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Week 6, Diet/Health Challenge check-in

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How did everyone do this week? I know there are some that are almost at their goals (ya hooooo!!!!) and some that aren't doing well.


I'm in the latter category still with the eating, but running is going well. I did a 7k this week, in addition to my other runs. Hopefully I'll push myself for an 8k this week. :) This is a new start with the eating, too, so hopefully it'll go better than previous weeks. I'm sounding like a broken record. :)

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This has not been a good week for me. I was down a little bit, but then I had a couple days where I did things like eat movie popcorn, which is like 5,000,000 calories. It was without butter, but now I'm just rationalizing... :tongue_smilie: And now it's pretty much a wash.


Back on the horse this week! I think I really have to add more exercise - yes, broken record here too! :rolleyes:

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I actually got in 4 days of jillian michael's videos. Some days I ate better than others. Super Bowl Sunday? Yes I enjoyed myself. I figure if I keep at it sooner or later I will be eating 80% good stuff and 20 % junk instead of the other way around that I've been doing all my life. Trying to remember why I am doing this in the first place. I read a book called the Optimal Health Revolution and it talks about how chronic inflammation is the key to chronic disease like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Lifestyle changes like exercise, veggies and fruits, whole grains etc among other things really are a huge part in reversing my risk factors for these things. It is a fascinating read and is helping me to see that a brownie now and then won't kill me but brownies for breakfast more often than not is not okay. We all know this stuff but it is a challenge to break the procesed food cycle and the bad carb addiction. So we have been more concious of trading out foods like white rice for brown. Putting more veggies in our meals. Losing the trans fats. Cooking a little more from scratch. Avoiding a lot of high sugar desserts. Increasing foods with higher fiber content. I've been learning about the glycemic index and how foods actually affect my body. So my mind is heading in the right direction and I am gently nudging the family also. Remember ladies.........we are a work in process. Changing something is better than changing nothing and as you have a little success it will encourage you to tackle the next thing on your list. We might not squeeze it all into the perfect day but if you exercised where you hadn't before and you made some better food choices then rejoice and just keep at it. Ruby

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How did everyone do this week? I know there are some that are almost at their goals (ya hooooo!!!!) and some that aren't doing well.


I'm in the latter category still with the eating, but running is going well. I did a 7k this week, in addition to my other runs. Hopefully I'll push myself for an 8k this week. :) This is a new start with the eating, too, so hopefully it'll go better than previous weeks. I'm sounding like a broken record. :)



Eating seems to be my greatest weakness. I know if I start my day on the right foot i do alot better. For me I have also figured out that the more junk carbs i eat the more I want to eat all day long. You feel like a failure on those days...........like you just don't have any self control. But I think for me I just start the blood sugar roller coaster if I don't eat well in the morning and then I'm just eating and then craving and eating and craving. So I'm increasing my protein and trying to eat the complex carbs in moderation. Congrats on the running. That is a victory. You deserve a hug.:grouphug: (didn't see a high-five smiley). Keep up the good work and don't give up. We'll figure out what works for each of us. Have a great week. Ruby

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I hurt my knee when I got hit by a car on my bike a week and a half ago, so I haven't been working out. I intend to resume when I get back from Estrella War next week.


I've come to week 9 since I started trying to eat right and exercise more. I was at 185 lbs. I'm now at 166 lbs., my BMI is at 26.7, and I'm 1 lb. shy of the halfway point in my weight loss goal, which is 145 lbs. I'm fitting into some size 12 pants, and I'm going to need a new swimsuit, because I got rid of my old one when it was too small.


Oh, and I rode my bike 12.5 miles this morning. Heck of a way to kick off a vacation!

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This has been a good week for me!


I started South Beach diet phase 1 on Wednesday and have not cheated! When I weighed myself this morning I had last 3 lbs Whoo Hoo!


Started 30 day shred yesterday (wanted to get over sugar cravings etc before I started the exercise) and it was a great workout!


So...if it all continues to go well, I might actually make my goal :001_smile:



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I've been doing so poorly because of all the craziness in our lives right now, that I think I need to drop out of this group :(. It's been hard to take care of myself, and I feel pretty defeated right now.


I'm so proud of y'all who've worked at your goals! Keep it up!!!

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I did Shred Tuesday to Thursday and took off Friday to get ready for the snowstorm. I just got the power back this afternoon so I'm counting all the wood and buckets of water I've been hauling up and down the stairs to wash dishes and flush toilets and all the snow shoveling outside as my workouts for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. My eating has been up and down. I did well before the storm but ate lots of snacks and not so great stuff while the power was out to minimize opening the refrigerator (or at least that's how I rationalized it in my head). Looking forward to starting up again tomorrow.

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Jennifer....don't give up! Even little changes can make a big difference. Start slowly and when things in life are less chaotic (although mine always seems chaotic:)), you can push yourself a little harder....I know, easier said than done!


As for me, things have been going pretty well. I still struggle with the desire to eat lots of junk food. I have refrained...but it can make me a little unpleasant to be around. That is something I am really working on this week. I have been meeting my fitness/nutritional goals (on day 12 of the 30 day shred and down 10 pounds in the last month), but feel like a failure in the attitude department!! If being healthy is supposed to make you feel better, then why do I feel do deprived/angry/short tempered. I am hoping this will pass as I become more accustomed to exerting more self control over what I eat:)


Oh, and I had to go swimsuit shopping yesterday as we are leaving for Florida next week. So depressing. I had been feeling good about my progress until I had to put on a swimsuit. Why are they all SO little?:glare:

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I exercised more days than I took off but I didn't always run. Two days I used dh's biking trainer. I know of nothing more boring! Even in front of the tv. I walked around the lake one day to access the ice for the next day. The next day it was sooo wet and slushy I htink I twisted an ankle. So I did exercise!


The eating thing - not so good. I finally have my index cards. I'm going to combine "Strong Women Stay Slim" with an old move the card thing. Instead of writing down everything I eat I'm going to move index cards for servings. I needed one more color of index cards than I had so I colored 3 cards yellow. Based on 2000 calories I'll get 3 servings of dairy, 6 protein, 8 grain, 5 veggies, 4 fruit, and 8 extras (fats and sweets).


I've also decided to give up sodas for Lent. Lent starts next week. I'd do sugary drinks but that would include juice. I'm not giving up my juice!

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still Shredding! I made it to level 3 finally and didn't die! But, this has been a tough week (that time of the month). I've alternated Level 2 and Level 3. Eating is okay, but I am not drinking enough. Still zero weight loss. In fact, weight gain!! Hoping that is hormonal weight and will start to drop off by the end of the week.

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I've been doing so poorly because of all the craziness in our lives right now, that I think I need to drop out of this group :(. It's been hard to take care of myself, and I feel pretty defeated right now.


I'm so proud of y'all who've worked at your goals! Keep it up!!!


Jen, I feel defeated, too, but please keep coming back. Maybe it'll be enough to help you hold on through this tough time. Continue in the tiniest of changes...an extra glass of water, going for a 20 min walk, denying the can of pop. We're here to encourage and support one another...even just coming and checking in, for me, has been encouraging though I'm failing miserably in the eating department (ok, ladies, I've actually GAINED weight...ok???? lol...I've refused to acknowledge it). But, at least I'm continuing with running, and you can do the little things, too.

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Gosh, I feel bad for the ladies from NC and VA with the snow, etc. My niece and her family live out there and she was saying things basically shut down. It's cold as anything up here in Canada, but at least when it snows we've got the salt trucks and snowplows out there day and night...AND, I'm dressed for it when I run. These past few weeks I've had a number of -25 runs (that's in celcius, so -13 or so with the wind chill), but it IS doable with the proper gear. But these storms are totally affecting your lives...so sorry!

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I'm glad to hear that so many have had a good week. And for those who haven't, I think 4kids is right, just make one good choice to get the ball rolling. Then make a string of them. I still haven't had a soda or coffee since Christmas day, I can't believe it, I feel so much better. I lost another pound this week so that makes 9 total. It's been a long time since I've had this kind of success and it's extremely motivating. I can't even count how many times in the last 4 years I've tried to improve my diet/exercise regularly and the scale didn't move which discouraged me. I think I've finally accepted that I can't eat like I'm 23 anymore. Even when I get to my goal I'll have to keep the healthy eating up or it will return.


I'm still really excited that I also haven't been feeling hungry. After dd#2 was born I went on weight watchers and did have success losing weight, but I was hungry all the time. I was eating the right number of points, but they weren't really healthy choices, lacking in fiber and probably vitamins too, so I was just tired and hungry all the time. Now I'm making good choices and feel great.

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I am on track in my 10K training. On my non-running days I do pilates or yoga. I am working on what food combinations work best for endurance.


I've got an excellent file in Word on this, if you want. It's titled Nutrients for Optimal Health and Performance: Half-Marathon Training. We had a holistic nutritionist who was an athlete come and speak to our running group last year and she sent us this file. It's very good! PM me your email addy if you're interested.

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