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S/O stressed out homeschool mom threads

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I just want to put his out there in case it helps anyone. There have been a few threads from moms wanting to make big changes to put the joy back in their homeschool. I was thinking today how I often look for a big bold change to feel like I am really fixing something, when what I really need are small adjustments.


We have a lot of joy in our homeschool. I work my kids very hard, harder than most we know; not in the amount of work, because we eschew busy work, but in expectations. They adore learning, and they are happy to do their work (almost always :D.)


As I went to get a pencil today, reaching over dd who was diligently working, I flipped it around, said "hiya" and pretended to be ready to stab her with it (we have a dark sense of humour here, LOL.) All of my dc started laughing, and I thought of how this is what it's all about. It is these tiny little things all day long that give us joy. It's someone exclaiming over a cool fact, it's me poking someone in the back as I walk by, it's my dd making corny jokes and all of us groaning. And I set the example. If I get up grumpy and am not enjoying my dc, they don't enjoy me or each other. That's a lot of pressure, but it's the truth.


What's hard about this type of thing is that there is no list that anyone can give you. What makes my dc feel connected and joyful during our homeschool day will not be what works for other dc (unless you happen to love mock violence and grammar jokes.) It's also not something you can buy or have someone else package for you or a blog post you can follow. It has nothing to do with what curriculum you use or what your homeschool style is. But I encourage everyone to pray each morning to be given ideas for little ways to make your dc happy. Not by spoiling them, of course, but by enjoying them.



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Definitely! It is the silly little things that make it all worthwhile, like forcing my son to put down the D'Aulaire's Greek Myths, since that is what we are studying for history, or watching my kids plant a garden with Dad, or saying "Stop reading so we can do school," or teaching them, spontaneously, how to play Chess, or discussing our collective nerdiness, or having them insult one another in Latin. Slowly, I am learning to chill and enjoy the moments with them.

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As I went to get a pencil today, reaching over dd who was diligently working, I flipped it around, said "hiya" and pretended to be ready to stab her with it (we have a dark sense of humour here, LOL.) All of my dc started laughing, and I thought of how this is what it's all about. It is these tiny little things all day long that give us joy. It's someone exclaiming over a cool fact, it's me poking someone in the back as I walk by, it's my dd making corny jokes and all of us groaning. And I set the example. If I get up grumpy and am not enjoying my dc, they don't enjoy me or each other. That's a lot of pressure, but it's the truth.:001_smile:




The main thing that keeps me sane (more or less) is laughing whenever possible. My dc are only 6 and 5, so that means that I laugh at a lot of stuff that I actually think isn't funny, just silly and immature. But laughter eases pressure and creates a bond, so I look for it everywhere.

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I didn't realize I was being silly during school on occasion until my dd (when she was much younger) said, "Mommy, can we do math silly today - I like it when you do it that way." I try to have fun (some days are harder than others, though!) :lol:


Thanks for posting the reminder!




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I find that sometimes taking a few days--a week off helps tremendously. It give us all a chance to step back, unwind, and gives me enough time to calm down and reevaluate what we're doing. Then I can tweak here & there and move on.

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There have been a few threads from moms wanting to make big changes to put the joy back in their homeschool. I was thinking today how I often look for a big bold change to feel like I am really fixing something, when what I really need are small adjustments.


We have a lot of joy in our homeschool. I work my kids very hard, harder than most we know; not in the amount of work, because we eschew busy work, but in expectations. They adore learning, and they are happy to do their work (almost always :D.)


As I went to get a pencil today, reaching over dd who was diligently working, I flipped it around, said "hiya" and pretended to be ready to stab her with it (we have a dark sense of humour here, LOL.) All of my dc started laughing, and I thought of how this is what it's all about. It is these tiny little things all day long that give us joy. It's someone exclaiming over a cool fact, it's me poking someone in the back as I walk by, it's my dd making corny jokes and all of us groaning. And I set the example.


So true! We work really hard and have high academic expectations, but we are laughing and smiling much of the day as we work, too. I love these boys and thank God often for the joy He has given me in allowing me to live this homeschooling life.

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