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Guy at Kinetic just thoroughly TICKED ME OFF!!

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I have been very interested in Kinetic for pre-algebra. I called last week to see when they thought it would be released and the young woman told me "sometime in the spring". So I just downloaded the trial for Algebra I to get a feel for the program.


I have tried for two days to "authenticate" it so I can run it. I keep getting the same #8 error message. Checked their support site, did what it said, still nothing. Soooo, I call, explain my dilemma to "Mark" and he gives some general off the cuff answer and pretty much directs me back to the support files. Okay.......


So, I tell him I had called last week and was told the release for pre-algebra would be some time in the spring.


"Yes", he says.


"Do you know when?" I ask.


"Well, you've already been told, now haven't you"


$&^%*%^*(&(* Excuse ME??????


"Well, she did tell me the spring, but I thought perhaps you may have more of a definite date. I'm very excited to see the program."


"We don't give out pre-release information. You just need to check the website," in this condescending tone.


Sure, probably he's had a bad day, got up on the wrong side of the bed or something. But, I've had one myself and sitting here for two **** days trying to download their stupid program isn't helping!


He probably just thinks he was smarting off to one lone hs mom. Do you think he knows about the WTM Forums????? (Insert evil laugh here.)


Well, off to look at some different pre-algebra programs!!!



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I have been very interested in Kinetic for pre-algebra. I called last week to see when they thought it would be released and the young woman told me "sometime in the spring". So I just downloaded the trial for Algebra I to get a feel for the program.


I have tried for two days to "authenticate" it so I can run it. I keep getting the same #8 error message. Checked their support site, did what it said, still nothing. Soooo, I call, explain my dilemma to "Mark" and he gives some general off the cuff answer and pretty much directs me back to the support files. Okay.......


So, I tell him I had called last week and was told the release for pre-algebra would be some time in the spring.


"Yes", he says.


"Do you know when?" I ask.


"Well, you've already been told, now haven't you"


$&^%*%^*(&(* Excuse ME??????


"Well, she did tell me the spring, but I thought perhaps you may have more of a definite date. I'm very excited to see the program."


"We don't give out pre-release information. You just need to check the website," in this condescending tone.


Sure, probably he's had a bad day, got up on the wrong side of the bed or something. But, I've had one myself and sitting here for two **** days trying to download their stupid program isn't helping!


He probably just thinks he was smarting off to one lone hs mom. Do you think he knows about the WTM Forums????? (Insert evil laugh here.)

Well, off to look at some different pre-algebra programs!!!




Reminds me of dooce twittering about all her Maytag problems...

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Reminds me of dooce twittering about all her Maytag problems...


:lol::lol::lol: Seriously, social media is so important. So many companies just don't realize!


Home4school, I wouldn't let that go. I'd be calling back until I got some satisfaction, if only in the form of some kind of apology. I don't stand for poor customer service unless you're giving me something for free. If you've taken or hope to take my money, you'd better behave appropriately in return.

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Having been on the other side..... When you've had 10-20 people ask you about the release date for something, it can get tiring. It doesn't excuse him from being rude to you, though.


Probably not the same thing for that particular company, but from my experience at a my company, customer-facing people *can't* give exact dates until it's been vetted by a whole slew of other people, and by the time that happens, it's almost immediately posted on the website. Most of the time, I don't find out the date *until* it's posted on the website. Even if I did, giving that information to a customer before it's been publicly released would get me fired.

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: I'd be calling back until I got some satisfaction, if only in the form of some kind of apology. I don't stand for poor customer service unless you're giving me something for free. If you've taken or hope to take my money, you'd better behave appropriately in return.



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I think you must have spoken to Mark Bretl. He's the Vice President of Kinetic Books (and I think he's the developer as well). I'm sorry you got a snotty response from him, but I wouldn't let it turn you off from Kinetic Books. I would email Nancy Morton at nancym @ kbooks.com and see if she can help (or find someone to help) with authenticating your Alg I trial.


Regarding the release date for PreAlgebra, I don't think Mark Bretl was being coy ~ I think they genuinely don't have a firm release date, because the product is still in beta testing. I know, because I'm one of the beta-testers, and I just got my CD-rom yesterday. :D


KB is working to put together homechool-specific versions of their programs, which will include built-in, online, automatic grading, as well as a multitude of other nifty features. It will be much cheaper than Teaching Textbooks and many other CD/DVD/online programs.


Honestly, I wouldn't give up on Kinetic Books just because you caught their VP on a bad day. :)



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Home4school, I wouldn't let that go. I'd be calling back until I got some satisfaction, if only in the form of some kind of apology. I don't stand for poor customer service unless you're giving me something for free. If you've taken or hope to take my money, you'd better behave appropriately in return.


Just to clarify, she was calling about a free product (a free trial for the Alg I program). Obviously, being short-tempered with a potential customer isn't good business, but OTOH this guy is used to dealing with school districts, not homeschooling moms. I really think they need a dedicated customer service person answering the phone, not the VP ~ especially if they are hoping to move into the homeschool market.



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I think you must have spoken to Mark Bretl. He's the Vice President of Kinetic Books (and I think he's the developer as well). I'm sorry you got a snotty response from him, but I wouldn't let it turn you off from Kinetic Books. I would email Nancy Morton at nancym @ kbooks.com and see if she can help (or find someone to help) with authenticating your Alg I trial.


Regarding the release date for PreAlgebra, I don't think Mark Bretl was being coy ~ I think they genuinely don't have a firm release date, because the product is still in beta testing. I know, because I'm one of the beta-testers, and I just got my CD-rom yesterday. :D


KB is working to put together homechool-specific versions of their programs, which will include built-in, online, automatic grading, as well as a multitude of other nifty features. It will be much cheaper than Teaching Textbooks and many other CD/DVD/online programs.


Honestly, I wouldn't give up on Kinetic Books just because you caught their VP on a bad day. :)




Actually, this would make me even less likely to go back to them. :001_huh:

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I'm not quite as ticked this morning, but that has still left a bad taste in my mouth.


Yes, I'm sure being the VP (which makes it even worse to me), he gets asked a lot about release dates, but a little common courtesy is all that's needed.


Maybe we could write him a generic response and send it to him, before his smart mouth sends his company down in flames. I don't know, something as simple as, "Its hard to pinpoint a specific release date with these things. If you keep checking our website though, we'll post the information as soon as we can. Thanks so much for your interest in MY product." I could've lived with that. :)


I'm sure I won't pursue this any farther. I just wanted to vent to other potential customers of Kinetic about how rude their CS can be. I'll continue to look for another pre-algebra program, but I still really want to see this one, darn it. I hope I don't want to buy it now, when I see it.:tongue_smilie:


Jackie, the question he was sooo rude about was about the release of the pre-algebra program, something I was thinking of buying. Well, now I just have to know, what do you think of the pre-algebra? Scope wise, how would you compare it to TT?


Thanks for listening ladies!



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"Well, you've already been told, now haven't you"


I don't see this as coy. I see it as condescending and just plain obnoxious. I'd rather have been given a direct answer in a crabby voice than be asked a pseudo question like that. That'd be a dealbreaker for me.

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I don't see this as coy. I see it as condescending and just plain obnoxious. I'd rather have been given a direct answer in a crabby voice than be asked a pseudo question like that. That'd be a dealbreaker for me.


:iagree: I would not spend my money with a company that has treated me that way. There are plenty of other curricula to choose from.

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:iagree: I would not spend my money with a company that has treated me that way. There are plenty of other curricula to choose from.




Especially knowing it was probably the VP.


I don't care if it is a free product--if he's not willing to work a bit to make me a customer, what's to make me think he'll take care of me after he's got my money?

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Having been on the other side..... When you've had 10-20 people ask you about the release date for something, it can get tiring. It doesn't excuse him from being rude to you, though.


Probably not the same thing for that particular company, but from my experience at a my company, customer-facing people *can't* give exact dates until it's been vetted by a whole slew of other people, and by the time that happens, it's almost immediately posted on the website. Most of the time, I don't find out the date *until* it's posted on the website. Even if I did, giving that information to a customer before it's been publicly released would get me fired.

Yes, but the problem isn't that she wasn't given a release date--the problem is how the message was conveyed to her. A polite reiteration of the original message, "we just don't know still, please continue to check the website." could have been polite, and still answered the question. Better yet, why don't they offer an email list for people who'd like to be updated?

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