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7yo DS is not challenged..

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What do you do? You can see his cirriculum in my siggy. He "hates" to read even if I let him choose his books from the library. He's not much for writing. Loves math but wouldnt do more if I asked him to. All he loves to do is play video games ( thanks Dad for introducing those this year!) I need ideas! And quick!:confused:

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Take away the video games! Or limit them to a few hours on the weekend ~ we restrict computer games and the Wii to no more than 2 hours on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. It's amazing how many things my kids find to do when video games are not an option: reading, drawing, crafts, outdoor play, board games, documentaries, legos, etc. Kids who complain about being "bored" are offered chores to relieve their boredom. :D



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Take away the video games! Or limit them to a few hours on the weekend ~ we restrict computer games and the Wii to no more than 2 hours on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. It's amazing how many things my kids find to do when video games are not an option: reading, drawing, crafts, outdoor play, board games, documentaries, legos, etc. Kids who complain about being "bored" are offered chores to relieve their boredom. :D




:iagree: We limit these heavily in our house as well. I will concede to Math Blaster a la Nintendo DS once in blue moon but that is about it.

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In addition to limiting screen time, I think you also have a personality thing here. I would give him a schedule and see what happens. He's old enough to have his own daily work checklist he's accountable for. That's when I started my dd. It helps resolve conflicts and works with the male personality. That's the next step I'd take.

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Here, no video games are allowed until school work is finished...not in the morning before school, not on breaks...not until school is finished (and even then, they have to pay me a ticket to watch it...they earn tickets from doing chores morning, noon, and evening). I think maybe laying down some ground rules will help you. My 6 year old doesn't love to read (yet), but he knows that it is required for school and he will do it. Same with math. My kids know that school assignments are non-negotiable and they are expected to be done with a good attitude. If they are not done with a good attitude, then they kiddo with a bad attitude loses points which removes "money" from his school store fund.


These are just a few of the things that work for us. It sounds like your ds is plenty challenged and maybe has just been allowed to take the "easy road." Nip it - quick. ;)

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Do you have my son? SERIOUSLY!!!!


Here is what I have done--

1--I added a journaling assignment--VERY EASY--although he really didn't like it at first (like for a month). Now he does it in five minutes and it is one of the first things he likes to do...I use Evan Moor Word a day

2--Make him earn 30 minutes at a time--and he can earn up to 90 minutes a day. I made a chore chart including schoolwork, eating habits, and exercises. If you want a copy let me know.


this system has worked REALLY well for us.

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We do have a schedule. He has a chart to complete daily before he can do anything for free time. We try to limit screen time. And we have CM shorter days so that he has free time to just be a kid and dive into his intrests. We allowed the games for the winter and only for an hour a day but when that hour is over he just sits a stares! He wants to do NOTHING> We have legos and an art box he's welcome to. I mean the possibilites are endless but nothing but the games sparks him... :glare: We took the kids on a feild trip yesterday and he complained the entire time that he was bored. I mean what first grader would be bored at a farm? I want him to have interests, hobbies KWIM?

How do I spark that?

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Oh, and depending on his reading level my BIL got my DD interested in the Pokemon readers in the Scholastic series if that helps any.


Ditto to that. The pokemon chapter books were what finally got my ds8 reading regularly. I wasn't thrilled with that, but now he's reading the 4th Harry Potter book (is on p. 350) and I couldn't be happier that he's finally reading challenging books for fun.


I also have one who LOVES anything electronic. I finally put a moratorium on all electronic media for several weeks, giving an exception on Sundays, started him on a more regular schedule (which is NOT my strong point) and things are going so much better. Homeschooling my ds takes a lot of work and patience and creativity. It's just hard with him. I think some kids are just like that. I'm relaxing a bit on the electronic media (I have to use the word "electronic" because he constantly reminds me that books are media, lol!) but it's on a very limited basis (like 30 minutes per day, every once in a while).


Find what works, even if it's not your preference (like scheduling for me) and go with it.


Good luck!


ETA: I just read your second post...really, my ds's attitude didn't change until I completely stopped allowing all screen time for several days in a row. He finally got bored enough to go find something to do that was interesting to him. He's built some seriously cool legos since then!

Edited by apmom
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Screen time affects some kids more than others. Mine find plenty to do when they aren't watching tv (which is only a few times a week at the most) but they definitely act differently after they've watched a show. They get cranky, fight more, and just cause more trouble. As far as something for your ds to do, does he like to go outside? That and legos or other building toys are favorite activities here.

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We do have a schedule. He has a chart to complete daily before he can do anything for free time. We try to limit screen time. And we have CM shorter days so that he has free time to just be a kid and dive into his intrests. We allowed the games for the winter and only for an hour a day but when that hour is over he just sits a stares! He wants to do NOTHING> We have legos and an art box he's welcome to. I mean the possibilites are endless but nothing but the games sparks him... :glare: We took the kids on a feild trip yesterday and he complained the entire time that he was bored. I mean what first grader would be bored at a farm? I want him to have interests, hobbies KWIM?

How do I spark that?


I have one son that wails when his time is up. Maybe you could have video game time after his school is done, but don't start school until mid afternoon. This would give him all morning to pursue something else.


If that doesn't work maybe you should take the game away - at least during the week.

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These are all some great ideas!


One of his big complaints is that MUS is easy for him. I'll try adding in some Horizons. We have 1st grade book 1. Another one is about ETC. I added today Spelling City games. He had to type in his list for the lesson he is on and then I let him play 1 game. That seemed to help some. WE are purchasing FLL and WWE for him soon so I started him on the free Scotts Forman 1st grade book. He HATED a small writing assignment they gave today.. Never thought of a logic book. I'll have to keep thinking for him. Thank you for the tips! Hopefully I will be able to carve out some time for him tomorrow and ask him more questions about school.

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Take away the video games! Or limit them to a few hours on the weekend ~ we restrict computer games and the Wii to no more than 2 hours on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. It's amazing how many things my kids find to do when video games are not an option: reading, drawing, crafts, outdoor play, board games, documentaries, legos, etc. Kids who complain about being "bored" are offered chores to relieve their boredom. :D



:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:we dont even have tv anymore. No video games! My kids now love reading, doing art and they are (believe it or not) more into school (but they will NEVER admit that)

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