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Wrong Cell Phone Numbers

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Someone put my cell phone number on their census phone. I'm getting calls over and over from the census bureau. Hopefully I've finally gotten the message that I am not the xxxxxx family through to them!


Dh has been getting calls on his cell for a rather high up person in the news. He's been getting messages from tv and print news reporters. He even got some messages from other high up persons. He's told the few people who have actually gotten through to him that he's not the person they think they're calling. But if you see a line in the news that "Mr. High Up Person has not returned our calls" perhaps it is because they got the number wrong!

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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:lol: I had some guy traveling the country by hitchhiking that was sending me video messages and things for awhile... It was sort of interesting. I was a little scared to actually respond (I did answer one day without checking the caller ID and that ended it).

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Ohhh, it's annoying, isn't it?! I got my cell phone almost 2 years ago and I STILL get calls for the same woman. She surely must have had my number before me, cause the calls aren't all from the same person. A college calls her. A debt collector calls her. A health place calls a man with her same last name. I once got a text message from a stranger that simply said, "I'm pregnant." I figured I'd better reply to that one, cause you'd kinda be expecting your friend to respond to that sort of news!


Thankfully I get few calls for her these days!

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My dd was getting calls from a school about a student. He was not the best behaved little boy and seemed to be tardy quite a bit. It provided her with much entertainment:001_smile: Finally, I had her return the phone call to tell them they had the wrong number. She was a little disappointed that the calls had stopped.

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Don't feel bad, I received this text the other day:


"U r a loser!"


From a number I didn't know so at first I thought nothing about it but then I wondered if it was meant for my oldest son as a form of bullying ( he is in ps) so my mommy gaurd went up and I called the number lol. It was some man ( not a boy) that was soooooo sorry cause he had the wrong number!

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Someone used our phone number to sign up for an internet download site. They were charging us every month on our phone bill. At first no one was interested in taking these charges off, as we obviously were "enjoying" the service.


Apparently, all one needs to do to sign up for these things is give a phone number -- anybody's phone number will do -- and then you can use the service for free.


I imagine there are a fair number of people who don't check their phone bills every month who would miss this and be charged for a long time.

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I was getting calls for a while from a nurse at a hospital trying to confirm schedule changes. She would leave messages like....Hi Lisa, I put you on the schedule for tomorrow 2-10, call me if there is a problem. She didn't leave a number so all I could do is call the number as it showed up on my phone.


When I tried to call and let the person know they had the wrong number, I found out it was just a general number in a huge hospital. Since the person didn't leave any identifying information, there was no way to track them down.


It took several weeks to finally catch the person when they were calling to tell them they had the wrong number.



I wonder how many shifts they had messed up due to this.

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Once in NC I got a call from a guy on my cell phone asking for a girl. I said "sorry, wrong number." He was like "oh, okay." He called right back. I said "still the wrong number." He said "oh, sorry." He called a third time. I said "DUDE! She gave you a FAKE NUMBER! She wasn't interested in you!" He said "oh, man, that's harsh." But, he didn't call back! :lol:

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Once in NC I got a call from a guy on my cell phone asking for a girl. I said "sorry, wrong number." He was like "oh, okay." He called right back. I said "still the wrong number." He said "oh, sorry." He called a third time. I said "DUDE! She gave you a FAKE NUMBER! She wasn't interested in you!" He said "oh, man, that's harsh." But, he didn't call back! :lol:


Yea, I wondered if the people gave the census a fake number too. But that's not as harsh!

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Once in NC I got a call from a guy on my cell phone asking for a girl. I said "sorry, wrong number." He was like "oh, okay." He called right back. I said "still the wrong number." He said "oh, sorry." He called a third time. I said "DUDE! She gave you a FAKE NUMBER! She wasn't interested in you!" He said "oh, man, that's harsh." But, he didn't call back! :lol:




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My DH got a weird text the other -- a credit card number complete with full name, address and security code. He called the woman and suggested she not send her CC info via text message ... what if he had been a thief?! :001_huh:


Hmmm. Wonder if it was an identity thief passing on the info to an accomplice?

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Once in NC I got a call from a guy on my cell phone asking for a girl. I said "sorry, wrong number." He was like "oh, okay." He called right back. I said "still the wrong number." He said "oh, sorry." He called a third time. I said "DUDE! She gave you a FAKE NUMBER! She wasn't interested in you!" He said "oh, man, that's harsh." But, he didn't call back! :lol:



My story is similar--except I was getting calls from the girl! She kept leaving messages for a "Tom"--telling him which bar she was going to be at, what she was wearing so "Tom" could find her if he showed up....I called her and left her a message that she had wrong number and she KEPT CALLING---she called and left messages that she got a new job, that she was leaving to go on vacation---I don't understand why she would keep calling if "Tom" never called her back???:confused:

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If I ever meet Peter Phillips I will stomp on his head and tell him to pay his darn bills.



Same here--only for Michael Davis. :glare:


Oh, and now I'm getting text messages a couple times a week, so this a--hole is probably leaving my number at websites.


It's about time to get a new number--but that would only come with a new set of morons/problems.

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Same here--only for Michael Davis. :glare:


Oh, and now I'm getting text messages a couple times a week, so this a--hole is probably leaving my number at websites.


It's about time to get a new number--but that would only come with a new set of morons/problems.


Google your phone number and see what pops up

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My DH got a weird text the other -- a credit card number complete with full name, address and security code. He called the woman and suggested she not send her CC info via text message ... what if he had been a thief?! :001_huh:


We used to have a 800# for our business...and we used to get elderly people calling --they would leave their ss # and would want a call back because they had not received their ss check!! :001_huh: I always felt so bad for them!!

The funniest phone call we received on that number was when someone called and to complain about their Blue Bunnie Ice Cream!! They were so upset that they did not understand that we could not help them!!:lol:

We disconnected that 800#--too many wrong numbers!!

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If I ever meet Peter Phillips I will stomp on his head and tell him to pay his darn bills.


Yeah that! Only it's Sean ______. We have finally forgotten his last name.


Interestingly, I was in the maternity store, several years ago, while we were getting these calls and gave me number. What I can only assume was his wife's info came up. The person at the register gave me the info. I almost passed it on to Sears, Citibank and BMW, but chickened out. :tongue_smilie:

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I answered my cell once and there was "bum chicka wa waaa" music really loud in the background. Some guy gets on in a whispery voice like they do in films when they want to be all s*xy sounding. When I said hello? He says "Hey angela baby"...and I said, "ummm, I am not angela, I think you have the wrong number." All of a sudden the music clicks off and in a normal voice he says "oops sorry about that!" and hangs up. I LOL for quite a while after that!


But most of my wrong numbers are people yelling really loud in Spanish. At first I tried to tell them in Spanish that they had the wrong number, but they seemed to get louder and more insistent about needing to talk to that person, so I think they thought I was lying. Now I just tell them in English and they hang up without another word.

Edited by bluemongoose
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