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You Know The Signs People Hold Up

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Tuition is expensive. Maybe the kid was hoping for some help.


(Also, I'm not sure he feels entitled... if he did he'd probably have been at SS raiding the food closet).

That was the only thing I could think of. My mind kinda did a quick meltdown at what the sign said.


I could kinda see the tuition scenario in this economy where he might not be able to get a part time job.

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My college aged son does not have a job right now, and that's fine with me. He's worked almost all the way through college, but he will start an internship in the spring that will not allow a part time job, which isn't really a problem for us.


But what is happening to kids his age who are in college, putting themselves through, and who can't find a job? My understanding is that loan money has been restricted in the last year, and even if they could get loans for living expenses, you can't really get small loans here and there when you are out of food.


Are there maybe kids who really are looking in the cupboard, seeing it bare, and are without a way to get fed?

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My college aged son does not have a job right now, and that's fine with me. He's worked almost all the way through college, but he will start an internship in the spring that will not allow a part time job, which isn't really a problem for us.


But what is happening to kids his age who are in college, putting themselves through, and who can't find a job? My understanding is that loan money has been restricted in the last year, and even if they could get loans for living expenses, you can't really get small loans here and there when you are out of food.


Are there maybe kids who really are looking in the cupboard, seeing it bare, and are without a way to get fed?


I knew if I posted this, someone would show me another side to the issue. I admit, I initially had a knee jerk response. I have two in college (one is taking this semester off), but both continue to work. There are jobs to be had - lower paying jobs such as fast food, Walmart, etc. A couple of my dd's friends that just moved here both found employment within a month. Nothing fancy (one at Walmart and one at Direct TV) but enough to help out with living and tuition.


And then it could be an experiment. I had not considered that.


I guess I find it one thing to see and man or woman asking for help when they have children. A college student saying he'll study for food just struck me differently.


I dunno.

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Are there maybe kids who really are looking in the cupboard, seeing it bare, and are without a way to get fed?


I know it happens. Don't know if it was the case with this student. I worked my way through college and pretty much every dime I made went towards my bill. I remember many Holiday breaks sitting in the dorm room with no food. The cafeteria always closed during breaks. I had managed to pay my tuition and buy my books and I had a bag of Doritoes to get me through Christmas break. It sucked.


Can't imagine standing on a street corner holding up a sign though.

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Are there maybe kids who really are looking in the cupboard, seeing it bare, and are without a way to get fed?


Yes..in my day they learned to dumpster dive..i.e. go to the fast food places just after closing. Some of the profs would look out for them an offer them work and meals. They'd make enough for PBs to get them through.

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I knew if I posted this, someone would show me another side to the issue. I admit, I initially had a knee jerk response. I have two in college (one is taking this semester off), but both continue to work. There are jobs to be had - lower paying jobs such as fast food, Walmart, etc. A couple of my dd's friends that just moved here both found employment within a month. Nothing fancy (one at Walmart and one at Direct TV) but enough to help out with living and tuition.


And then it could be an experiment. I had not considered that.


I guess I find it one thing to see and man or woman asking for help when they have children. A college student saying he'll study for food just struck me differently.


I dunno.


I've got a couple of unemployed college kids living in my house. Very few jobs of any sort around here.

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That was the only thing I could think of. My mind kinda did a quick meltdown at what the sign said.


I could kinda see the tuition scenario in this economy where he might not be able to get a part time job.

I think it's just that so many times with people ask for help they're accused of an entitlement attitude... that's all, I wasn't trying to be harsh :p




As for jobs... most of those jobs say they're willing to work around college schedules and follow up with, if you can't be here then you're fired.

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I've got a couple of unemployed college kids living in my house. Very few jobs of any sort around here.


I was thinking the same thing. It depends on where you live. I know a couple of the guys where dh works are HAPPY to get anything at all (even at $8 an hour.) They've been unemployed for months. A couple of months ago, a local Subway offered a minimum wage job and 90 people showed up the first day.


Walmart isn't hiring. My neighbor did just get a job at McDonalds, but she has been trying for months.


As for jobs... most of those jobs say they're willing to work around college schedules and follow up with, if you can't be here then you're fired.


This is true - there are so many people looking for jobs that businesses take the people who can work whatever shifts/hours they need. It is NOT a employee's market out there.

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Okay. So what if his sign had read: "Willing to work for food" rather than "Will study for food"????


I would have given him some food either way....who knows what someone is going through. Sure, it could be a scam, or a joke, or an experiment, but how would we ever know what is really going on? I figure I'd rather help someone who isn't really in need than *not* help someone who is.

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My aunt is that poor with 2 kids in college and 2 younger. She's not mentally, emotionally, or financially stable. I just found out the kids are going to bed hungry at night, they don't have proper jackets, a broken window that lets all of the cold air in at night etc. There's little work where they live too.

If it's not a scam, it may not be just himself that he's begging for.

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Okay. So what if his sign had read: "Willing to work for food" rather than "Will study for food"????


That's what makes me think this was either a joke or an experiment. His sign really limits those who might be willing to help, so if he was truly hungry he made a mistake putting "Will study for food." We give food to the homeless all the time, but I would not have guessed that this guy was actually hungry.

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Maybe he means that he's to hungry to concentrate on his studies. If you could feed him, he promises to finish school and become a productive citizen?

If I felt like it was a time and place where I could deal with it I would have said "Are you serious? Are you hungry?" If they said yes I would have grabbed some food for them, or a small bag of groceries.


I've seen some crazy poverty in my life, but I've also know some worthless but capable people, begging with their kids out of pure laziness. It's hard to tell sometimes.


I do know that being hungry sucks

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It sounds a little silly to me "Will study for food." I mean, as soon as you give him some money/food, will he sit there and study 5 pages? That's the impression the sign gives.


When I lived in the Baltimore area people were around with those signs everywhere. My dh's boss offered a group of them a jobs, but they turned him down. So I've become a little cynical about how much they'll really work for food.


And after working at the homeless mission for 2 years (in Baltimore) I've learned NEVER to give someone begging money. I've bought sandwiches for them, but never money. It goes straight to the drugs or drinks.

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Have any of you followed Tim Edwards on Pimp this Bum? This is a brilliant concept by a father and son who set out to see what really causes true homelessness and if it is possible to rehabilitate people who are "entrenched" in street culture.


You kind of have to watch the series from the beginning (they are under "our own videos" on the left hand side of the site) to "get" how far (and how hard a road travelled) Tim comes, but it is well worth it.


It will forever change your view of people with signs.




Edited by asta
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