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Help me think of a shower gift for my future daughter in law.

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I have two showers coming up for my son's fiance'. We have ordered her custom Converse wedding shoes.. ( her personal style and what she is known for, wearing converse shoes ..all the time.) They are very expensive and the plan was they were goign to be her shower gifts. They are not here yet and the first shower is next weekend.

I was thinking I could wrap up an old converse box I have here with something inexpensive in it. Socks makes sense, but I have not a clue what kind she might be wearing. Besides socks were a gift I gave ehr a few times when they first started dating..and well,, let's just leave it at that.. I am not getting her socks.



I am also sewing the 5 bridesmaid dresses, probably a shawl/wrap of some kind for each of the bridesmaids, making her veil as well as the ring bearer's pillows. ( there are 2 ringbearers, both my grandsons.)



So busy I am and don't have time to do something terribly creative.

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I love the recipe idea! Sharing some of your son's favorite foods would be a great way to welcome her into the family.


:iagree: Sharing a recipe box or binder of your family's stand-by recipies, including your son's favorites, would be an inexpensive yet very thoughtful gift.


Another idea would be to pass on a family heirloom. I don't know if you have daughters or not, or if this is your first daughter-in-law, so of course you should take those things into consideration. But perhaps you have something from you or your dh's parents, grandparents, etc. that is either special to your son, or speaks to the sort of woman your almost dil is. That would be an appropriate and touching thing to pass on at a bridal shower. Wouldn't really cost anything monetarily, since you already own it, but could mean an awful lot to the young woman.


BTW, can I just say, I think it's very cute that she is wearing Converse for her wedding. I'm more of a traditional type gal, but I can totally see my stepdaughter doing this if she were ever to get married. I ordered her some Converse that you can only get at their on-line store for her for Christmas. She also wants to get a pair of the 'design your own' style. They're very neat! :)

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does your son have a baby book or a box of momentos that you've saved from his childhood?


When my MIL gave us my dh's stuff I had the best time going through it. She also gave us his baby blanket and bronzed shoe when our first child was born.


Giving something special from his childhood will be sharing your memories with her as well as symbolizing that you are giving him to her and not trying to hold on to him (which is good for a young, insecure bride to know - you can take that from someone who wasn't too long ago an insecure young bride :) )

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Please keep the ideas coming..I am reading and thinking about each one.


No, they are not living together..they each still live at home.


I have made Creative Memory albums for my son, but I am not sure I want to give them to just her.......


I do have two daughters who are already married..but it's been awhile and I am having trouble remembering what I gave them for showers..I think it was Creative Memory Wedding albums for one shower, but FDIL does not want one. I asked.

But I will think on a family heirloom, nothing pops into my head at the moment.


The shower organizers have asked for recipes and included recipe cards in the shower invites. Future Daughter in law is a vegetarian and not overly fond of cooking. We did give her a Kitchen Aid for Christmas and she is loving baking.


i was trying to think of somethign that would go along with the shoe theme since I am giving her the Converse shoes..

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How about a pretty ankle bracelet? You could get one that she could wear on the outside of her Converse sneaks. 'Course, then it might be too big to wear alone.


fwiw, my sil wore cute sneakers to dance in. She had frilly anklet socks on with her heels for the wedding ceremony then changed into white Keds that were decorated. She was married in the 80's, and it was the style in S. Florida to wear anklets with lace and heels!

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Don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but what about something you already have in the family? It doesn't even have to be that "nice" for it to be special. My husbands mom gave me some plates that belonged to her mom (my husbands grandmother)--they aren't expensive--things she would have collected inexpensively right after WWII--but they are very special to me. She has since given me a number of little odds and ends from his grandparents--some kind of quirky. I don't know the overall "tone" of the shower, or your relationship with her, or her personality, but you could be totally "fun" with it--maybe even consider giving her something that once belonged to your son--like from his childhood. It could even be something kind of quirky, silly, or a bit embarrassing. ;) Old photos are fun too. I have a friend who has photos of her and her husband lined up side by side at about the same ages, showing them growing up (like one of her riding a trike at 3 and one of him riding a trike at about 3, and so on). Maybe I'm a bit sentimental, but I like little things like that--they give me a little tie to my husband before we met and to his family. Plus, I loved my showers--we had lots of fun!

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You might get her a certificate for a mani and pedi to get her ready for her big day or maybe a massage to help her relax amidst all the stress. Or you could get with the person doing her hair for the big day and give her a certificate for that days work.


Or some sachets for her lingerie drawer.


Or maybe a picture of your son when he was younger framed for hanging in thier new home, maybe with a matching one from her childhood. You would have to work with her mom for that. Or maybe you could take the two to a photo shop and have them print the two pictures together in some way. You know, photoshop can do great things.


Or a locket with each of thier pictures in it. Ooh, I like that one. Wish I had something like that. I'm going to have to remember that for in a few years. :lol:

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I have made Creative Memory albums for my son, but I am not sure I want to give them to just her.......



My future MIL gave me a small inexpensive photo album with a few pictures of my husband-to-be when he was little, a wallet size copy of all of his school pictures including graduation, and a copy of a newspaper article he was featured in in middle school. It wasn't an expensive gift, nor did it require a ton of work, but it was personal and thoughtful.

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Guest janainaz

My MIL had our engagement photo blown up and framed professionally and put our wedding date under it (with a Bible verse that was on our invitations). I loved it and still have it.


I also loved the recipe box idea with his favorite recipes. I hated cooking when we got married, but I still would have appreciated that gift.

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although the recipe idea has merit, it can really backfire. Some women bristle at the implication that they are going to be the cooks of the family, and even more so at the idea that they have to cook what their DH likes instead of what they like. Marriage is quite an adjustment for an independent woman, and the adjustment should be her and his choice, and not too leaned on from in-laws. i appreciate the sensitivity with which the OP is approaching this issue.


My inclination would be to get something small or medium sized from their bridal registry that would reflect their tastes as you know them and that would not be too practical. For instance, we registered at Macy's and at Williams Sonoma. We had some practical things on our registry, and some luxuries. I would suggest buying some luxury item that you know for sure that they really want, but would be unlikely to buy for themselves. If they are not registered, maybe some beautiful, large picture frames that you know reflect their taste; or maybe just one, but with the promise to buy whatever wedding or engagement picture they would like for it.

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