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Mathy people, check out what my 5 yo said...


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My 5 yo ds *loves* school! He is very bright. Maybe it's just me, but I was amazed at what he said the other day!


He had just built (*by himself*, using the pictures in the instructions) a lego spaceship thing. At the end of it, there are 3 circles with 4 smaller circles within it. He studied it for a minute and said, "three fours is 12!!!!" I said, "You just multiplied!" He has no clue what multiplication is, of course. But, he understands something of the concept, apparently. I was amazed. If he had just counted them all up and said 12, I would have expected it. But, to say that three fours is twelve was surprising to me. Now, I'm no math whiz, but he is the 7th child I have taught math to. I've never had the others do things like that. My dh keeps saying he is going to be an engineer, the way he constantly builds this detailed stuff.


So, you math people, do I have a budding genius on my hands or am I being silly? Wait, don't answer that. Well, okay, answer that, but *gently* please. (He'll still be a genius to me! ;))

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My #4 child was just like that. He taught himself multiplication by identifying patterns like that.....on window panes, cookie sheets, everywhere. He completely mastered simple multiplication at 6. He took his first alg course as a 5th grader. He is now an 8th grader taking AoPS's alg 3 and will begin 9th grade with pre-cal. While in no way is he a genius, he definitely is talented in math and understands it conceptually far better than most people.

Edited by 8FillTheHeart
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So, you math people, do I have a budding genius on my hands or am I being silly? Wait, don't answer that. Well, okay, answer that, but *gently* please. (He'll still be a genius to me! ;))


I have a son that did that kind of thing as a preschooler, and now he's gearing up to do algebra as a 3rd grader. After me applying the breaks for 2 years while his writing and maturity catch up with his ability! He conceptually grasped all kinds of math concepts as a preschooler.


My 5 year old DD was just doing this kind of thing today after getting done with Singapore 1 work. :tongue_smilie:I'm too afraid to just skip levels , and I really like them to know their math facts really well before they move on. I have a math degree for the record.

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It has been so much fun to read your responses. Any particular math program you would recommend for this bright little mind?


I am absolutely amazed at your dc who have taken algebra in 3rd and 5th grades!!!! To me, that definitely qualifies for genius!!!!

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I'm no expert, but when my 5 year old son told me that a few months ago, I had the same thought as you! Strangely, it was also 3 times 4, but with a different toy. Hold on tight, you are in for a wild ride.


That's so strange, my 5yo did this same thing, with 3 x 4, a couple months ago! Maybe that is just a common pattern? She's in the second half of Singapore 1B right now, and while she doesn't have all the multiplication tables memorized yet, she completely understands the concept and could calculate most any problem you give her.

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It has been so much fun to read your responses. Any particular math program you would recommend for this bright little mind?


I am absolutely amazed at your dc who have taken algebra in 3rd and 5th grades!!!! To me, that definitely qualifies for genius!!!!


I use both Miquon and Singapore with my kids like that. Either can be used alone.


Miquon is a program that only goes through 3 grades. I think it is fantastic for kids to "discover" math and learn how to manipulate numbers in ways that you don't realize young kids can do.


Singapore math is a great math program. I also use the Challenging Word Problems (which are no longer in print) to supplement. This is where my kids are doing algebraic problems at a young age.

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Not a mathy person, but I have a mathy kid. He was 4 when I watched him mumbling in the grocery store and counting on his fingers. I said, 'whatcha doing son?' He says, 'oh, just making sure that three 3's is 9.'


I about fell over. He is a 4th grader doing 5th grade math. He is also very good with patterns and legos and building things. He says he wants to be an architect...I word I am never confident I spelled correctly....

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My son recently did something similar with 5 x 10. He's very interested in number patterns, clocks, addition, etc. Since he's very young, with a very short attention span, easily bored and frequently wants to do things his own way - I've found MEP to be the best fit for him (after looking at and trying many things).

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Sorry wrong thread. I mearnt to start a new thread.

Hi, I have a 4 yr old(would be 5 in Jan) and I want to teach him the basic facts. He understands addition and subtraction already from talking about it. I would like suggestions for introducing the facts in a logical manner and gradually. He is no genius but loves numbers and reading a lot. Games, not work books work better. He has a few flash cards his older brother made him for starwars/cartoon characters and phonics that he LOVES :001_smile:. He likes Singapore eseential math. My friend thinks I should just move to the 2nd book but I am one of those people who has to complete a book to move on.

I would appreciate ideas on how to relate addition to subtraction and so on. Thanks

Edited by mombygrace
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I just had to add something else!


The other day my son was coloring this drawing that his older brother had done for him. The man on it had six fingers on each hand. My 5 yo son looked at it and said, "6 and 6 is 12...the same as 3 four's, eh?" Once again, I was amazed.


Just had to share. Those moments are so much fun! :D :D :D

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