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Elin, Elizabeth, Hillary and so many other high profile wives

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Seriously, would you stick around to support your dh if you were so publicly humiliated? I think I might be missing that gene, chromosome or whatever it is that makes these women stick it out. I think the overwhelming urge to poke his eyes out with my own fingers would greatly hinder my quality of life at that point (or maybe, going after him with a golf club, etc). It would be hard enough if it was just us, but for these families, the whole entire world knows. I think, if I found even a moment of lucidity, I might wish him all the luck in the world, but it would be on my way out the door, kids in tow.


I feel so bad for these ladies and their kids. I really do.

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I don't think the public humiliation would be any worse than the private hurt. And I would hope that public opinion wouldn't be a sole determination on the course of my marriage. I think any public woman who is able to wade through the trials of marriage while at the same time fend of the public and press must be an incredibly strong woman.

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Of course, there's no way to know what I actually would do, BUT


I do not think there's any way I could stand beside him with a straight face and look like I was supporting him. I show my emotions. I would seek close friends and cry on someone's shoulder. I would not be able to make a public appearance with him.


I had a chat about this with a friend this weekend. I think I would not stand for public humiliation, nor would I allow his indiscretions to threaten MY health (my children need a mother!)


I'm not saying I could never forgive and reconcile, but it would be a long time and I don't think I could live with him in the meantime. And no, I wouldn't leave. He doesn't make enough money to keep up 2 households. I'd boot him out and keep the children in our home while he found a studio apt and a second job to pay for it.

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I think Hillary and Bill have known one another's faults for many, many years - certainly longer than the public has been aware of them.


You can love someone and not love their behavior.


As my mom always says: "You put up with the behavior, or you leave; there is no third choice."


They'll probably grow old together and play Scrabble.




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I think it would depend.


I keep framing it in terms of religious faith with Elizabeth Edwards. If she feels strongly called by faith and marriage vows to be at his side, and accepts the burden of that as something God gave her to carry, and feels compassion for JE, I have to respect that. I feel pretty sure that, even if I was positive that was God's plan for me, even if I was able to distance my own worth from his behavior and not feel like I had anything to be embarrassed about, I'd be crying my eyes out and so so hurt.


She separated from him last week, right? Has she spoken publicly about that?


Hillary...that feels much more calculated to me, and I think it was a MIS-calculation on her part. I think she is a highly intelligent woman who spent a large portion of her life supporting her husband's political career and waiting for her own. I think she thought she'd lose any chance at it if she was a divorced woman. I think all the stats agreed. However, I think a lot of the Clintons' voter base would have respected her if she chose to distance herself from Bill, politically and personally. She could have done so gracefully, and probably without even creating a big rift among supporters...if not while he was President, then certainly after. After all, it's not as though there are no children of divorce in their voter base.


I don't know what I'd do if it was my dh. I really don't.

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I don't think the public humiliation would be any worse than the private hurt.
But, I guess I see that as a double whammy - not only the private hurt, but the public humiliation on top of that? No room to grieve, keep putting up the false front --- uggh. I am not saying that divorce should be the only option, but to stand up in public and support the person gutting your insides?? Not a chance.
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But, I guess I see that as a double whammy - not only the private hurt, but the public humiliation on top of that? No room to grieve, keep putting up the false front --- uggh.


Privately, it would be impossibly difficult enough. But adding the public humiliation would be the final jab that would psychologically send me right over the edge; that he knew his indiscretions would be made public and still didn't care enough.

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I don't know. I'd like to say I'd kick his cheating hiney out THROUGH the door...(and I mean through, as in the door is still closed and he sails through like a character on Looney Toones) if for no other reason than he risked not just the life of the father of our children, but their mother's as well. For me, its more about what deadly disease he might bring home. The fact that he didn't respect his CHILDREN enough to risk them becoming orphans would likely be my primary reason...then I'd grieve for the loss of the marriage that I promised would be a lifetime.


Cheating is a Biblical reason acceptable for divorce. I think I'd have to follow through on that, if for no other reason than not wanting to die because he couldn't keep his willy in his pants.

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In my opinion, by the point it reaches everyone knowing I think the wives have already know for quite awhile and have chosen to look the other way. I highly doubt any of them are truly as surprised as they make it appear.



I think that is often true. I just wonder if, in these powerful famous men's cases, there are people covering for them. When it is a regular part of his job that your husband is jetting all over and coming home late, maybe it's easier to miss the signs. Especially when those around them may be in cahoots.

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In EE's case, I think the part where she was dying had a lot to do with it. In that kind of situation you're focused on creating as much stability as possible for your kids, and trying to get them prepared for when you're gone. OTOH, she's still not dead, so seems like she got tired of that and said forget it, I'm gonna boot him. I can understand her actions in that case, but I don't know if he had a record of cheating.


I can see staying because you don't want to destroy what's been built. But on the whole, I'd be kicking his butt to the curb and demanding the house and a lot of alimony! Unless God told me otherwise. But he'd have to tell me pretty loudly.

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