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Our Wii story :)

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We have told our dc for years that there is no way we will ever own a Wii. We don't have the $ and we limit anything like that (computer games) to 20 minutes 1X/week so the idea of paying hundreds of dollars for it didn't sit well with us. Well, my mil asked if she could buy a Wii this Xmas so I said yes. My dh spent hours looking for Wii candy dispensers and finally found ones containing gum at Cost Plus World Market. He wrapped one for each of the 4 oldest dc then wrapped a real Wii controller for our 6yod. The 4 candy containers were opened and at first there were shouts of excitement, then upon closer inspection the dc yelled, "This is from Daddy, isn't it? That's not funny!!" My dh was having a good laugh as he watched our 6yo open her box and hold the real controller, not understanding what it was. My 12yos saw it in her hand and said, "Hey, her's looks different!" It took them a full minute of turning it over in their hands and trying to figure out where the candy came from when it dawned on them that it was REAL!!! At that point they raced for the TV cabinet and found the Wii boxes my dh had hidden among the DVDs. They cannot believe we actually have a Wii of our own. :)


I'm so glad we didn't buy a Wii when all our friends were buying one because I feel that our dc had accepted that we would never own one which added to their excitement today. :)

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How fun! I love that excitement!


Here's our Wii story:


Swore we'd never buy one. Dd wasn't even all that interested in owning one. My mom thought it would be a nice family gift this year; wants to some of the Wii Fit stuff.


We bought one.


Unwrapped it. Much excitement!


Hooked it up.


Didn't work. AT. ALL.


Now we are bummed. :glare:


Ah well....we're no worse off than we were yesterday, and dh will get a refund tomorrow and see if he can find one elsewhere.


I'm living vicariously through all of you, though! Keep the Wii stories coming!



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We also are one of the last families in America to buy a Wii.


We had all the presents wrapped upstairs and they got opened first thing this am. No Wii and no Wii accessories.


It was the ONE thing the kids had really, really hoped to get.


But I was SO PROUD of them.....not one of them made a comment or asked about it.


After breakfast my 10 year old asked if he could go downstairs and play on the 9 year old Playstation2. We smiled, knowing all the Wii presents were down there. :lol:


He and our 5 year old went down there and found more presents! They were so excited! My 10 year old said, "Well, I wondered about it, but I knew we probably couldn't afford it so I didn't want to ask."


:thumbup1: What a great kid!


Of course, I haven't seen them since about 8 this morning other than a brief noon Christmas dinner! But hey, they are NOT fighting, so I am thrilled.



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Same with us. We swore we'd never own a video game. But, I only paid $23.69 for the Wii from Amazon (giftcards), so we gave it to them for Christmas. My son actually cried, he was so grateful. I kept telling him we were never going to get one.


Guess which kid won't get off the Wii. My husband.

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"I can't believe it. I never thought this day would happen." were the words from my dd after they unwrapped a wii bought by a friend of mine and two family members.


We have no other game system and are fairly limiting on computer time and always said it would be a long, long time before we consider a gaming system.


Well we broke down. And so far it's getting good grades from me (who beat my ds in golf :001_smile:).


It was so much fun because they really, never expected it to happen (and truthfully I didn't think it would ever happen either).

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We got ours this year, too. It is so much fun that I can't believe we waited this long. We won't be limiting the time much on it until we start back to school Jan 11th. I would rather them be doing it than sitting watching tv or on the computer or other type game systems (we have a PS2). We opened ours last Saturday night because we were going to be traveling some of this week. They still wanted to go out Tuesday and spend 7 straight hours playing outside with friends so it hasn't taken them over completely yet.

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We got our girls one and they spent from 11 am 'til about 5 pm doing as many things on it as possible. DH and I joined in when we could! They wanted to play more after supper, but we said "no". Now they are in the bath tub washing off all the sweat from jumping around all day!


Here's a video of them opening Wii Resort from my folks. We hadn't even set up the console yet. They have played Wii Sports at their cousin's house.


Astrid, I'm so sorry you had problems. We got ours at Walmart, too.

Edited by dmmosher
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We have told our dc for years that there is no way we will ever own a Wii. We don't have the $ and we limit anything like that (computer games) to 20 minutes 1X/week so the idea of paying hundreds of dollars for it didn't sit well with us. Well, my mil asked if she could buy a Wii this Xmas so I said yes. My dh spent hours looking for Wii candy dispensers and finally found ones containing gum at Cost Plus World Market. He wrapped one for each of the 4 oldest dc then wrapped a real Wii controller for our 6yod. The 4 candy containers were opened and at first there were shouts of excitement, then upon closer inspection the dc yelled, "This is from Daddy, isn't it? That's not funny!!" My dh was having a good laugh as he watched our 6yo open her box and hold the real controller, not understanding what it was. My 12yos saw it in her hand and said, "Hey, her's looks different!" It took them a full minute of turning it over in their hands and trying to figure out where the candy came from when it dawned on them that it was REAL!!! At that point they raced for the TV cabinet and found the Wii boxes my dh had hidden among the DVDs. They cannot believe we actually have a Wii of our own. :)


I'm so glad we didn't buy a Wii when all our friends were buying one because I feel that our dc had accepted that we would never own one which added to their excitement today. :)


What a fun story and a great memory for you all! Enjoy your Wii :)

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very cute. love the story.


we have a wii and got a couple new games for christmas...the fun just keeps on going.


keep the limits up, though... it's better when the novelty stays alive for awhile...saves money on games too. :D our rule is that on holidays you can play your hearts out, but once school is on, its 1/2 hour a day with one unlimited day on the weekend. usually they don't take the whole weekend day to play, but might play for a couple of hours or so.

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We have told our dc for years that there is no way we will ever own a Wii. We don't have the $ and we limit anything like that (computer games) to 20 minutes 1X/week so the idea of paying hundreds of dollars for it didn't sit well with us. Well, my mil asked if she could buy a Wii this Xmas so I said yes. My dh spent hours looking for Wii candy dispensers and finally found ones containing gum at Cost Plus World Market. He wrapped one for each of the 4 oldest dc then wrapped a real Wii controller for our 6yod. The 4 candy containers were opened and at first there were shouts of excitement, then upon closer inspection the dc yelled, "This is from Daddy, isn't it? That's not funny!!" My dh was having a good laugh as he watched our 6yo open her box and hold the real controller, not understanding what it was. My 12yos saw it in her hand and said, "Hey, her's looks different!" It took them a full minute of turning it over in their hands and trying to figure out where the candy came from when it dawned on them that it was REAL!!! At that point they raced for the TV cabinet and found the Wii boxes my dh had hidden among the DVDs. They cannot believe we actually have a Wii of our own. :)


I'm so glad we didn't buy a Wii when all our friends were buying one because I feel that our dc had accepted that we would never own one which added to their excitement today. :)



This sounds like our story a little! We've been wanting for years to buy a Wii, but, couldn't justify the cost. This year I found them at Amazon.com for such a good deal that we could even get a few accessories if we could get the money. We got a donation, specifically for Christmas presents, that was exactly the amount we needed for the Wii. We spent the next 2 weeks with the kids wondering what was in the weirdly shaped box under the tree.


They were so excited when they opened the box! I've never seen them so excited!!!! It was awesome.

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Almost the same here, as everybody else.

We swore we'd never get a Wii. Then I figured out it would cost us a whooping 7$ if I used my points, to get Wii Sports, Mario Kart, two wheels, an extra nunchuk, and an extra remote. Then DH added in the Wii Fit+ for me (it was also on my daughter's list).

We hid the various wrapped parts all over the house, and told the kids to start looking. So they started being active right from the start ;-)


Wii Fit+ was kind to me, telling me I wasn't overweight (I'm borderline though!) and according to it, I'm in a better shape than my daughter, the competitive gymnast. Yeah right... ;-)

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