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seeing lights and stuff

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Ok, last night I was sitting at dinner and out of the corner of my eye I saw a bright flash of light. Of course no one else saw it. I get migraines and the occasional ocular ones that are painless but I go blind in spots with bright flashing jagged spots. They last about 20 minutes and occur about 2 times a year. This was not that.


I figured I was getting ready to have a migraine so I went and took a shower but nothing happened and I continued on my night.


Well, a few minutes ago, I go to bend down to wipe up around the stove and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a dark figure to my left. Like someone walking by in the dining room in which the lights were out. I jerked to my left and looked and nothing was there. Oh well, I ignored it and continued to wipe up the floor listening to my ds18 tell me about his day but then all of the sudden it was like the room lit up. Like someone turned up the lights and it got brighter. I stood up and asked my son what just happened. He said he didn't see anything.


So, what happened?

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This happened to me.

I went to the eye Doc right away because I suspected a detached retina.

It wasn't, it was something else (can't recall the name) that was not as serious.

The doc told me it was a part of aging :001_unsure: (I'm 45).

I'd go get it looked at to be on the safe side.

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That is a major symptom of a detached (or detaching) retina. It is very important to get it fixed ASAP.


There are different types of retinal detachment. Some can be treated medically, but others should be fixed within hours to preserve vision. The only way to know what's going on is to be seen by an ophthalmologist.


I'd go to the nearest ER that has an ophthalmologist on call.

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You have to see a retinal specialist RIGHT AWAY. An opthamalogist might or might not work. Don't go to the emergency room, call the local retinal specialist and tell the on call person that you have an emergency and need to be seen immediately. My retinal specialist told me this, and said that they can fix this if it's caught within 12-24 hours, but not beyond that. Hurry!

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I'm more inclined to suggest that you trust your own intuition about it, and while it could be a physical condition, and you should perhaps check it out medically....there are thousands, perhaps millions of people on the planet who can see or sense light and beings on other planes that most people just can't see. Including Christians. It's not normal but it's not so rare either. I think we all have the potential.

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You haven't posted again; I hope you are ok. My mom just had something happen like this night before last. She saw arcs of light flashing across her left eye. She called the advice nurse, who asked a big series of questions, such as, do you have pain? Do you see "floaters"? and a bunch of other things that are symptoms of a detaching retina. Because she didn't have any of the other symptoms, the nurse told her it was ok to wait till the next day for an appointment. However, had she had other symptoms, it would have been important for her to be seem immediately. You need to talk to an expert about your exact symptoms.


For my mom it turned out to be the vitreous fluid separating from the retina, a normal aging thing, not the retina itself detaching. I hope it is likewise a nonissue for you.


Best wishes. And please post again and let us know how you are!



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That does sound like a detached retina. Don't delay getting it checked out. It's not too difficult to fix, and if you do have one and don't take care of it, you could go blind in that eye. Much better to check it out than be sorry.


Hope you're okay, sunshine.

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how do you get a detached retina? get whacked in the skull, fall down, or hmmm....yell a lot? gee, if it's the latter i may be in trouble!


A sudden blow is one way (I think yelling is safe, for this problem anyway.;))


But there is a slow and silent way. I am extremely nearsighted (stuff is blurry at 8 inches), which means that my eyeballs are elongated, and my retina is stretched a little bit thinner than it is for most people. I have to have my eyes checked every year to look for signs of retinal detachment, and the doctor instructed me carefully on the warning signs.


(OP, I agree, you should see someone immediately. Someone who will look inside your eyeballs.)

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I haven't done anything yet as it hasn't happened again. I am wondering if it was an ocular migraine. I have a call into my doctor. And I am trying to call an eye doctor. I hesitate because we each have a 600.00 deductible and the eye doctor requires payment up front. I just don't have the money to go. I will say that my left eye seems to be weaker in the vision area today. I called my girlfriend who has symptoms of Marphan Syndrome, she had a detached retina last year and her 13 year old had one last month. It is a symptom of their syndrome. She asked me alot of questions and said it didn't sound like either her or her son's symptoms when their retinas detached.


With the pressure that was in my head at the same time I have a feeling it is neurological. I have loud ringing in my ears too. As soon as I can get someone to see me I will post back. Thank you all so much.

Edited by sunshine
spelling, the bane of my existence.
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With the pressure that was in my head at the same time I have a feeling it is neurological. I have loud ringing in my ears too. As soon as I can get someone to see me I will post back. Thank you all so much.


All 3 of these symptoms are very indicative of Pseudo-Tumor Cerebri/IIH (which seems especially common in people with a history of migraines!) -- Here's a list of other possible symptoms, you might also check out the Intracranial Hypertension Foundation. I would ask a neurologist about testing for this specifically because it's not something that many doctors, especially older doctors, are aware of, yet it seems to be on the rise. When I was first diagnosed, the weird visual symptoms were our first clue (I've always had headaches but had been told they were migraines) & I went through months of testing with various physicians to pinpoint the problem.

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