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Please list your favorite inspiring homeschool blogs

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I am looking for some new homeschool blogs to follow. Something that inspires me the way an excellent craft blog does. Something with lots of ideas, great book recommendations, even homemaking ideas for the homeschool family would be fantastic! I lean towards Charlotte Mason, so anything like that is welcome as well.


I know you ladies must have a few you love. Please share!!!


God Bless,


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My favorites:










My favorite Charlotte Mason website:




All of these are Catholic in flavor, but I think they have plenty to offer those of other/no faith who are interested in a CM education for their children.

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I loved a lot of the blogs mentioned, but does anyone know of blogs that are christian but not catholic? Since I am not catholic, I don't read my children books about the saints or celebrate feasts and such. I do appreciate many of these catholic sites because the focus is very religious in nature and a lot of them have excellent ideas but I am looking for something that is more where I am at. I love being a homemaker, mom of 5 and creative with school.



I would also be interested in blogs that promote natural learning throughout the day as opposed to heavy school all day. Something like what Amy loves Bud was talking about yesterday.

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