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I did NOT just do this, did I??


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Well... actually, I did. I've been sick for a few days and today I am trying to get some last few things done before just enjoying the rest of the holiday season...


I took my last couple of packages to the post office. I was all ready. And I went to mail one... for my niece, Denise... you know, the one in southern California, right? "Sorry, ma'am, but you have to have an official address."


And back out the door I go, because they don't know where to deliver my niece's package in "southern California"... NO! They require an actual address... sheesh! Some people!


So, I messaged my niece, because I have no idea what her address is, I just know where she lives...kind of... :blushing:

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Well... actually, I did. I've been sick for a few days and today I am trying to get some last few things done before just enjoying the rest of the holiday season...


I took my last couple of packages to the post office. I was all ready. And I went to mail one... for my niece, Denise... you know, the one in southern California, right? "Sorry, ma'am, but you have to have an official address."


And back out the door I go, because they don't know where to deliver my niece's package in "southern California"... NO! They require an actual address... sheesh! Some people!


So, I messaged my niece, because I have no idea what her address is, I just know where she lives...kind of... :blushing:


:lol: This sounds like something I would do. I still have to look up family's address's everytime I want to send them something because I don't know their actual addresses, I just know how to get to their houses.

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Well, at least they stopped you, lol. I mailed a rather heavy, i.e. expensive, package to....myself. Yep....stood in line forever, had it weighed, got up off the floor after the sticker shock....scowled at the postal worker when he suggested I might want to hand deliver it.....sheesh, dude, it's two states over, I'm thinking. Next day the post office delivers said expensive package to my front doorstep. I was halfway to ballistic on him for returning it without even attempting to deliver it (after all 1 day wasn't even enough time for them to TRY to deliver it 2 states over right???). He politely ignores my rant and points to the TO: address and says he delivered it where I addressed it.


I still can't meet his eyes when he rings the bell for a signature.




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Well, at least they stopped you, lol. I mailed a rather heavy, i.e. expensive, package to....myself. Yep....stood in line forever, had it weighed, got up off the floor after the sticker shock....scowled at the postal worker when he suggested I might want to hand deliver it.....sheesh, dude, it's two states over, I'm thinking. Next day the post office delivers said expensive package to my front doorstep. I was halfway to ballistic on him for returning it without even attempting to deliver it (after all 1 day wasn't even enough time for them to TRY to deliver it 2 states over right???). He politely ignores my rant and points to the TO: address and says he delivered it where I addressed it.


I still can't meet his eyes when he rings the bell for a signature.





I'm sorry, I hope the pain has worn off because I have to :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Well, at least they stopped you, lol. I mailed a rather heavy, i.e. expensive, package to....myself. Yep....stood in line forever, had it weighed, got up off the floor after the sticker shock....scowled at the postal worker when he suggested I might want to hand deliver it.....sheesh, dude, it's two states over, I'm thinking. Next day the post office delivers said expensive package to my front doorstep. I was halfway to ballistic on him for returning it without even attempting to deliver it (after all 1 day wasn't even enough time for them to TRY to deliver it 2 states over right???). He politely ignores my rant and points to the TO: address and says he delivered it where I addressed it.


I still can't meet his eyes when he rings the bell for a signature.





I have mailed bills to myself before but never a package.

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Well, at least they stopped you, lol. I mailed a rather heavy, i.e. expensive, package to....myself. Yep....stood in line forever, had it weighed, got up off the floor after the sticker shock....scowled at the postal worker when he suggested I might want to hand deliver it.....sheesh, dude, it's two states over, I'm thinking. Next day the post office delivers said expensive package to my front doorstep. I was halfway to ballistic on him for returning it without even attempting to deliver it (after all 1 day wasn't even enough time for them to TRY to deliver it 2 states over right???). He politely ignores my rant and points to the TO: address and says he delivered it where I addressed it.


I still can't meet his eyes when he rings the bell for a signature.





The kind me says oops.gif, but the rest of me is totally ROFLsmilie.gifsniggeringsmilie.gif. Hope you don't mind.


(and I also told my men's bathroom story earlier, so you can do the same for me, ok?)

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Well... actually, I did. I've been sick for a few days and today I am trying to get some last few things done before just enjoying the rest of the holiday season...


I took my last couple of packages to the post office. I was all ready. And I went to mail one... for my niece, Denise... you know, the one in southern California, right? "Sorry, ma'am, but you have to have an official address."


And back out the door I go, because they don't know where to deliver my niece's package in "southern California"... NO! They require an actual address... sheesh! Some people!


So, I messaged my niece, because I have no idea what her address is, I just know where she lives...kind of... :blushing:


Please tell me you didn't have to get out of line and back in...

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The kind me says oops.gif, but the rest of me is totally ROFLsmilie.gifsniggeringsmilie.gif. Hope you don't mind.


(and I also told my men's bathroom story earlier, so you can do the same for me, ok?)


nahh, it's ok to laugh at (or with me)....I laugh about it to....except when the mailman is on the street. Then I hide.

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nahh, it's ok to laugh at (or with me)....I laugh about it to....except when the mailman is on the street. Then I hide.


I was feeling quite naughty last night, so feel the need to say blushingImsorrysmilie.gifthis morning. Now to help with the hiding problem, let's try a little role play:


When you see postmansigningsmiliegif.gif, you go from hidingsmilie.gif or hidingsmiliegif.gif to happysmiliegif4.gif. Ok?

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I did have to leave the post office... I tried calling my mom to ask her for the address and she didn't have it and the postal workers said I could not use my phone inside the building... GRRRR! I will go back today... I now have an address!

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My DH has the best post office story ever:


A few years ago, when we lived in England, DH needed to mail a letter to the States. Being ADD and always thinking about something else, he was on autopilot as he walked up the street, turned right, walked three blocks, turned left, walked into the building, waited in line for a few minutes, walked up to the counter, slid the envelope across the counter, and said "I need to mail this to the US."


The woman behind the counter looked at him for a few seconds, then said "Um, then you'll need to take it next door to the Post Office.....this is a bank."




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I had to crack up at your post because I just did the SAME thing at the UPS Store! It never even entered my mind to bring the address WITH me. Sheesh, shouldn't they have all that info somewhere! LOL! Glad to know I am not alone and can pass that along to my husband!!!!! And I have not even been sick!!!

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