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Handyman vent! What's with these people?

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So here I am sitting in my slightly damp workout clothes and pretty chilled. I delayed my shower because a handyman was supposed to show up at 9 AM to install an under-sink water filter and fix a serious leak in one of the bathrooms. We scrambled to make sure the work areas would be clean and clutter-free. Well, nearly 2 hours later, he has not shown up, nor has he called. This is the 3rd unreliable handyman we have dealt with. This is the 5th time I've been blown off and I am really ticked.


Is there some sort of handyman code that says a customer's time is not important? That one does not need to show up or call to inform of a delay? Are jobs so plentiful that one can pick and choose? I thought this was a tight economy, but you wouldn't know it by the way these men have behaved.


If I ran my business like this, I wouldn't have a business. People complain about "the younger generation and how irresponsible they are." Well, perhaps they are learning from guys like these.


AARGGHH! Off to take my shower.

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I have found ONE friend who is a contractor who is very reliable. I have also found a great plumibng comapny. They are a bit pricier than some others, but they ALWAYS come on time, leave things clean, don't mind my kids watching, and come on weekends for emergencies at no extra charge!

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I was going to post the exact same thread last week! It drives me crazy. Service people almost never show up when promised. And they don't even return phone calls! We are trying to get some work done and finally got a guy to come over and take measurements, etc. Almost 3 weeks and 2 phone calls later, we still don't have his estimate. Guess what? I've now changed my mind about getting the work done. We can put that money toward college tuition, so there! I am just glad it's not an emergency.


I feel your pain.

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While I would love to offer my money to local small business owners and entrepreneurs, I have yet to find someone that is reliable and returns my calls in a reasonable time frame. We end up going with a large plumbing firm here in town - not cheap, but at least things get done.

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Well, I just heard from the guy - like over 3 hours late. Apparently, he had the stomach flu and his wife supposedly was supposed to call all his clients to reschedule. He sounded very apologetic on the phone, but I am still wary. As my son likes to say "Experience has made me bitter and cynical." Don't know if I believe him, so if he does not arrive tomorrow on time, he is history. I do have a lead on a local homeschool dad (actually the hubby of one of my longtime homeschool acquaintances.) He comes highly recommended so I will see.

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I live in a fixer-upper and have had to hire many, many people for various jobs in this house. I feel your pain--I have waited many an hour for workers who did not show on time and did not call. You have my utmost sympathy.


In eleven years here, I have had two (2) who were organized and who showed up on time. One is our contractor (we love this man!) and the other was a house painting crew.


I ended up concluding that the myriad other workers I have hired were often great guys who did a good job but were either:


--Disorganized by nature. Often they are guys who are good at working with their hands, not with paperwork. They don't think the same way that I do (I am a decent administrator), but I am glad they don't as they can fix my house and I cannot.


--Truly underestimate the time it takes to do a job. Often if the man knows how to do the job, and the job is easy for him, he mistakenly thinks it will also be quick.


It's very frustrating. Hopefully he will arrive tomorrow and you will live happily ever after. If not, grab some chocolate and come here for hugs. ;)

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It took us 4 years....yes 4 years to get someone to show up.


All those handymen, didn't call, didn't show. 4 years worth!


Like the pp said....don't.even.get.me.started.


Work ethic, really, lack thereof, is horrendous.

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I have not had to deal with "normal" handymen for house hold repairs since I am in a rental but for the appliance repair guy or the cable guy etc, I start phoning them if they are 20-30 minutes late. I have never been stood up, and usually they are there shortly after I call them. I might be in their books as a big ol' 'B' but I have things to do with my days and do not have time to waste sitting around for them to finally show up.

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