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One Tues. my dh was told he needed surgery. Today he is having it.

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Is that not unbelievable? I've never heard of such a speedy call for surgery.


Anyway, I was not allowed to stay.


And they said he was having bi-lateral hernia (he had no idea it was both sides). I hope they clarify that with the doctor before he starts.


Hopefully it's day surgery and he's home this afternoon.


I wonder if I'll get any school done with the kiddies?


Just rambling.

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I had that a number of years ago -- I was home in a couple of days and the most important was that I rested......really stayed off my feet and rested so as to allow complete healing.


I'm not even sure if he'll really have bi-lateral or one side. He can only remember the doctor talking about one side and he only has pain on one side.


Rest is very important. That must have been hard for you, a mom. (I remember how it was after my hysterectomy there years ago.)


I can't wait until the hospital calls to tell me he's out of surgery.

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I'm right there with you! Last Wednesday night I took DH to the ER, and they did surgery on him last Friday. We are just now getting back to some kind of normal. :grouphug:


Crazy isn't it. Couple that with my dh's new state of unemployment and . . . I can't believe I'm holding it together as well as I am.

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Rose, I'm not sure this is the same type that your husband has but thought I would share what my Dad went through.


Dad (72) had hernia surgery a year ago. The doctor said that he had about 12 inches of bowel in his scrotum. Um, yeah! It is apparently more life threatening than my dad realized and he is lucky that strangulation didn't occur. The surgery lasted twice as long as originally planned for (4hrs vs. 2hrs). They had to put in a mesh and even with that they are not sure it will last. My Dad has worked hard all his life and it is hard for him to not be as physical as he used to.


My dad had bi-pass surgery just 2 months before and they were all on pins and needles knowing that he needed the hernia surgery but waiting for his heart to heal. Dad said the pain from the hernia surgery was much worse than the bi-pass surgery. He took more pain pills after the hernia repair. Also, he wasn't able to lift anything for awhile or drive.


I hope things go well for your hubby. I know this is a time of uncertainty.



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I hope he has a smooth recovery, and finds employment soon. :grouphug:



It's a shock when it all goes so fast. My dad went in for an outpatient test, and an hour later was in emergency surgery. The Dr. called my mom (my dad had gone by himself to have the test done) and told her they were taking my dad to surgery, and that he was amazed that my dad was still alive. That was a dizzy day.

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My husband had a hernia surgery last October. Once those things become inflammed, it is definitely a "rush" type situation. My dh went in to the doctor on a Thursday evening and was in surgery by 2pm Friday afternoon. He also had to spend the night at the hospital with IV pain medication before the surgery. He was in a lot of pain.


I hope your dh comes through well and recovers quickly!

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My hubby has had a bi-lateral surgery and then a second surgury on one side. He was in a lot of pain for at least a week afterwards. Constant heavy duty pain meds and no more walking that to the bathroom and back. They inserted mesh but said that is no guarantee he won't ever have anymore problems. Make sure to have some milk of magnesia available because pain meds can cause constipation and they don't want the straining at all. Be prepared to wait on him hand and foot for quite awhile but he should come through the surgery and recover just fine. :grouphug:

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