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What should I do to naturally detox?

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I've quit! It is day 3. I'm thinking this almost constant headache is the blood finally getting to places in my brain.


I want to keep moving forward with this process. The next thing I need to do is get the caffeine out of my system. Then start a natural detox regimen. I've looked on line, but there are a lot out there - quite a bit of it conflicting.


So what say the hive? Besides lots of water, what should I be doing to jump start a healthy lifestyle for the first time in my adult life?

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quit smoking?

Woweee!! So, so, so good for you. I smoked for 17 years and quit 2 years ago. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but the most rewarding.

I rarely think on them anymore, even though I LOVED them so much..LOVED THEM!


A good easy beginning detox is apple cider vinegar and honey. You can do it like a shot. We sort of treat it like a drug around here...ha, ha.



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A good easy beginning detox is apple cider vinegar and honey. You can do it like a shot. We sort of treat it like a drug around here...ha, ha.



Why would I have a shot of ACV and honey? And if I were to, how much of each?


Let me grab another cup of coffee and I'll get back to you on this...:)


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And kind of dreading it too! :D


There is a special name for this cleanse (which I forgot...), and a lot of expensive supplements to buy (which I skip or substitute with cheaper alternatives), but the basics are as follows:


1st week

I supplement with an over the counter colon cleanse (Trader Joe's is about $10. It's mostly fiber and milk thistle capsules), daily multivitamin and omega3 fish oil.

No alcohol, nicotine or caffeine

No sugar - or honey, maple syrup or dried fruits:willy_nilly:

A breakfast protein shake (this is one of the supplements, but it looked like whey and some vegie powder. I just use plain kefir/yogurt, a frozen banana, spinach and a scoop of protein powder.

Unlimited fruits and vegies

Olive oil, coconut oil

herbs, spices, vinegars, salt & pepper

1 cup cooked lentils or 1/2 cup brown rice daily

I also add a handful of nuts daily when I'm just too hungry to bear it...;)


2nd and 3rd weeks

Same as above, but you can add an egg or two, and a serving of lean meat daily.

You should be done with the colon cleanse.


This is severe and very difficult, but it isn't anything absurd (like existing on lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper :confused:).

I do it because I have a tendency to eat a ton (I'm reasonably athletic, but now that I'm over 40, I'm finding that I can't eat like a teenager without gaining weight). This cleanse really shrinks my stomach, and makes me much more aware of when I'm satisfied (versus full to the gills:D). It also helps me lessen my desire for sweets and especially chocolate:glare:. The last benefit is that to fill up one must consume lots of fruits and vegies. I find that generally I just reach for whatever is available, which is often a cookie or granola bar, or popcorn, chips, whatever. This cleanse makes me eat more of what is good for me, which I wouldn't normally do.


The best thing is when it all over, a raisin tastes like the best treat on the planet - it makes you so much more aware of and thankful for the bounty that we have around us daily.


Good luck to us both!

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So what say the hive? Besides lots of water, what should I be doing to jump start a healthy lifestyle for the first time in my adult life?



*Get plenty of fresh air, and open windows regularly to bring some fresh air inside

*Take Epsom salt baths to help detoxify

*Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, blueberries are great

*Drink green tea (Yogi Tea makes a nice decaf.)



Sounds like you're getting the New Year off to a great start ! :thumbup:

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Eat salad with dark green leafies twice per day. If you don't like dark green leafies, eat them anyway. Sooner or later your taste buds will give up and agree to like them rather than endure the torture of eating things they don't like.




Fortunately, I love dark green leafies.

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Did you quit smoking? If so congratulations!!!


I loved the book Fat Flush for detox ideas. You can get at the library. She suggests a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning to get your liver going. I also use 2 Tblsp of ground flax seed each day - nature's broom.


I would focus on eating nutrient dense foods to help you feel better.

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Yes, I quit smoking - 3 days ago. Sorry I wasn't clear on that.


I live in the middle of nowhere. I found out today there isn't a health food/healthy living store in town. We've only been in this town since September.


Where would I look online to find things like flax seeds, colon cleanse, milk thistle and Yogi tea?

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I don't know about colon cleanses or milk thistles and can't say they seem appealing :blink: but you should be able to get flax seen at the local supermarket. They might be packaged as linseed though.



:iagree:Thistles of any kind sound painful, but I was willing to look at them.

I'll check the market for the flax/linseed. Thanks.

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I don't think cleaning out your system really requires weird, expensive and hard to find ingredients. It just requires you to figure out what eating properly means for you, and actually sticking to it long enough that you learn to like it better than what you used to do. Plus drinking water, oh and I suppose we must exercise too, sometimes ;)



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I don't think cleaning out your system really requires weird, expensive and hard to find ingredients. It just requires you to figure out what eating properly means for you, and actually sticking to it long enough that you learn to like it better than what you used to do. Plus drinking water, oh and I suppose we must exercise too, sometimes ;)



That just seems too easy. Yes, I have to cut out the sodas - fairly simple to wean off that. Yes, I have to eat veggies and fruit - I would so be vegetarian if it wasn't for the occasional cheeseburger. I hardly eat any meat at all. I would really love to try some to of the things you have posted recently for your family.


So I'm drinking lots of water, eating stuff I love to eat and exercise. Detoxing should be something more difficult.

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That just seems too easy. Yes, I have to cut out the sodas - fairly simple to wean off that. Yes, I have to eat veggies and fruit - I would so be vegetarian if it wasn't for the occasional cheeseburger. I hardly eat any meat at all. I would really love to try some to of the things you have posted recently for your family.


So I'm drinking lots of water, eating stuff I love to eat and exercise. Detoxing should be something more difficult.


It is difficult. It's simple, but difficult. I think you are looking for something complicated, when it really needn't be. The difficult part is keeping it up long term, because more food prep is required and it's sooooo easy to skip the seaweed patties and salad and stick some pasta in the microwave. Get rid of the sodas and keep eating your fruit and veg, keep at that exercise thing :ack2: and the occasional cheeseburger won't kill you. Eventually it'll stop tasting nice, so you'll probably stop eating it anyway. ;) Once you've got into your stride with what you've got handy, you can start experimenting on how to include good things like miso and seaweed into your diet.


What stuff have I been talking about that you want more info on? I'm happy to rabbit on any old time :)


Disclaimer: We haven't had the seaweed patties yet. They are on the menu for this week.

Further disclaimer: We've been eating a lot of microwaved pasta this week. To our credit, we're making the sauce ourselves ;) Still, I'm looking forward to the seaweed patties.



Edited by Rosie_0801
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The stuffed pumpkin for Christmas dinner. I've imagined all kinds of interesting stuffings for it. I am the only one in my family who would eat it.


Yes, I'd love to try seaweed.


I've had black bean patties in restaurants instead of the standard beef patty. I like it well enough for 9 times out of 10 cheeseburgers cravings.


I think my biggest long term challenges are going to be getting the other two people who live with me to get on board, and finding a nice variety.

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The stuffed pumpkin for Christmas dinner. I've imagined all kinds of interesting stuffings for it. I am the only one in my family who would eat it.

Yay! That actually turned out! I had another nasty stuffed pumpkin experience once, and I conclude that recipes for boiling stuffed pumpkin are very bad but baking them is very good. This recipe was out of the Jewish cookbook that came well recommended on the hive here. All it had in it was rice, onion, diced apple, lemon juice and sultanas, but it turned out very nicely and looked so pretty when it was cut open!


Yes, I'd love to try seaweed.
I need a new seaweed cookbook ;) We've made seaweed soup, which was a bit overpowering the time we forgot to add milk. It definitely needs something like that to smooth the flavour out. We made a seaweed pesto, basically any other pesto with some seaweed added in. You have to wash it carefully to get some of the salt out, and press out the water so it won't be too runny, but no one would notice it in there. Seaweed by stealth, mwahahahha! There was a salad dressing which was basically rehydrated arame, garlic, lemon juice and avocado pureed together. It was a bit heavy, I thought, and would be nicer as a dip with bikkies. This is the book I have. It has lots and lots of info, but not many recipes. I definitely need a new book ;) I don't know anyone else who eats the stuff, except in sushi, but they must or I wouldn't be able to buy 8 different kinds in this hick town here.


I've had black bean patties in restaurants instead of the standard beef patty. I like it well enough for 9 times out of 10 cheeseburgers cravings.
Hehehe. We'll just have to see how my seaweed patties turn out.


I think my biggest long term challenges are going to be getting the other two people who live with me to get on board, and finding a nice variety.
Variety is easy peasy. You just need to buy lots of nice cookbooks :D Did you notice I have a thing for cookbooks? I realise they are not necessary to life, but I don't care. Getting your family on board is trickier though. I recommend tackling them with tempeh. There are some very dull ways to cook it, but there are some darn fantastic ways too! Marinate it in kejap manus (Indonesian soy sauce) and stir fry. That has so much umami that they can't miss the meat unless they are being really stubborn. And I marinated it in citrus juice once too. Woah, that was good. Hmm. I really need a new tempeh cookbook too.




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I agree with Rosie- it neednt be complicated, but it might be difficult.

You will naturally detox whenever you stop putting something toxic into your system. Your body will naturally start to detoxify.

In fact, do you realise that your body is detoxifying all the time? All night, especially, it is detoxifying. So...you can help it, or hinder the natural process. Its not something you need to "do" so much as "not do", often. As in, dont get in the way with adding more toxins.


One way you can help is to make sure your organs of elimination are working well. If you are eating healthy foods but having once a week bowel movements, you are not going to detoxify.


Other than that, lots of water, healthy green salads with all meals, or as a meal, and other green foods every single day. You can go for green juices or green smoothies. I am on a detox thing at the moment and the whole family gets a green juice and/or a green smoothie every morning.


Green juice- half the juice is made up from celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, kale, and whatever other green things I can lay my hands on. The other half of the juice is sweet things like carrot, apple and beetroot, and I often add a whole lemon to this as well. I take a huge milkshake sized glass of this every morning, and divide the rest among my family (normal sized glasses). I make sure it is sweet enough for them to not rebel too much :)

Green smoothie- handful of greens (dark lettuce, spinach, kale) and several pieces of fruit, and some water. Blend together. Its sweet, tasting mostly of the fruit. And it's green and healthy and a great way to eat more greens. Greens help stop cravings.


ANother thing many people like to do is drink a glass of water with half a lemon squeezed into it eahc morning. I think it is very healthy...it's just not something I enjoy so I won't do it.


But make it fun. Try new recipes. My lucky family get to eat all my experiments :) You just move one step at a time- move to the next level. If you have given up coffee...thats actually a big thing. BUt maybe replace it with something that appeals. When I started juicing a few weeks ago, my desire for my morning cup of tea just dropped away completely, to my surprise. But I did get headaches for a few days.


Anyway, its one of my favourite topics of conversation :)

Edited by Peela
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I need a new seaweed cookbook ;) We've made seaweed soup, which was a bit overpowering the time we forgot to add milk. It definitely needs something like that to smooth the flavour out. We made a seaweed pesto, basically any other pesto with some seaweed added in. You have to wash it carefully to get some of the salt out, and press out the water so it won't be too runny, but no one would notice it in there. Seaweed by stealth, mwahahahha! There was a salad dressing which was basically rehydrated arame, garlic, lemon juice and avocado pureed together. It was a bit heavy, I thought, and would be nicer as a dip with bikkies. This is the book I have. It has lots and lots of info, but not many recipes. I definitely need a new book ;) I don't know anyone else who eats the stuff, except in sushi, but they must or I wouldn't be able to buy 8 different kinds in this hick town here.





I have several types of seaweed. My favourite at the moment is dulse flakes. I add them to everything- dressings, soups, sprinkle them on salads. They really don't have a strong flavour so they blend in quite well. I love them! Full of yummy micronutrients and iodine. My family haven't noticed or they would complain. I do nutrition by stealth around here.

Miso soup is something they will eat though, and that has lots of seaweed in it.

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Yay! That actually turned out! I had another nasty stuffed pumpkin experience once, and I conclude that recipes for boiling stuffed pumpkin are very bad but baking them is very good. This recipe was out of the Jewish cookbook that came well recommended on the hive here. All it had in it was rice, onion, diced apple, lemon juice and sultanas, but it turned out very nicely and looked so pretty when it was cut open!

I was imagining something with a bread pudding type stuffing with cranberries, walnuts, and orange.

I asked dd what she thought about stuffing and baking a pumpkin, and surprisingly she was all for it.

I need a new seaweed cookbook ;) We've made seaweed soup, which was a bit overpowering the time we forgot to add milk. It definitely needs something like that to smooth the flavour out. We made a seaweed pesto, basically any other pesto with some seaweed added in. You have to wash it carefully to get some of the salt out, and press out the water so it won't be too runny, but no one would notice it in there. Seaweed by stealth, mwahahahha! There was a salad dressing which was basically rehydrated arame, garlic, lemon juice and avocado pureed together. It was a bit heavy, I thought, and would be nicer as a dip with bikkies. This is the book I have. It has lots and lots of info, but not many recipes. I definitely need a new book ;) I don't know anyone else who eats the stuff, except in sushi, but they must or I wouldn't be able to buy 8 different kinds in this hick town here.

I could do the seaweed - avocado a bit thick and call it guacamole.

I'm going to have to find some place fairly close and see if I can get some seaweed.

Hehehe. We'll just have to see how my seaweed patties turn out.

Let me know.

Variety is easy peasy. You just need to buy lots of nice cookbooks :D Did you notice I have a thing for cookbooks? I realise they are not necessary to life, but I don't care. Getting your family on board is trickier though. I recommend tackling them with tempeh. There are some very dull ways to cook it, but there are some darn fantastic ways too! Marinate it in kejap manus (Indonesian soy sauce) and stir fry. That has so much umami that they can't miss the meat unless they are being really stubborn. And I marinated it in citrus juice once too. Woah, that was good. Hmm. I really need a new tempeh cookbook too.




Variety is going to be a bit more than cookbooks. I have to find some place to purchase more than basic, in season produce. I don't know where to get tempeh or miso.

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I agree with Rosie- it neednt be complicated, but it might be difficult.

You will naturally detox whenever you stop putting something toxic into your system. Your body will naturally start to detoxify.

In fact, do you realise that your body is detoxifying all the time? All night, especially, it is detoxifying. So...you can help it, or hinder the natural process. Its not something you need to "do" so much as "not do", often. As in, dont get in the way with adding more toxins.

So how does one get rid of free radicals, a build up of aluminum and other metals, the crap leached from plastic, etc.

One way you can help is to make sure your organs of elimination are working well. If you are eating healthy foods but having once a week bowel movements, you are not going to detoxify.

Now, if one was having problems in this area, what would one's wife feed one to correct this problem? I'm going to pm you with this one.

Other than that, lots of water, healthy green salads with all meals, or as a meal, and other green foods every single day. You can go for green juices or green smoothies. I am on a detox thing at the moment and the whole family gets a green juice and/or a green smoothie every morning.


Green juice- half the juice is made up from celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, kale, and whatever other green things I can lay my hands on. The other half of the juice is sweet things like carrot, apple and beetroot, and I often add a whole lemon to this as well. I take a huge milkshake sized glass of this every morning, and divide the rest among my family (normal sized glasses). I make sure it is sweet enough for them to not rebel too much :)

Green smoothie- handful of greens (dark lettuce, spinach, kale) and several pieces of fruit, and some water. Blend together. Its sweet, tasting mostly of the fruit. And it's green and healthy and a great way to eat more greens. Greens help stop cravings.

I honestly think I'd rather have a salad for breakfast than have a green smoothie or green juice. What type of appliance do you use to get the juice from the produce?

ANother thing many people like to do is drink a glass of water with half a lemon squeezed into it eahc morning. I think it is very healthy...it's just not something I enjoy so I won't do it.

I've read about the lemon water. I think I'd have to add some sweetener.


But make it fun. Try new recipes. My lucky family get to eat all my experiments :) You just move one step at a time- move to the next level. If you have given up coffee...thats actually a big thing. BUt maybe replace it with something that appeals. When I started juicing a few weeks ago, my desire for my morning cup of tea just dropped away completely, to my surprise. But I did get headaches for a few days.


Anyway, its one of my favourite topics of conversation :)

That is what I'm trying to do. One step at a time. I've gotten rid of the biggest obstacle to being healthy (Day 4 -yes!). I want to keep riding this momentum.


I"m taking in 32 ounces of water a day where a week ago I was drinking 8 cans of cola. I was living off of caffeine and nicotine. I'm drinking more tea this time of year also. So now I've had one can of soda this morning and am hoping that today or tomorrow is my last.

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I was imagining something with a bread pudding type stuffing with cranberries, walnuts, and orange.

I asked dd what she thought about stuffing and baking a pumpkin, and surprisingly she was all for it.

Have a go. I don't see why it wouldn't work.


We can get the usual toasted nori sheets from the supermarket, and the rest comes from either the Wholefoods shop or the health food shop. Maybe someone will order some in if you ask nicely? That's where I buy the tempeh and miso too.



I honestly think I'd rather have a salad for breakfast than have a green smoothie or green juice.
You don't have to jump in the deep end with the green juice, you know ;) Try making a raspberry smoothie, and sticking in 5 leaves of baby spinach. We did that with sunflower lettuce, and found it really rounded out the flavour of the berries. Presumably if I did that for long enough, my tastebuds would become accustomed and I'd like green smoothies :001_huh: But I prefer to eat salad too :D


I've read about the lemon water. I think I'd have to add some sweetener.
Don't. Use less lemon and gradually build up as your tastebuds learn to like it.


Well done with what you have accomplished so far!




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You don't have to jump in the deep end with the green juice, you know ;) Try making a raspberry smoothie, and sticking in 5 leaves of baby spinach. We did that with sunflower lettuce, and found it really rounded out the flavour of the berries. Presumably if I did that for long enough, my tastebuds would become accustomed and I'd like green smoothies :001_huh: But I prefer to eat salad too :D



Mmm, I just had a green smoothie of mango, papaya, blueberries, and a handful of lettuce and parsley. Some water to make it pour. Absolutely delicious (and purple, not green)! You can barely taste the greens but they add a fresh flavour. I had about a quart.

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  • 11 months later...

:lol: So, this is day three for dh and I and I knew Chucki had a thread on this, but now I want more info :p


What can we do to make this easier?


quit smoking?

Woweee!! So, so, so good for you. I smoked for 17 years and quit 2 years ago. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but the most rewarding.

I rarely think on them anymore, even though I LOVED them so much..LOVED THEM!


A good easy beginning detox is apple cider vinegar and honey. You can do it like a shot. We sort of treat it like a drug around here...ha, ha.



How often would you do this? Once a day????

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