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another homeschool name question.

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I don't want to hijack the other thread, but would love to ask a related question.

Why do you name your homeschool. I obviously don't have a name for mine!:001_smile: Is it required, or that you just wish to? I have honestly never even thought about naming our "school." Now that I have, it sounds intriguing. so I am just wondering if there is a reason to do it, or just personal choice? TIA


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I don't have a name because I can't pick one. Our state doesn't require it, but because they consider hs=private school, I think it would make a lot of things easier if I could just say "Hogwarts." Kwim?


Plus, then I could make cool letterhead on the computer.;)


Oh, & I think I've heard it helps w/ transcripts. Unless, of course, you *do* name your school "Hogwarts."

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A homeschool name comes in handy when you want to be taken seriously, in mail/catalog correspondence, applications for school related situations, provides an anonymous way to get email and protect your identity online, and I think it solidifies the idea that you are an entity of your own.


My kids have t-shirts that say, "Just Another Day at Trivium Academy" with a house in the middle. Dd7 especially loves hers, I gave it to her on the first day of second grade.

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I don't have a name because I can't pick one. Our state doesn't require it, but because they consider hs=private school, I think it would make a lot of things easier if I could just say "Hogwarts." Kwim?


Plus, then I could make cool letterhead on the computer.;)


Oh, & I think I've heard it helps w/ transcripts. Unless, of course, you *do* name your school "Hogwarts."



Yes, the task of picking one would be so daunting! There would be so very many great names out there, I think i would be paralyzed with indecision!:001_smile: My dd would love Hogwarts!;) They are as yet too young for me to be making transcripts and NH does not require a name.

Thanks for the info!

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We're St. Scholastica's School for Silly Scholars. Last year we were St. Anthony's Academy of Academic Antics. My favorite is St. Bernard's Brainery but I can't get anyone to agree with me.


Sometimes we change our school name with the school year, sometimes not. Our state doesn't require any.


um, I would probably not recommend St. Scholastica's School for Silly Scholars for a high school transcript . . . especially one you plan to send off to West Point . . . but then again . . .

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It was required in California.


It comes in handy when people ask what school the dc attend and you just don't feel like getting into a discussion about homeschooling.


It looks better on transcripts than just "Homeschool." Ditto for diplomas.


Personally, I prefer not using a family surname or "Homeschool" as part of a school name. There are still enough ignorant, small-minded school officials who look askance at someone whose transcript comes from "Smith Home School." This can be particularly true if for some reason your dc ever enroll in school before college and you need to put together a cum file for them.

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When asked the name of our school, I disliked saying (our last name) homeschool, or just "We homeschool".


My dear friend Lisa had an awesome name. :) I wanted something special that suited our family too. And I needed a name for our blog. :) LOL


We sat down and talked about the possibilities from information I found online. You can read HERE to find more about it and the link in that post will take you to a post with information on how to come up with a name. I really enjoyed that link, as it provided a lot of reasons why homeschoolers choose a name and how they came about doing it. :)

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Yes, naming your school is a nice way of giving you more "clout" - giving what your doing with your children more "authority" in the eyes of the world. It's definitely needed on transcripts. And it's just plain fun!


Jessica, LOVE the t-shirt idea!


From His Will Academy - where everybody can't WAIT for Easter Vacation....ONE MORE DAY!

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We named ours because it will sound more official to naysayers.


Secondly, if we are somewhere with homeschooling hostiles... we don't have to get into the issue of homeschooling "They attend Regina Caeli Academy"


Lastly, I never wanted the kids to get confused and think that they don't go to school or they were lazy or stupid etc. because this is the message that some non-homeschooling adults and children send to homeschoolers.

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We chose one to give some ownership to our school, mainly for ds. We have a mascot, (wildcats), school colors and everything. It also comes in handy for catalogs, getting discounts, etc.


Ds wanted to rename it to "Starfleet Academy" so when he graduates he will have a cool name on his diploma. :001_huh: I vetoed that, and told him he'd have to start a real Starfleet Academy to get that name on a diploma.

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My kids have t-shirts that say, "Just Another Day at Trivium Academy" with a house in the middle.


We have a school name because I thought it would be fun.

We also have teachers that say "Morning Glory Academy" and the have a cross with morning glories and "Where Faith and Learning Meet" underneath. They are so fun to have.

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I just wanted a title for our blog, so I thought of our academy name. We don't really usually refer to it. We're really a family and not a school and I don't know that I want to institutionalize our family...I don't think I'm excited about the idea of walking around with tee shirts and bumper stickers with Pheidippides Academy on them..to me that seems opposed to a great part of the reason I chose to homeschool in the first place- which is to put family first, since that's what God designed and to tailor education on an individual basis (whether unschooling, classical, unit study, etc.)


But i still like having a school name for our blog, and also just in case people ask...for me the name of our school is a reminder to me that I must run my race as a marathon and finish each and every thing jesus wants me to do...




always wanted to use that smiley

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