since he was 7. We really like the sport.


This year he was invited to go to a Zone Swim Camp sponsored by USA swimming. He'll be going to the Eastern Camp. Sadly since he has a stress fracture in his leg he won't be doing much swimming.


So anyone else with a swim kid?


My kids are year round US swimmers. My older dd has aged out of her team, decided not to swim in college, but she is a swim coach for 8 & unders on a US team.

DS 19 was a US swimmer year round but is now teaching swim lessons and modified swim team (a swim team prep class) at the Y.


Ds 15, DD 12, ds 8 are year round swimmers.

Ds 6 has been swimming summer league since he was 4....he will begin winter league and year round US swim this fall. His first words were :Got Goggles?...LOL


I guess that makes us a swim family. It takes up so much time, I don't see how some families have their kids doing all different things...but then again, everyone doesn't have as many kids as I do.


Good luck!


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I have the criteria met for a stroke and turn judge, but I haven't gotten around to sending the paperwork in. In fact I need to do that tomorrow. I really hate not being able to cheer though.


I think you only have 6 months from the time you do your training clinic to get your exam and the apprenticing done. Hopefully you can still make it!


I sort of miss being able to cheer. I don't ever "cheer" though, because the boys have told me they can't hear anything but a muffled crowd sound when their in the pool. I miss not being able to show excitement. :)


But I've found that if I stay on the turn end I can watch the boys finish their races without compromising my observation.

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My youngest better known as swimmer boy has been in year round swimming since he was 7. We really like the sport.


This year he was invited to go to a Zone Swim Camp sponsored by USA swimming. He'll be going to the Eastern Camp. Sadly since he has a stress fracture in his leg he won't be doing much swimming.


So anyone else with a swim kid?


My ds 10 is about to begin his 3rd year of swim. He loves it.

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