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SOTW AG -- Reassure me!

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I place an order for SOTW AG 2 this morning:001_tt1:, had buyer's remorse:eek:, and tried to cancel it. But it's already shipped! :scared: (Fast service!:thumbup1:) I've been giving myself a hard time about it all day. :banghead:


Could somebody please reassure me that this is a good purchase?:blushing:


(We're doing AO Yr. 2 next year...FWIW.)


P.S. Yes. It seems that buyer's remorse causes me to over-use the Smilies.:laugh:



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I like it. I am on my 2nd go around with it and love the reading suggestions, the narration ?s, the craft ideas [i done next to none, but they are great ideas. :D] and the mapwork. I really like the mapwork. I do buy the guide and then one set of pages for each child. It is easier than copying, and works out to about the same amount when you factor in paper and ink.


Have fun.

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I love the AGs. We have all 4 and have used the heck out of all of them. Now that the kids are older, when the girls are being uncooperative they get the review questions to answer on paper in full sentences rather than the fun, hands on activities. And I don't have to think of any of it! Love it!

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Well, you're are all making me feel so much better. :) I have a tight budget for homeschooling this year, and I guess I just panicked that I was spending my funds unwisely. :001_unsure: Somehow, I have to get over the idea that everything we purchase for homeschooling must be USED 100% and must be ENJOYED 100%. I'm still a newbie. I'll learn. ;)


Thanks everyone! :):):)

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My mom was a librarian, and I love libraries. I pride myself on finding the best books for everything. But the AG guides are better than I am at that. I say that somewhat ruefully, as I did not realize this until after I finished SOTW1. Some of the recs in SOTW2 were so good that I went back and purchased analogous ones for SOTW1 just for review. Now that's good stuff!

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