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If you've had an IUD removed - how much did it hurt?

Plain copper T, not Mirena.


It hurt to have it inserted (during menses when the cervix is more open). Current doc wants to "pull it" any old time.


I've had an unmedicated homebirth with a 9.5lb baby so I've 'done' pain but getting it put in almost made me faint. I've been delaying removing it for years...it's probably got a patina by now :D


Tell me to stop being a chicken.....

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If you've had an IUD removed - how much did it hurt?

Plain copper T, not Mirena.


It hurt to have it inserted (during menses when the cervix is more open). Current doc wants to "pull it" any old time.


I've had an unmedicated homebirth with a 9.5lb baby so I've 'done' pain but getting it put in almost made me faint. I've been delaying removing it for years...it's probably got a patina by now :D


Tell me to stop being a chicken.....


Umm, ok. Stop being a chicken. But I'd be afraid too. :tongue_smilie:

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I had mine pulled a few months ago. I was 5 weeks pregnant (yes, the copper IUD failed for me). It was exactly where it was supposed to be. The strings still in about the same spot.


Putting it in was uncomfortable. I didn't even feel her take it out. Easy-peasy. I would have thought that being pregnant would have made it more painful as things tend to get much more sensitive to me. Good luck! :)

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I've had two copper t IUDs removed. Didn't really hurt at all. I currently have one in now with no plans to have it removed before the year 2018. :lol:


ETA: Also agree, it should not have hurt that much to have it put in. The first one I had didn't hurt at all. It was placed exactly 6 weeks postpartum. The second one I had the lady did not know what she was doing. Hurt like heck and caused many other problems because of the faulty placement. I got pregnant while looking for bc alternatives but had another IUD placed by different doctor after that birth. My third IUD was much like the first, didn't hurt at all when placed. ;)

Edited by prairie rose
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I'd be a chicken.... does this mean you'd welcome a little one??




Blistering ovulations - NO!


I'm SO done. Just dogs & cats from now on please :-)


krisperry - you have frightened me. I might turn celibate :D


I love babies, loved breastfeeding, love toddlers, love the whole parenting thing - but I do not want any more, thank you very much. I'm 43 in a few days & I'm moving on......


Glad to hear a couple of you lived to tell about it :lol:. This one needs to come out b/e it really is old. Probably rusty......

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I still remember that deep inside pinch when it was inserted. *shivers* I was menstruating, postpartum, and holy Hades...only worse thing I can compare it to was when Diva was delivered via forceps...the feeling of the forceps inside sliding against my tailbone...I could hear/feel it in my teeth...*shivers, feeling faint*


IUD removal was nada. I don't even remember it.

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If you've had an IUD removed - how much did it hurt?

Plain copper T, not Mirena.


It hurt to have it inserted (during menses when the cervix is more open). Current doc wants to "pull it" any old time.


I've had an unmedicated homebirth with a 9.5lb baby so I've 'done' pain but getting it put in almost made me faint. I've been delaying removing it for years...it's probably got a patina by now :D


Tell me to stop being a chicken.....


Totally painless and it didn't take 1 second. This was after around 6 years of use, done by an experienced doctor who was unknown to me.

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Mine was pulled when my appendix blew up. So it didnt hurt at all. Piece of cake.


I tried to have it out the year before, but the dr. pinched me w/the speculum and than could not get it off. I kicked her in the head and yelled at her to get out of the room and left the d^&( IUD in.

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