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A Beka History


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Probably the reason Abeka History is not talked about much on this forum is because it is a textbook - NOT recommended in WTM. There are bits and pieces of history (nothing in depth really). I taught Abeka History for 5th grade and I was impressed with the geography aspect but that's about it.

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We have used Abeka history for 3rd and 4th.


When we started using it we were very new to hs and the decision to hs come on us in a matter of wks so I went with a boxed curriculum. About 3 months into our 4th grade yr I really changed things up alot. Added lapbooks and read alouds and hands on activities. Once I did that we loves it.


Abeka gave us a great place to start but I think next yr for us a literature based curriculum will work much better.


Abeka 3rd & 4th covers early American History and did a great job. They also cover alot of geography during that time.



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Abeka history in elementary grades is mostly American history; this is fine if you want that to be your focus in elementary, but others chose to cast our nets a little wider (like in SOTW). The books are good at presenting a squeaky clean, uplifting, Christian perspective of history. Some parents want that slant, others don't. The textbooks are colorful and nicely designed, but the info can be basic and (sometimes) bland. This could be easily corrected by adding in historical fiction, craft/activity books, etc. My biggest gripe with Abeka history in elementary is that many kids just get bored with it--you can only hear the same facts about Washington and Lincoln so many times without some sort of history-induced coma setting in. If I had to use Abeka history, I would probably be adding/subtracting quite a bit to make it fit for my family.


But having said all that, it's not a bad program, just a different focus and slant than I want to teach.

Edited by Zoo Keeper
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I have a couple of used A Beka 1st grade History readers I picked up for a couple bucks each. Probably wouldn't have bought them otherwise. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of A Beka's LA and Math, but IMHO, they are very light weight when it comes to history, at least in the early grades. I will use these books, but mostly for cultural education, ie. this is who George Washington is, these are our American symbols, etc. THey are not History Books. I think BJU does a much better job with Am. History in the lower grades. Although, with that being said, we dropped that mid-year because my boys were bored silly. We are now doing SOTW 1 and my oldest DS can't get enough of ancient Egypt.

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I used Abeka 4 history for 3d grade as our spine. We'd read a section, go over the review questions, then get a book from the library on the same topic to go more in-depth. Ds would narrate from the library book. We only did half the Abeka, just prior to Civil War. I had planned to do the second half in the same manner for the next year but was having a baby and moving, so I went with Sonlight 4 that year. But the Abeka year was one of our best and ds really got a lot out of it.




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Just a heads up that just because your state has a particular timetable for their public schools doesn't mean that you have to follow that at home.





Thanks for the note! My concern is the assessment tests...if the tests are all on US History and we've been studying ancient history for years, she's not going to pass!:tongue_smilie:


I figured I could order them, when the time comes, and preview them. I'm just looking for ideas now!

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If you like Abeka - great, but if you are only worried about assessments I would not worry. I know that from what I've seen of first and second grade ps classes it is Social Studies - not history. Fire safety, mail service, police, etc. I was going to buy a Walmart book to fill in the blanks for assessments because I was worried too. However in looking through the contents I saw that there was nothing dd didn't already know. I hope that helps.:001_smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello ~


My DD is studying the countries of the eastern hemisphere for geography and Ancient Civilization through the Roman Empire for history this year. I am using A BEKA Old World History and Geography as an overview for both.


ABEKA provides her with a context on which to base her studies as well as snipets about the countries we are not highlighting while reinforcing our geography studies. For geography, I purchased Discovering the World of Geography series of workbooks by Mark Twain press for actual application. I also use Geography Songs by Troxel and some fun games.


History is primarily reading a variety of books from each civilization. For example The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Pyramids, Exodus,The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt,The Story of the Greeks, The Story of the Romans, The Mystery of the Roman Ranson, Famous Men etc.


One additional note-- I tie her writing to the period of history we are studying, in our case IEW Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons. We have found this approach reinforces what she is learning and is fun as well as educational.




Dina :001_smile:


ETA: We select some titles the summer before to start her thinking about the period she will be studying.

Edited by Dina in Oklahoma
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