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For those who use natural deodorant - How do you

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keep the sweating under control? It's not too comfortable when you've got wet underarms and it's cold, kwim?


What have you found to help keep the smell under control? What about bacteria?


Any particular brands that you'd recommend?





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A deoderant is not an antiperspirant, so you often will sweat with something that is only a deoderant.


The only natural deoderant I've found that works for me and doesn't give me migraines is Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Deoderant. I tried those crystals, but they are a major migraine trigger.


If I am at a certain point in my monthly cycle &/or at a big event where the temp might be elevated, especially if I'm speaking, I cheat and use a chemical deoderant/antiperspirant. Hopefully once I'm post-menopause, I won't need to do that anymore.

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I use Toms of Maine (the apricot one), and at first I used to sweat a lot. But as time has gone on, I find I'm sweating less than I used to. In the summer when it's hot, I still won't wear certain types of fabrics that show sweat more, but it's not as bad as it used to be! It's been at least 2 years, maybe closer to 3, since I switched away from anti-perspirants.

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For me, the only deodorant that does not "make" me smell funky are the crystal ones. I had to give up antiperspirants when I started getting severe, infected rashes from them (and that did not smell very nice - started smelling worse than me board name!) I tried several natural deodorants, and all of them except the crystal made me smell worse. The mixture of what was in there with my own sweat was not a pleasant combination. The other benefit of crystals is that they last a really long time.


They do not stop perspiration - only antiperspirants to that. Stopping perspiration is not a particularly healthy thing. I can see using them for a special occasion (but that wouldn't work for me:(). I do notice that it does not do much for "stress" sweat odor (if I have a confrontation or get very emotional.) But antiperspirants didn't do much for that on me either. It didn't appear to be bacteria related, but a different type of sweat related to emotional stress.

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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I have a crystal (Thai I think is the brand) and I have migraines. However, I have migraines without the crystal stone and have noticed no increase or change since using it. My mom would say the same. She loves the crystal stone and will use nothing else now.


I also like the Tom's of Maine products. I like the fragrance they have and sometimes will put them on after the crystal stone just for the smell (If I don't use perfume).


To prevent odor from perspiration during the day, if it is a hot humid day I might wash my underarms and reapply in the late afternoon for church or going out. Otherwise, I don't have any problems.

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I only sweat really bad under the arms if I'm physically working hard (like yard work, etc.) Otherwise, it just gets damp and I'm ok with that. I've found that as I stopped using store-bought 'deodorant', even the natural kind, I have less and less dampness.


Anyhow, here is what I do: after a shower I wipe under arms with a home-made astringent of Witch Hazel into which I've added Tea Tree Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil and Peppermint Essential Oil. When that is dry (dry-ish) I put one drop of pure/full-strength lavender Essential Oil on my finger and rub it in all around under one arm pit. Then I use another drop for my other arm pit.


I cannot begin to tell you how clean, fresh and wonderful this smells. And it lasts all day long.


If I'm doing hard physical work and then need to go somewhere or do something without showering, I just clean under the arms with a dab of soap and water, then do the Witch Hazel mixture thing and Lavender drops thing again.



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I only sweat really bad under the arms if I'm physically working hard (like yard work, etc.) Otherwise, it just gets damp and I'm ok with that. I've found that as I stopped using store-bought 'deodorant', even the natural kind, I have less and less dampness.





I think that the body just needs time to adjust, be that "natural" products or to NO products.


I used deoderant for about two years, in high school, until I connected that to my chronically swollen lymph glands. Never before that, and not in the several years since - either deoderant OR swollen glands. I only sweat if I'm doing hard work or if I'm hormonally imbalanced (pregnant, etc.) but otherwise my body just has adapted.


I work in the customer service with my armpits at the general face level of my customers. I've talked with co-workers about the lack of deoderant, and they're always surprised because they would have guessed that they could smell (or see) someone who skipped the deoderant. I neither visibly sweat nor smell of perspiration. I don't smell super fresh either, mind you :D, because I don't wear scented products of any kind (oils, lotions, soaps, perfume) ... but the point is I don't stink, and if my hormones are working fine then I rarely sweat as well.


When I'm pregnant or ovulating, I will sweat a bit more than usual. It isn't enough to require deoderant or anti-perspirant, but it's such that I make an extra point to wash the pertinent parts in the morning (and sometimes at mid-day). Just a quick swish with a damp washcloth, and good to go!


But it does take time to adjust. Just like it takes time for your hair to adjust from being washed daily to less frequently so. Winter is an optimal time to begin the adjustment process ;)

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Anyhow, here is what I do: after a shower I wipe under arms with a home-made astringent of Witch Hazel into which I've added Tea Tree Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil and Peppermint Essential Oil. When that is dry (dry-ish) I put one drop of pure/full-strength lavender Essential Oil on my finger and rub it in all around under one arm pit. Then I use another drop for my other arm pit.

I cannot begin to tell you how clean, fresh and wonderful this smells. And it lasts all day long.




Neat idea! Can you share the 'recipe', and how you store your concoction?

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I'm not sure if it's the brand I use, but I generally am not wet under my arms and there is no odor. I do shower each morning before applying the spray on natural product that I use (which uses crystals). And in summer, if I'm doing something outdoors that makes me very hot and sweaty, then I may shower again during the day. But other than that, I really don't do anything extra and there's no smell.


Now, about the same time that I switched to natural deodorants, I also began switching over to natural soaps, hair care products, perfumes, etc. So I have removed a lot of chemicals from my body that I believe were leading to some of the odor problems I was experiencing which actually helped lead to me making these changes. So perhaps if you're still experiencing problems you might try another product or two to find one best suited for you, or perhaps you might try eliminating other chemicals from your body.

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keep the sweating under control? It's not too comfortable when you've got wet underarms and it's cold, kwim?


What have you found to help keep the smell under control? What about bacteria?


Any particular brands that you'd recommend?









You will NOT achieve perspiration control with natural deoderants, but you will control odor.


It's the aluminum in traditional deoderants that keep the sweat at bay. And, natural deoderants do not have aluminum....that is the reason why they are natural, along with the natural ingredients.


This past October I started using Lavilin. It's about $15.00 for a small tub container. It does last a couple of months or so as it claims that you have odor control for 4-7 days if my memory is correct.


I found the "Now" brand and it's OK, but Lavilin has been around for YEARS....maybe 30-50 which is quite a record.


HTH. Sheryl <><

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What crystal deo. are you guys talking about? Is it the rock salt crystal kind or something else? I tried the salt crystal kind and it stung me. Didn't keep BO away either. For the past few years Tom's of Maine Long-lasting Unscented has been the best I can find for me. It really does last longer than other Tom's kinds I tried.

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Where do you buy crystal deodorants? I tried using a couple of different natural deodorants (one was Tom's, I can't remember the other one) and they both gave me rashes under my arms. I went back to my normal anti-persperant/deodorant (Dove brand) and it went away. I'd love to go to a natural product, but I haven't found anything that doesn't irritate my skin.

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using the crystal kind of deodorant or is that just what *you* have noticed for yourself? I'm using that kind and I sure don't want to start having migraine headaches again.








This was a personal observation that I tested again later. Migraine triggers are funny things and we don't all share the same onesrs. I also get them if I wear copper jewelry and am absorbing copper through my skin, but cocoa powder does not give me migraines, whereas some people get them from chocolate. I have many triggers, and they've increased lately, but I think that's because of the stage of life I'm in at the moment and am hoping that it eases up whenever I am done with menopause (I think I'm going through it, the MD took a blood test and I'm waiting for the results, but if not I'm in pre- or perimenopause or something.)

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What crystal deo. are you guys talking about? Is it the rock salt crystal kind or something else? I tried the salt crystal kind and it stung me. Didn't keep BO away either. For the past few years Tom's of Maine Long-lasting Unscented has been the best I can find for me. It really does last longer than other Tom's kinds I tried.



Interesting. We're all so different. I used Tom's of Maine unscented for a few years, but had to apply it 4-5 times per day always and it was never effective during certain times of the month. I think a key is to find what works best for you as an individual.

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