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Awkward moments...

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This thread reminds me of the time I was throwing a kids' birthday party. The theme was 'cats'. I thought it would be cute to serve cake and ice cream in double sided cat dishes, bought new and washed.


While alone at Walmart the cashier noted that I was buying 12 cat dishes and said, "Wow, you must have a lot of cats" I said "oh no, I'm having a kitty cat birthday party" She looked at me like 'oookaaay'.


It wasn't until later I realized she thought I was throwing a party for cats!! I wonder if she ever tells anyone about the crazy lady having a party for her cats and all their cat friends.:D


I am just dying here. Too funny! :lol:

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Can I tell one on a relative???


My grandma took my lil' sister and my cousin to get a picture taken. (they were about 6mo...and the cutest little blonde-haired, blue-eyed babies ever) The photographer, of course, assumed that they were twins and blurted out "Oh, I think these are the cutest twins I've ever photographed!" My grandma's reply - "Oh, they aren't twins. They are 19 days apart." Photographer's reply to that - :001_huh::confused::svengo:


My grandma never did explain that they are *cousins* and not *siblings*:lol: Yeah - we still bring it up....and the "twins" are in their mid-twenties.


I do it all the time too...most recently I offered 2nd-hand clothes back to the family who gave them to me...we are at a new church and I didn't realize the family connections.:001_unsure:

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okay, so this disease that makes us say stupid things... does it also make us do stupid things?


The other day I got out of the shower, started putting lotion on my legs, and realized that I had only shaved one of them.




Then later on, I ran (well, drove) to the store to get a few things; didn't want to take my purse so I put my phone and license in my pocket. Got to the store, got my items, got to check out and realized I didn't bring any money. Went back home for money - and then went to a different store.




And this was just one day in my life... :glare:


(Scary that I'm homeschooling my kids, isn't it??)

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TMI: that's me, too.


I got married at 19 and was a very awkward young woman. As a wedding present my (intimidating and very proper) in-laws bought a bed for me and my new dh. All I could say was, "Gee! You guys must really want grandkids!" complete with innappropriate 'yuk-yuk'-type laughter.


They just stared at me. Silently. (insert chirping crickets.)


I still cringe.

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I just remembered another one: lol... our pastor tried to call us one evening this past summer and I picked up the phone then hung up without saying hello (by accident). When he called back a minute later I laughed and said "sorry, I don't make it a habit to hang up when a pastor calls. I know how that turned out for Jonah!" sooooo.... a little bit of forced laughter based on my totally inappropriate comparison of me to the prophet and him to God *sigh*... and then he asks what I'm so busy with, as I was huffing and puffing. Without thinking I just blurt out "Oh my mom and step-dad are flying in tomorrow morning and they'll be staying in our bedroom. Just parent-proofing the place. You know, hiding the mushy couple devotionals and massage oils and... things...." :001_unsure: "well pastor, you know how that is...." :blink: While inside I'm screaming at myself "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU FOOL SHUT UP NOW!!!" and I just can't! Oh, the mouth is an evil thing! :lol:


In this vein:


On Saturday morn right after we were married, the pastor's wife called us. She was the orchestra director and dh was in the orchestra. I think we were out helping friends move or something. We come back to check our messages and the is what we hear. "Heh, heh, and why can't you come to the phone on a Sat. morn.? I know what you're doing heh, heh"


She is a wonderful down to earth woman, so a few weeks later I had to call her on a Sat morn and got the answering machine. Naturally I left the same message. :D


About an hour later, I realized the the 60+ year old head pastor of our 1500 member church could possibly, probably hear that message. Well . . .:blush:


I apologized the next day, but she just smiled and said, "We have 5 kids, and we know where they came from" again . . .:blush:


Ah well, that was a long time ago and I don't do anything that stupid anymore.







[steps aside for the inevitable lightening.]


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I'd started a new secretarial job at a large law firm. The annual company summer picnic was held at the Denver Zoo. I knew another secretary had recently had a baby. I was admiring her five month old, "Oh, he's beautiful! Wow, he's so tan! ...um, not that he's been out in the sun or anything! He just has a lovely skin color!"


Five minutes later, I met the dad. Who was black.:blink:


I wanted to die, and a week later I finally approached her to apologize. And she said she hadn't thought ANYthing of my comment at the time. I was even more embarrassed that I had then pointed my stupidity out.


Foot in mouth runs in my family, and my mom is famous for it. The worst was when she introduced her long time boyfriend to a small group, using my DAD's name (they'd been divorced for many years). Boyfriend knows how she is, gracefully pointing it out to her later. We never let her forget it, and they're still together. :lol:

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I'm the queen of awkward moments, lol. When my grandfather was in the end stage of cancer and was being transported to the hospital, I called out to the EMTs "Don't drop him, guys!"

Turns out, humor doesn't always lighten things up! :tongue_smilie:


I seem to be pretty far out of the loop on the latest slang, so I Urban Dictionar-ied "tut tut". I'm still not sure exactly what the girl's friend meant by it but, if I were her father, I'd have my eyebrow raised pretty darn high after reading that! Let's just say I won't write the third given definition here. :001_huh:


My cousin had surgery to correct an undescended testicle and on his get well card my brother wrote, "Hang tough!" :lol:


I think the brain goes places sometimes...

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I'm dying here!:lol::lol::lol:


The other day at my Mom Time group, we were trying to decide what book we want to do next. The lady that owns the house where we meet went and got a book she really enjoyed; and thought we might want to try. When she pulled it out, the first words out of my mouth were," Oh no, I hate that book!"


YIKES!!! Talk about foot in mouth. I apologized profusely over and over. I guess I was just completely shocked at the book she pulled out :tongue_smilie:.

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One time I went to the grocery store late. The guy bagged my groceries and told me to "Have a good night." I replied with "Nighty-night!" :001_huh:.


Another time I ran in to Target to pick something up. I was in a huge hurry, paid for my purchase, and then announced (kind of loudly) "OK, boys, let's go!". The only problem with that was I was all by myself :lol:.


That so does my heart good!! I am not the only crazy one.

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Another time I ran in to Target to pick something up. I was in a huge hurry, paid for my purchase, and then announced (kind of loudly) "OK, boys, let's go!". The only problem with that was I was all by myself :lol:.

:lol: I can't breathe! Uh, my ribs hurt. I haven't laughed so hard in ages. Thanks for a good laugh!


Or said, "where's the baby?" and look around the room for her only to have someone point out that I'm holding her. The mom of many equal to not noticing your glasses are on your head.

The story of my aunt being unable to find the baby still circulates in our family. My aunt has 8 children, so maybe it is a "mom of many" thing.


Yes!! I did that too--in front of my whole smart-alec-y family. It was 4 years ago, and it's still dragged out everytime there's a silly story moment. :blushing:

The baby that I mentioned in the previous comment is now 30-years-old. Look forward to many years of it being retold. ;)


Without thinking I just blurt out "Oh my mom and step-dad are flying in tomorrow morning and they'll be staying in our bedroom. Just parent-proofing the place. You know, hiding the mushy couple devotionals and massage oils and... things...." :001_unsure: "well pastor, you know how that is...." :blink: While inside I'm screaming at myself "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU FOOL SHUT UP NOW!!!" and I just can't! Oh, the mouth is an evil thing! :lol:


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I When she pulled it out, the first words out of my mouth were," Oh no, I hate that book!".


And I did something similar when we moved here. I was trying to make new hs friends. A new hs mom with older kids was gushing about her video curriculum, how the kids do everything, how they take tests that she mails away to be graded, etc.


Okay, might be fine for some people, it's never how I've done school.


She finally finished, and I responded with, "Oh, I would find that HORRIFYING!"


I'm sure she didn't know what to say. But two years later, she still talks to me and is friendly. LOL

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