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30 Day Shred users - may I ask how old you are?

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I've been looking at this video for a year at least, and I kept deciding against it because of my age and fitness level. Then I read a post on Collage Video from a woman (quite a bit older than I) who regularly uses advanced videos and is happy with herself for doing them *at her own level*. And then, of course, I read all these happy reports from those who are doing it here. I KNOW it has great reviews and Jillian is a professional who changes people's lives when they follow the plan . . .

I have a trick knee that does improve with regular exercise and I'm 43 -- 20-30 lbs overweight . . .

Would I be crazy to try it?

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I'm 43 & about 15-20 lbs over. :)



In another thread I recently reported I was 43 & then corrected myself to say I'd recently turned 44. Well, I just did the math. I really am 43. (and really, I can add! I just don't remember my age very well. I was born in Jan of 1967. Can you tell we don't make a big deal of age or birthdays :lol:)

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I am 32. It IS a hard workout. There are a lot of high impact exercises such as jumping jacks, jumping your legs into your chest and back out while in plank, lots of squats, etc. So, the only reason I wouldn't give it a try if I were you is if these types of things would aggravate your knee. Otherwise, why not?!?! I really thought I was going to die the first day but I survived and am on day 14:) The good thing about it is that it is only 20 minutes....I keep telling myself that while I am doing it!

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I'll answer...I'm 34 and a mom of 3 dc. I'm not so much overweight (maybe 5lbs?) but COMPLETELY out of shape...I'm a small person but I realized I was huffing and puffing alot and it kind of made me disgusted with myself. My sister is a smoker and she doens't huff and puff like me. :tongue_smilie: I'm on my 3rd week of Shred, buut completely at my own "level". I've only missed 2 days, but I have to do it when my kids are up since the thumping and jumping around would surely wake the 2 yo. SO there's a lot of stopping and starting...and I sometimes just don't finish the last few exercises in a set b/c I'm completely dying!

So consider giving it a try...I loathe exercise...but I'm always glad I did....like later when I'm sitting on the sofa!



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I'm 31 and 15 lbs. overweight. It is hard on my knees, but so is all the extra weight I'm carrying around.


No, you wouldn't be crazy to try it. It's REALLY hard at first, it took me a few weeks to be able to completely do the whole level. But it's very satisfying the first day that you get through it all the way. Your body will quickly adapt and you'll be buzzing through it in no time! Commit to a week and see how you feel, you'll be amazed.

Edited by BigMamaBird
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I'll be 40 next month.


The first time I tried the shred was last summer. I had not worked out in 4 years. I was in terrible shape. I did the video and was so sore and just felt awful so I put the video on the shelf and took up a walking routine for about a month. Then moved up to a walk/jog. Then finally got the Shred back out.


It made me sweat but not hurt. The walking really helps to strength my core (abs and lower back) It helped strengthen my legs.


If I would of stuck with just the shred without any prior exercise. I would of injured my self.


Oh, and I was probably about 15 pounds over weight last summer.


If I had prior knee injury, I would suggest walking or yoga. Some type of exercise to strength the knee before attempting phase 1 (which starts out with if I remember about 2 minutes of jumping jacks)


Good Luck! You will love your body after doing the Shred

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I am 32.

I am overweight by my goal of 60 lbs or charts saying 90 lbs.

I do a lot of physical work and exercise every day. I run in the spring/summer/fall outside for 2 miles a day plus walk dogs. Run on the treadmill 3-10 miles a day.

I work in a physical job outside the home.

We also use different exercise videos often. The Shred gets done daily because it is short and the kids love it as well.

We do karate at the dojo 4-5 days a week for 1-3 hours a day then followed by a cardio/kickboxing class 4 days a week.

Physically I am very strong, can lift and carry over 100 lbs for quite a distance, have good endurance but am still overweight with severe arthritus and other health issues.

My heavy exercise load is what keeps me moving otherwise my health issues would take over.

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I'm 42. I am overweight - by a good bit. I just bought this today and will modify it some. I *love* Jillian and thought a good booty kick by her would do me some good. I might not do it every day, but will try for that and if I don't want to or need to recover, I will walk at the trail beside my new house. I don't want to injure myself, so I will modify until I can get to a level that can do the full workout.

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