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insomnia - need some advice

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It has been just over 3 weeks since I had a good night's sleep. I am sure it is a combination of things, mainly stress and hormones. Whatever the cause, I need some sleep.


I've tried Hyland's insomnia and Calmes Forte. I've got white noise. Sleepy Time tea, warm bath, progressive relaxation, going to bed earlier, going to bed later. Just can't get to sleep, then can't stay asleep.


What have I missed?

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I am so sorry. I suddenly started to get insomnia about 1 year ago, having slept perfectly all my life. I attribute it to some financial worries and a huge move cross country.


I still have it now, and I have had to rely on Ambien, a prescription drug, to get me to fall asleep. I have tried everything: chinese herbs, meditation, relaxation exercises, etc.


I am going to slowly try and wean myself off it again, now that life seems to be more normalized.


Good luck. Insomnia can ruin your life, or at least your perception of it!

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I second Ambien. I take Ambien CR when I haven't slept for a few days all that well. It seems to remind my system to stay asleep. One night of it and I'm usually good to go. I have found that taking around 1500 mg of CHELATED calcium really helps. My body absorbs it better. Benadryl also works short term. i'm not a big drug person, but I had insomnia for around 3 years. Sleeping better now made me realize that I'm a generally positive person not pessimistic like I originally thought.


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I use a generic form of Benadryl. the "PM" versions of tylenol & advil contain the same ingredient (Diphenhydramine), but I don't want to take an NSAID or tylenol if I don't have pain (I want to be kind to my liver).


If you are not opposed to taking something not "natural" you may try starting with 25mg and increase to 50mg if necessary. Diphenhydramine is not habit forming.


You may want to schedule an appointment with your family physician (if you are able, have insurance, etc.) to rule out any underlying problems. Transient insomnia could just be stress-related, but the more one worries about it, the less likely it is to go away.


Also, it may help to keep a notebook at bedside to jot down any thoughts that may be keeping you awake. Jot them down so you can think about them tomorrow. I've also heard advice not to stay in bed if you can't sleep, but if I get up I feel less inclined to go back to sleep.

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Exercise? I don't sleep unless I exercise every day. A brisk half hour walk seems to be the minimum. Borrow a dog and promise to walk it. Better still, take the children to a park - if they are small, they can keep up with your power walk by running; otherwise they can run twice as far as you walk.



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