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Elementary Spanish


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I had some questions about elementary Spanish curricula. I'm sure it's discussed somewhere on the forum but I haven't seen it.


What are your recommendations for a Spanish curriculum for kindergarten or early elementary? I was looking at Puertas Abiertas but I only see one level. I didn't want something that is completely workbook driven but didn't know where to start looking.


What do you use? Likes/dislikes?



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I like Elementary Spanish that can be found on Discovery Education United Streaming from HomeSchoolBuyersco-op.com. It goes from K through 12. As a bonus, there are thousands of other educational videos on a range of topics:)


yes, this is great!! You can download the worksheets and teacher's guides as well. very nicely done.

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There isn't much out there for that age, so anything is better than nothing. That said, I didn't think much of Elementary Spanish - too much English, and the man speaks much too slowly, even when speaking English. It was a struggle for me to pay attention. Obviously, some like it just fine, though, so....

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I like Elementary Spanish that can be found on Discovery Education United Streaming from HomeSchoolBuyersco-op.com. It goes from K through 12. As a bonus, there are thousands of other educational videos on a range of topics:)


This is what we use, and my kids and I enjoy it. I like that there are worksheets and teacher's notes that can be printed.

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We are using La Clase Divertida (minus the workbook, since Ariel is only 5) and a Spanish 1A CD-ROM from Rainbow Resource. It seems to be working well. I am looking seriously into Foreign Language Friends for next year (online/interactive Spanish for kids), although Sonrisas looks really good, too, just expensive. We may just do FLF and the workbooks from LCD next year, since we have them.

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We are using Elementary Spanish. It moves pretty slowly, but my kids really love it. I don't speak Spanish, so I like that the kids are hearing someone pronounce things correctly. We are only on the Grades 1-2 level, so I don't know about anything beyond that.



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Using the first of three levels of La Clase Divertida here. The kids are really enjoying it. We're taking it at the recommended very slow pace, two weeks per each DVD lesson, listening to the practice CD, doing workbook pages, and whatever project is connected to it. The kids like the projects especially, and I like that the supplies are all included for those. We're using it with a 5, 7, and 9 year old.


Erica in OR

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Using the first of three levels of La Clase Divertida here. The kids are really enjoying it. We're taking it at the recommended very slow pace, two weeks per each DVD lesson, listening to the practice CD, doing workbook pages, and whatever project is connected to it. The kids like the projects especially, and I like that the supplies are all included for those. We're using it with a 5, 7, and 9 year old.


Erica in OR

We are using level 1 this year with an 8, 6 and 4 yo - they all love it and have been getting a lot from the program. I had thought the 4yo wouldn't join us but I had to buy extra materials for the crafts from a friend using the program with one child so that he could join us. We are following the 2 week per lesson approach and listening to the audio CD in our van while driving to piano lessons. It is fun with easy hands on crafts and cooking activities.

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I like Elementary Spanish that can be found on Discovery Education United Streaming from HomeSchoolBuyersco-op.com. It goes from K through 12. As a bonus, there are thousands of other educational videos on a range of topics:)



We love this program, and the free worksheets and teacher resources are great! Not to mention all the other great content on Discovery Streaming.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I like Elementary Spanish that can be found on Discovery Education United Streaming from HomeSchoolBuyersco-op.com. It goes from K through 12. As a bonus, there are thousands of other educational videos on a range of topics:)


:iagree: This is what I have used for 3 years now. Ds8 is now working at an accelerated pace and doing it 4 days a week. I have been very happy with ES for a few reasons. Ds needs me with him to stay on task for most things but he can stay focused with a video teacher. It allows me time to work with ds5. :) I like the worksheets that go with the lessons. I love that what I pay for DE is what I would pay for some other Spanish curriculums and as a bonus I get 1000's of educational videos as well. I think there is plenty of review so that the vocab and new ideas aren't forgotten.


One downside that others have mentioned is that it can move a little too slowly. That's why we have begun to speed things up. This year he will cover the entire 3rd and 4th grade unit and next year he will cover the 5th and 6th grade unit. If it gets too fast we'll slow down but so far he has loved it.

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Would Puerta Abiertas or La Clase Divertida be better for a 13 year old? DD6 wants to learn Spanish, and if the 10 and 13 year olds will enjoy the dvds, all the better!


Thanks for the heads up on the sale! :)


I have no experience with La Clase Divertida so I cannot help there. I would encourage you to watch the sample videos of Puerta Abiertas to know if it would be a good fit. When I viewed the samples a few years ago they were rather corny. A lot may have changed since that time. And just b/c they are silly/corny doesn't mean it isn't a good program. I just knew that my ds wouldn't like it.

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I have no experience with La Clase Divertida so I cannot help there. I would encourage you to watch the sample videos of Puerta Abiertas to know if it would be a good fit. When I viewed the samples a few years ago they were rather corny. A lot may have changed since that time. And just b/c they are silly/corny doesn't mean it isn't a good program. I just knew that my ds wouldn't like it.


Thanks Jennefer. I showed ds13 Elementary Spanish and he thought that was too corny! The intro song, the instructor that talks SLOWLY. He just needs an introduction. He did do the first episode of BBC's Mi Vida Loca tonight and liked it. I know he needs more than that though.

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Would Puerta Abiertas or La Clase Divertida be better for a 13 year old? DD6 wants to learn Spanish, and if the 10 and 13 year olds will enjoy the dvds, all the better!



I would say that La Clase Divertida (at least level one) would work best for kids 10 and under. Teens would probably think it too childish.

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We've been using Elementary Spanish (available on United Streaming and Dish Network) for 6 years. Yes, Sr. Morris speaks slowly, now that you mention it; but we love him.


Another good, free listening class that we've been listening to for 6 months now is Coffee Break Spanish. It's not a children's program, but my 12YO likes it. It's a great resource. We listen to a lesson every day for a week.


And check out this chart: http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/spanishcurriculum.htm


Oh, and for very young children: Salsa, if you can get it.

Edited by Cindyg
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We've been using Elementary Spanish (available on United Streaming and Dish Network) for 6 years. Yes, Sr. Morris speaks slowly, now that you mention it; but we love him.


Oh, and for very young children: Salsa, if you can get it.


Yes, my ds8 loves Sr. Morris as well. I think he likes listening to someone else rather than just me all day! ;)


Thanks for the information about Salsa as well. :)

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Just want to be sure -- is this the Basic Version ($256?) that includes the worksheets & teacher's notes?


You can actually get a subscription to Discovery Streaming through the Homeschool Buyers' Co-op for $199 and that's for the Plus version! They used to sell the basic version for $176 (or something close to that) but now I only see the Plus for sale.


Here is a link to the Co-op's Group Buys Page. Look down under the category of "Resources". And yes when you look at a lesson look at the top right of the screen. Under the tab that says "Related Materials" you can look at the Teacher's Guide. I just go through at the start of each unit and print only the pages ds will need for his assignments rather than printing the entire manual out. It's a tremendous amount of paper and I don't need it. There are resources in there where you can make a bulletin board for each unit as well. Ds would love it if I did that but there just aren't enough hours in the day. ;)


You can get a trial of DS for 30 days to get a better look at the lessons if you think you may be interested. It's on the homepage for Discovery Streaming.

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