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I have two painful cracks on my left foot!

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One on my heel and one on my big toe. Putting lotion on them hurts because the lotion burns inside the crack because it's red and very tender and deep. I thought they would just go away on their own but it's been about 5 days and no improvement.


What else should I try? It's soooo painful to walk. My dh suggested Vaseline then put a sock on. Any other ideas?:bigear:

Edited by MissKNG
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Massage the cracks with olive oil several times a day. Cover with a sock or a bandaid until healing takes place. Pure almond oil also works.

After the cracks heal, treat your feet to olive oil and socks every night to prevent future cracks.



The olive oil won't sting??? The cracks are deep.


(yes, I'm being a baby:tongue_smilie:)


Thank you for the advice!

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One on my heel and one on my big toe. Putting lotion on them hurts because the lotion burns inside the crack because it's red and very tender and deep. I thought they would just go away on their own but it's been about 5 days and no improvement.


What else should I try? It's soooo painful to walk. My dh suggested Vaseline then put a sock on. Any other ideas?:bigear:


Anti-fungal cream. If athlete's foot fungus got in the cracks, they won't heal.

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I've had this problem, it has a two fold solution.

The foot has very dry skin, so getting lotion to it is hard. Soak the foot in hot water until soft, I use my fingernails and scrape as much of the outer dead skin as possible off, afterwards, while the skin is soft, apply neosporin (Yes it is a cut!!!) then cover the foot with a large bandage. Reapply medicine every night before bed.



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If the cracks are infected try epsom salt (yes, it will hurt) to clean them out or hydrogen peroxide. My son had a HUGE deep crack in his foot at 2 years old, and the derm. told us it was related to his eczema. He told us to put lots of lotion on it and then cover it with duct tape. It sounds crazy, but it worked and after a couple of weeks it was basically gone. It took a month to completely go away. The good news is that in 4 years it has not happened again.

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I've had this problem, it has a two fold solution.

The foot has very dry skin, so getting lotion to it is hard. Soak the foot in hot water until soft, I use my fingernails and scrape as much of the outer dead skin as possible off, afterwards, while the skin is soft, apply neosporin (Yes it is a cut!!!) then cover the foot with a large bandage. Reapply medicine every night before bed.




:iagree: Neosporin or other antibiotic ointment is the only thing that helps take away the pain for me. After the pain improves (a day or two), I have to use one of those callous razor/shaver things to remove the thick dead skin. Then I smear more antibiotic ointment on the whole area where I removed the dead skin and put on socks. After that, I try to keep heavy-duty lotion on my heels and wear socks as much as possible.

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I get very deep, bleeding cracks in my heels all the time. They are excruciating.

I haven't found the ultimate solution for the dryness issue, but there is a way to minimize the pain almost imediately. Soak the affected foot in hot water and epsom salts. Make sure it's very clean and dry, then apply a bit of super-glue to the crack and let it dry. The pain is instantly better, and walking is no longer painful. It will not solve the dryness problem, and will wear off with time, but relieves the pain for short term at least.

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I've had this problem, it has a two fold solution.

The foot has very dry skin, so getting lotion to it is hard. Soak the foot in hot water until soft, I use my fingernails and scrape as much of the outer dead skin as possible off, afterwards, while the skin is soft, apply neosporin (Yes it is a cut!!!) then cover the foot with a large bandage. Reapply medicine every night before bed.




:iagree: You need to get rid of the dead skin and treat the cracks with neosporin. In between applications of the neosporin or at bed time, I use a foot cream for dry heals and really slather it on and put socks on. The heat from the socks helps soften the skin and makes the cream penetrate better. My heals get really bad if I am not careful, so you have my sympathies.

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I get this too. Here's what I do:


1. After every shower when my feet are soft I use Bath and Body Works "Heel of Approval" on my heels and big toes, and "Shea it isn't so" on my feet.


2. I use a ped-egg to get the dry skin off every few days. It says to use it only on dry skin, but I have found that using it right out of the shower works better. I put the aforementioned creams on after I use it.


3. For cracks I have found that Vaseline and a bandaid right before bed works best. It is usually dramatically improved overnight.


I know neosporin has been mentioned, but I found that it isn't nearly as soothing as the Vaseline and the healing takes much longer.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth
I get this too. Here's what I do:


1. After every shower when my feet are soft I use Bath and Body Works "Heel of Approval" on my heels and big toes, and "Shea it isn't so" on my feet.


2. I use a ped-egg to get the dry skin off every few days. It says to use it only on dry skin, but I have found that using it right out of the shower works better. I put the aforementioned creams on after I use it.


3. For cracks I have found that Vaseline and a bandaid right before bed works best. It is usually dramatically improved overnight.


I know neosporin has been mentioned, but I found that it isn't nearly as soothing as the Vaseline and the healing takes much longer.


:iagree::iagree: This is exactly what I do. Sometimes I treat myself to pedis and the girl told me to put vaseline on my heels and wear socks every night.

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:iagree: Neosporin or other antibiotic ointment is the only thing that helps take away the pain for me. After the pain improves (a day or two), I have to use one of those callous razor/shaver things to remove the thick dead skin. Then I smear more antibiotic ointment on the whole area where I removed the dead skin and put on socks. After that, I try to keep heavy-duty lotion on my heels and wear socks as much as possible.


I was going to say this exact thing. My feet are in awful shape, constantly cracking and bleeding. When I get a bad crack, I use Dr. Burt's salve (from Burt's Bees, but I used Neosporin before I starting using this) on it, then cover with the requisite number of Band-Aids. When it's started to heal, I gently use my Ped-Egg on the area to get rid of the dry skin and moisturize moisturize moisturize!


Also, there's a form of athlete's foot that presents just like really bad dry, calloused feet. I always thought it couldn't be athlete's foot too, because I'd only ever heard of the typical between-the-toes kind. Google "moccasin athlete's foot" and you'll find some pictures. If your dry feet problem is a recurring one, you might need to treat the fungus directly.


If it really is just dry feet, I can't recommend a Ped-Egg highly enough. It's the only tool that ever even come close to dealing with my feet. It looks like suck a gimmick, but it totally works.

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Thank you for the advice! I went with the vaseline and socks. Neosporin gave me a bad reaction once so I'm not inclined to use it (or I'm afraid!) (like it was so bad that I had to go to the Dr to get it cleared up!!).


The cracks feel better right now and I put more vaseline on this am. I never had them on my feet before!!

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If the cracks are infected try epsom salt (yes, it will hurt) to clean them out or hydrogen peroxide. My son had a HUGE deep crack in his foot at 2 years old, and the derm. told us it was related to his eczema. He told us to put lots of lotion on it and then cover it with duct tape. It sounds crazy, but it worked and after a couple of weeks it was basically gone. It took a month to completely go away. The good news is that in 4 years it has not happened again.

:iagree: Epsom salt will help -- it will stop the infection. Soak once daily with warm water. Use neosporin OR the "cow balm" udder cream -- slather it on after soaking and put on some socks overnight to let your feet marinate. LOL :D Do this nightly for 5-7 days. Then 2x's a week if needed.





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I take Bionatures High-Lignan Flax Seed Oil as a supplement. If I quit taking it for a little while, my cracks come back. I take either a good tablespoon/day or 9 caps/day.


I have been taking Flax Seed Oil for over a year..I take 4-5 caps a day......I still have cracks. The dosage says 4 a day, so I figured I was over doing it already.......is 9 safe? Can you over dose on Flax Seed Oil? I would love the cracks to be gone permantly!

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I have been taking Flax Seed Oil for over a year..I take 4-5 caps a day......I still have cracks. The dosage says 4 a day, so I figured I was over doing it already.......is 9 safe? Can you over dose on Flax Seed Oil? I would love the cracks to be gone permantly!


For me, a tablespoon a day is what I need. I have literally squeezed out all the oil from the capsules :w00t: until I reached 1 tablespoon and that was a total of 9 caps. I would take 3 at each meal. Now I just take the oil straight, once a day from a tablespoon. It is cheaper this way. I speculate, don't know for sure, that you can OD on too much flax seed oil, but it takes way more than they recommend for dosage. Google it.

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