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POLL: Effectiveness of H1N1 vaccine for your family

Was the H1N1 vaccine effective for your family?  

  1. 1. Was the H1N1 vaccine effective for your family?

    • got H1N1 vaccine, but got the H1N1 flu anyway
    • got H1N1 vaccine, and have not gotten the flu so far
    • did not get H1N1 vaccine, and got the flu
    • did not get H1N1 vaccine, but haven't gotten the flu yet
    • got the H1N1 vaccine, but some (though not all) of my family got the flu
    • did not get H1N1 vaccine, and some (though not all) of my family got the flu
    • other

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My son got the flu before the vaccine was available.


Dh was on the priority list and got the vaccine early; he didn't get the flu.


My girls and I got the vaccine, but by the time it was available the flu had come and gone in our community. We didn't get sick (although it's possible they had a very mild case at the same time as my son).


I answered your poll got H1N1 vaccine, and have not gotten the flu so far, but I really should have checked other.

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btw, my answer is that we didn't get any vaccines, nor have we gotten the flu...yet.


a friend said she heard that H1N1 will probably start making its way back through the South again soon. I really hope she's wrong.

Well, SOME type of flu will be back, and it will probably be this one. Historically, when a new strain appears, the previous strains go extinct and the new one becomes seasonal. When it will be back is anyone's guess.

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What?! Every single patient in your pediatrician's practice got sick with H1N1?



NO NO sorry not H1N1 exactly some had that as well as the flu I guess is the way I understood it. I do know quite a few families with children that did have H1N1 though that also use my doctor. But this year it seems like evryone in this town had some kind of flu. I am just glad we were so lucky. My daughter goes to a learning center 2 days a week and at one point in time there was only 27 kids in attendance normally there is 124. So it was bad this year here.

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My daughter goes to a learning center 2 days a week and at one point in time there was only 27 kids in attendance normally there is 124. So it was bad this year here.


Wow. That is bad!


To answer the OP, we got vaccinated and didn't get the flu. We all got the intranasal vaccine at the local health department.

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We all got the flu but it wasn't bad at all. It wiped my dh and I out really bad. It took us a month to get over ours. However the kids were a different story!!!! They got it and were better within 4 days with no ill effects.


Once we got the flu we didn't get anymore of the flu of any kinds. If I had to do it over we still wouldn't get the flu shot. Too much of a risk for us!! We believe in natural immunity over vacinations.



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We had "flu-like illness" in late October and early November. Officially we didn't have H1N1 because for that we would have needed a test and no one ended up in the hospital. But ds5 did end up at the doctor and I was told unofficially that he and the rest of us had H1N1.


We did not get the vaccine because it wasn't available until after we were all sick and better.

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I voted that we did not get vaccinated nor has any of us gotten the flu.


We also did not get the regular flu vaccine. I never have and I've never gotten the flu. My dh has to get these vaccines annually (military) and he's the only one that ever gets the flu.


I know we were exposed to the H1N1 because some of my kids best friends had it, they were tested and confirmed, some how we didn't get it.

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I voted that we did not get the vaccine nor H1N1.


We DID get the regular flu shot. None of us got the flu.


We used to get the flu horribly every year. All of us would get so sick (I took all the precautions one is supposed to take also, just so you know that! :D )! One year we got flu shots---and didn't get the flu. We've gotten flu shots every year since, and haven't had the flu since we started getting them!

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