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Do I want a baby sling?

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Yeah, silly question, but there you go. I used a Baby Bjorn before with my young ones and actually acquired an Ergo for my now-toddler which I liked for field trips back when he was younger. However, I did not use it much, probably because I like having the stroller to carry stuff in.


Anyways, now I am expecting, due in June, and since I have never tried a sling before, I am considering getting one. I'd most likley get one from TJMaxx, though, as they run around $20. I am thinking this would be for homeuse mostly as I am anticipating a jealous little guy once baby sis arrives... I am not considering an Ergo-insert; it seems redundant as I have used and liked Baby Bjorn plus I don't really like the way baby gets positioned with the insert. I like to feel comfy and not restrained.


Any thoughts?

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My only advice about choosing any sling or baby carrier is try before you buy. There are so many different ones out there, and what is the bees knees for me might be backache inducing for you! I'm a huge sling fan (have never bought a pram or stroller). Carrying baby is fine, but when you're talking on the phone, making lunch and helping your toddler change clothes all at the same time, wearing baby hands-free is a great help.

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My kids loved the sling and spent more hours in it then out of it. It kept them close and snug and freed my hands to get some other things done. It is my #1 piece of baby equipment.


Even our foster ds14 months who came to us at 6 months old loved being carried in the sling (and he had never been in one previously).



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I really love my maya wrap for newborns because it's so easy to pop them in and out and comfortable to wear around the house. They are expensive though. I used mine when I went out with the kids and also just to wear my #4 son around the house because he was a particularly fussy baby that wanted to be held all day long, and I needed to be hands free some of that time.


I am not sure what type of slings TJ Maxx has - so no help there.

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I love mine. It's this one http://www.kangarookorner.com/c-9-.aspx. I was lucky enough to borrow it from someone at church. It's very comfy. My daughter loves it and hangs out there much of the day. I got one for my second son at a consigment store, but didn't like it as much as the one I have now. If you have consignment stores near you though,that might be a good option.

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I used a sling with my first and even more when my second came along. I could push the bigger one in a cart or stroller and wear the little one. Working in the kitchen, house, shopping and library was possible with the little one in the sling, it freed both my hands and eased the stress on my back.


I had back issues and the sling worked through out toddler-hood.


Work to find one that fits your body and needs, they come in so many sizes, styles etc.


Thanks for the input, ladies. I was looking at a sling because I do get a constant ache in my arm (from having worked and carried twins) plus my back is also a huge concern.


I am definitely concerned about the bay being able to actually breathe, so thanks for the link.

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Nadia, do you sew? There are a million patterns out there for making your own basic slings.


I didn't loooove my sling, but it definitely served a purpose when my girls were too small for the bigger carriers (I had a Kozy carrier that I practically had a love affair with, that thing was so awesome). I also used the Bjorn a bit (more with the first), and that was fine too, but I really liked having them cocooned and contained when they were teeny. You could buy a gently used but good quality one inexpensively and then resell it when you're done with it.

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I wore a sling from newborn to age 3 (and he was a BIG 3).


I bought mine from Parenting Concepts and even sold them for the co. for a few years (a long, long, time ago). I liked that they had multiple lengths, cool fabric patterns, and nylon rings. They slid easily to adjust, but then grabbed to stay in place. They were also strength tested to something absurd like 30+ pounds. (this was in the early 90s - don't quote me now)


Nice people.


I have a majorly screwed up back, and that is how I ended up with one in the first place - my midwife insisted. It never bothered my back.


Best of luck whatever you decide - it was great for nursing, and even my husband would wear it. I got him a "manly" color.




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For not too many people would I break my board fast, Nadia darling.


But here you go:







Awesome, Pat. Thanks for doing this sacrifice for me. My teen dd, toddler and dd 8 and myself just had an abslute blast. These moms are hotties!! I mean, the slings look secure, LOL!!!

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I love my sling and have used one for each of my kiddos. I just made simple ring slings myself. However if you have a childrens consignment shop like Kid to Kid or Once Upon a Child, you can find them very reasonably priced ($15-$40). Best part of getting on used is you can try them on to get the best fit for you.


Good luck

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I don't know what i would have done without my Maya! I could nurse the baby, cuddle the other kids, hold their hands, and the baby was happy as could be. I hardly ever took it off. It was just a part of me for a long time. Get a color/sling you love to look at if you do get one. If you and the baby like it, you won't be much taking it off. ;)


I also had a Bjorn, but you can't nurse in a Bjorn, although with an older and big baby, I found the BB was more comfortable for my back. (And yes, i know the BB drawbacks, but my babies are beautifully formed with no splaying -as are most Swedish babies lol)

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