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If you heard a loud cracking, tumbling sound that woke you from a sound sleep...


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what could it be? This happened last night and it sounded like it was in my room. We've had mice and that was my first tought but he'd have to be as big us Chuck E Cheese to make that sound. I checked every place I could think of from presents falling in the closet, closet racks falling down, ds pictures falling off his wall and nothing is out of place. There is nothing stored in the attic space over my room and we have no trees near our house. Any ideas or could something like that have happened in my head? The boys sleep on the other side of the house and heard nothing. I did hear of someones house being on a sink hole and waking up to cracks in the walls and doors flung open and not closing but I don't see any of that.

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Hi Lynn,


Could it have been the wood popping from the cold? My house popped several times last night in the wee hours.


I know you said you don't have trees near your house, but a squirrel could have made that noise, too.... we get them running across our roof once in a while and they make quite a racket. Come to think of it, they could be in your attic, too... you may want to check on that. I had some friends with squirrels in their attic and it was a nightmare, to say the least. They were looking for a place to nest and ate through their wires, etc, and made an incredible mess! It also cost a lot to repair.


You are probably safe with the sinkhole thing.... in the 24 years I've lived in this area, I've only heard of them out by the airport, along -565 and that one here in Madison (not far from the airport).


And, yes, it could have all been in your head. I am known for my realistic dreams. I once 'heard' a noise in the middle of the night, like someone was walking in the bedroom, and I launched myself over top dh and in mid-launch I realized I was dreaming. He wasn't happy to have his sleep disturbed!! :D That was only a few months ago and he still teases me about it.

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I'd vote for a big tree branch falling and rolling off a roof, provided that you have some trees in the area! That sound is common around here!

Or even just near your side of the house (without hitting the house at all). It's incredible how LOUD trees are when they snap and fall. That was my first thought when I read your description, although I would've said it's more of a, 'crack, whoosh.' :lol:

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We woke up to a loud noise a few months ago, and it was a large Pyrex type mixing bowl that shattered into thousands of little pieces just sitting in the cabinet. It took me two days to figure out what it was, but as soon as I opened the cabinet where the dish was, we knew that was it. Squirrels on the roof have also caused much more noise than I would have thought.

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Did the weather suddenly shift?


When it does that here, they redirect the planes all over the place.


I woke up this morning swearing there was an air raid occurring, it was so loud and rumbling (the planes reverberating off the clouds - and we're not normally in ANY flight path).




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At our house, it would be the snow sliding off the pitched roof. It comes down in an avalanche - literally! Rumbling roar and crashing thuds. Happens everytime we get alot of snow and it warms up just a couple of degrees.


The other (seasonal) possibility would be the cat knocking over the Christmas tree, but that would have more of a tinkling sound as all the glass balls break (ask me how I know!). My tree is now tied to the couch!

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