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What can I cook to use up a whole gallon of milk before it goes bad?

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If you have a freezer, you can freeze it. I take the gallon jug, pour out enough to bring it down to the shoulder of the jug to allow for expansion, pop the top back on and stick it in my chest freezer. The plastic jug deforms a bit, but it's perfectly usable. I stick it in the fridge to thaw (it will take a good while). You will likely get some separation of the milk solids from the liquid, so it's not as cosmetically appealing, but can still be used easily. The core of ice that stays keeps it fresh longer once you thaw it as well. I've done this with 2% milk, haven't tried it with other fat percentages.


Other than that:

puddings or custards

make cheese (Indian paneer is supposed to be fairly easy, but I haven't tried)

potato leek soup

clam chowder (New England style) or oyster stew

caramels? Haven't tried them myself, but I think they are milk based.

Ice cream


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I should clarify that it is raw milk, so I think I should probably cook it at this point! The taste has not turned yet and I'm sure it is okay, but I don't want to take a chance on having it uncooked.


Got any great pudding recipes? I remember I made it from scratch once and it didn't turn out.


We have made the casein before-it is fun! Enjoy it!! However, I don't think I want to use my almost $7 gallon of nice milk for it-lol!

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Homemade caramels :D


(Of course, this also requires almost 2 lbs butter, over 2 cups corn syrup, several cups of sugar, a really big pot and 2 hours of stirring...and only uses 4.5 cups of the milk)


I usually make potato soup if I need to use a lot of milk.

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We LOVE potato soup. Unfortunately all I have in the house is some lovely locally grown organic PURPLE potatoes, and while they are great for roasting, I'm not sure purple potato soup would be too appetizing-looking! :lol:


How about custards for the whole family?




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The paneer sounds interesting and easy, but what do you eat it with?


I have no culture for yogurt :( (which is usually what I do with getting-old milk!)


My husband's favorite is palak paneer, which is a spinach dish with cubes of paneer. I've not actually ever made it at home, but we've had it in restaurants and liked it a lot. Here's a website with lots of paneer recipes (though I haven't tried any of them)


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LOL, I can tell you the 2 hours stirring time is from experience :D And, that is *constant* stirring, or they might burn. Oh, and I looked it up, definitely 6 cups of sugar....I gave caramels as christmas presents to a couple of people and the note said "I bring the gift of calories, I mean caramels" ;)

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They were for my Mom and my best friend and her Mom (been best friends since we were in 5th grade together in, yikes! 1985), so I guess you could certainly say that. And, when you don't have money to spend, you spend love :001_smile: (we won't talk about the fact that I've eaten nearly 1/5 of what I made this time entirely by myself....)

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I'd do paneer, since my other option would be yogurt, and a gallon of yogurt is a lot at once. But you don't get too much paneer from a gallon of milk, and you can freeze it if you want to.


I like to use it in this recipe served with basmati. You can also not press the cheese and get chenna, which is soft and easily flavored and basically cottage cheese.

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