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How did you look for your orthodontist? I took dd to the orthodontist today for a consultation. They said she needed something--sorry cant remember what it was called--to help her bite. So she will need two different sessions, one for the plate to help her bite and then braces. So the first session will be around $1,000, then the braces almost $6,000!!!:eek::svengo: Does that sound right???


Did you call and ask--how much will this and that be or just go in and talk with them?


We do have insurance, but it only pays so much and thats it, so the majority we will have to pay out of pocket.

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Haven't had to yet, but will most likely go with (or at least check out) whoever our dentist recommends.


ETA: oh, sorry, I think I misread your post. You've already seen an orthodontist and want to find someone less expensive? I'd probably go online to our insurance company's website and look there for someone in our plan, pick one in a convenient location, and get an appt. for a consultation.

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dd 10 just had her braces put on today. Pink and purple. :D


In total we're looking at $5300 for the braces and an additional $700 for 6-8 months of wearing a spacer to widen her upper palate. YIKES.


First there was the consultation and casts were taken of her teeth. Then there was a visit to explain "the plan" for her teeth and the cost. Today was the visit to put on her braces. Next week Monday she'll get the retainer/spacer. AFter that I'm not sure how often she'll have to go in. I'm assuming weekly for a while. If the space retainer doesn't accomplish enough she'll have to have two teeth pulled.


We saw another ortho our dentist recommended but he didn't take our dental insurance and although he quoted us $5000 we chose an ortho closer to home and in network.


If you don't have a dental plan, ask local friends for recommendations or your dentist.

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I asked my dentist for recommendations and also asked other parents of kids with braces for recommendations.


I saw 2 orthodontists before choosing one. My dentist really liked him, I talked to parents who were current/former patients and I really liked the way he talked to me and my daughter.


Plus I found his office to be run very efficiently (ie: on time) and very child friendly.


I have no dental insurance so it is costing me $200/month. We are on year 2 and hope to have them removed shortly.

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I chose the orthodontist my dentist sent his own kids to. Also, the two hygienists who work there sent all of their kids (four total) to the same ortho's office. That was enough for me.


I think your ortho is on the high side in town, from what I hear around here. My dd's treatment was estimated at $4800 for top & bottom, two years. That is not including the X-rays, casts, etc, which ran another $240.


I would ask others who they see (even strangers' kids!) and get a second or even third estimate. Oh, and I chose to drive 20 miles to the other end of town to get this ortho, rather than the 'second choice' closer to me based on the recs I received. Maybe try increasing your area in which to look?


Oh, and my ortho doesn't accept credit cards (darn, as I get cash back!), but when I asked about payment in full up front, they said 10% savings off the top. Maybe that's an option to save a few $$ over time?

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We are on our 5th set of braces(2 more to go, one child had to have them twice). We went to the orthodontist our dentist referred us to and have been happy with him. Our first son's braces were $2500 (12 years ago), and our current braces are $4500. That does include all the x-rays, retainer when she's done, etc.

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We went with the ortho recommended by friends, parents of 4 children with complicated teeth. He lived in their n'hood and is conveniently located just across the street from our dentist.


$5,000 for everything. He's been following my older daughter once or twice a year for 2 or 3 years. That has included x-rays and two recommendations that certain teeth (6 total!) be pulled, but he has not charged us for any of that. We do not pay anything until he puts braces on, which will be this summer. Our plan is to pay it all up front, so I made a $5,000 FSA election this year (wanted to get it in before health reform reduces the maximum FSA elections). We do not have dental insurance, but paying pre-tax saves us over 30%. If he'll knock off 10% for an up-front payment in full, they're practically free!



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Yep - sounds about right. Our daughter just started.

We got two different opinions ( they had different methods of treatment - one wanted to do a rapid palate expander and Dh and I just did not agree with that) but both gave us a ballpark figure of $7000.


We did wait until after the first of this year when we were able to get orthodontic insurance - which covers $3000.


My advice is to shop around and get several opinions/quotes.

Some may have better prices, but some may have different treatment (that you may or may not agree with)

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Bite plate. I think that is what is ortho is recommending. Dunno that sounds kind of high.


My ortho broke it down into Phase I and Phase II. Phase I is $3000 for bite plate, braces, visits, retainer, X-rays, and molds for two years. Now, ds doesn't have braces on all his teeth, just the two molars up top and bottom plus 4 on the top front and 4 on the bottom front.


Phase II is to be determined. The trend is now early intervention to prevent teeth from being pulled and some other reason. Truthfully, I think we are done after Phase I. Braces are a headache. Besides, we have to save up for the next child!

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We paid $5k for braces - includes everything from the visits we had for free for the past few years monitoring things, braces, retainer, and follow-up visits until he refers her to an oral surgeon to get wisdom teeth removed. Our insurance maxes out at $2k so we paid the rest up front and got a 5% discount. We asked friends who had braces who they used as well as asking our dentist. I never bothered getting a second opinion as we were happy with this one.

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