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S/O: Who is Tom Brokaw's keeper?

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Keeper #1: How should we dress Tom tonight?

Keeper #2: I dunno.

Keeper #1: Wait! I got it! You're gonna love this! This is the Olympics, right? So let's dress him in a way that evokes an image of the three types of medals which will be awarded during the games!

Keeper #2: Yeah, that's the ticket! But what do we have in those colors? What are they?

Keeper #1: Well, there's gold! Remember that tie he wore back in 1972? Didn't it have gold stripes in it?

Keeper #2: And we have a bronze sport coat!

Keeper #1: That leaves silver. I can't think of anything in silver...

Keeper #2: I got it! This is GREAT! Tom's HAIR is silver!!

Keeper #1: Perfect! I'm sure they'll give us a BIG raise for this! Let's git 'r done!



Edited by RegGuheert
Added the script.
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And to signify the agelessness of the Olympics, let's pump the poor man full of Botox! Sure, he'll barely be recognizable, but we can sure get rid of those wrinkles!


(Oooh, he needs a handkerchief. Anybody got one? Hm, purple and yellow? Oh, sure, that'll go with navy, bronze, and gold just perfectly!)

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:rant: Has no one else ever noticed that stars, celebraties, politicians and just about everyone else in the public eye frequently wear the most atrocious things. Or they dye or cut their hair in the most unbecoming colors and styles. I always wonder, don't these people have assistants that they pay good money to help them with these things? Have they no friends? How is it that no one tells these people that, "I am sorry but that look just doesn't work for you or perhaps is not appropriate for the occassion."


One particular thing I notice is that many women with naturally very dark hair try to go blond and end up with a strange orangish colored hair that not only looks horrible in itself but also washes out their complexion completely and then they leave it that way. Do they not have anyone in their life that says, "Sorry hon, but that just looks horrible." Or is it just that no one cares?


You know in Hollywood, you can over look it to a certain extent (although I still believe that it has to be that these people have no idea how bad they look) but it politics and business it simply is not acceptable.


During the recent State of the Union Address, the entire family had a hard time paying attention to the actual words because we were so incredulous at how badly everyone was dressed, men and women alike. I saw several high powered women wearing lime green, chartruese, periwinkle and various other Easter egg colors. Men were wearing the same color shirts and ties. And then there were all the women in fushia, purple, huge multicolor prints. What in the heck? Hello people, this is the State of the Union Address not church.


When I was learning to dress for the business world there were three acceptable choices for men suits - navy, black and charchol. If you had a particular coloring you might could have pulled off a very subdued darker heathered brown. In some tropical climates maybe a cream, beige or linen color. Shirts were white, blue or some combination thereof. Somewhere along the line a very light conservative yellow became acceptable. Ties were some shade of red, blue or yellow/gold, period.


A high powered woman could wear navy, black, charchol, red or a subdued somber color like a dark hunter green. If you were a woman of color you could pull off the bright yellow or royal blue. Blouses were always white, cream or blue with the exception of the two colors above which could also be worn with a black blouse. That was it.


Granted now days, there is a larger array of acceptable choices but it seems that people just wear whatever the heck they want and who even cares if it matches, looks appropriate, looks good on them, covers everything that needs covering or any other criteria at all. Someone needs to send a copy of Dress for Success to everyone in Washington D.C. post haste.


I suppose this is a pet peeve of mine. I guess I expect some minimum level of competence from business and political figures and one of those is the ability to dress appropriately. :rant:

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:rant: Has no one else ever noticed that stars, celebrities, politicians and just about everyone else in the public eye frequently wear the most atrocious things. Or they dye or cut their hair in the most unbecoming colors and styles. I always wonder, don't these people have assistants that they pay good money to help them with these things? Have they no friends? How is it that no one tells these people that, "I am sorry but that look just doesn't work for you or perhaps is not appropriate for the occasion."



Yes, and its likely the underpaid, harassed, on call 24/7, cell phone ducking assistant that assured them they looked wonderful, and laughed their butts off as the 'star' walked out the door. :tongue_smilie:

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