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Wii or PlayStation--pros and cons?

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...mainly because of

! :D


Seriously, we had never seriously considered buying a video game system since the kids can play video games on the computer. However, the Wii allows for active play inside the house, which is something that MomsintheGarden wanted for the wintertime months when the kids cannot often play outside. It's been a good purchase. We have a few other games, but we still prefer the Wii Sports games and Wii Fit over the less active games we have.


Good luck with your decision!

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Another vote for the Wii! I could have written RegGuheert's post: We thought we'd never buy a gaming system, but were intrigued by the idea of active games, especially for the cold winter months. And we're so glad we got the system! We now have family Wii night, and sometimes I can feel my arms burning from exercise the morning after! Definitely not your typical video game experience. (Though you can get non-active games for Wii as well.)


I also love that the games all seem to be family-friendly. I'm not having to constantly explain to my kids why they can't have XYZ that is inappropriate for their ages, as they just aren't options for this system.

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Wii, if your kids were older then I would say the playstation.


We had the Wii and sold it. Our kids played it only for 6months and then they would only play it when company came.


We now have the playstation. The good thing with about it is also a blue ray DVD player.

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We have both. The Wii tends to only get used for the active games. The PS3 is used on a daily basis. The Wii is used maybe once a week. Any regular type video games for the Wii never get used.

Of course, we live in FL so we are still able to get outside for exercise. Personally I would love to just have the active games and the Wii. We do tend to do this as a family. But everyone else in my house loves the PS3 and the many games. So it might come down to why are you buying and for who?

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We are another "no video game system" family that got a Wii. We have had it about a year and we love it! It is truly fun for the whole family and there are so many choices for games that keep you moving. We are getting Wii Sports Resort for Christmas this year.





Dh and I always agreed that our daughter would have a video game system over our dead bodies. And in actuality, she never played video games, had less than zero interest in them, and couldn't care less about having a system of her own.


Then she discovered how much fun her friend's Wii is! Guitar Hero, Wii Sports and Wii Winter Sports are her favorites. Dh and I broke down and are buying one this Christmas, but I hope it's not a "flash in the pan" gift.



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Dh and I always agreed that our daughter would have a video game system over our dead bodies. And in actuality, she never played video games, had less than zero interest in them, and couldn't care less about having a system of her own.


Then she discovered how much fun her friend's Wii is! Guitar Hero, Wii Sports and Wii Winter Sports are her favorites. Dh and I broke down and are buying one this Christmas, but I hope it's not a "flash in the pan" gift.




We did the same;)

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My oldest is 21, and we got out first gaming system last Christmas and I asked the same question here. We ended up with an xbox 360. The kids have said many times they are glad I didn't choose the Wii. I am not sure why, exactly. I personally like the Wii (I play at the orthodontist's while I wait for the kids, which is decked out like the best game room in the world...)


I play Guitar Hero and a skateboard game (You can skate all over the world, which is rather cool) on the xbox. I might still get us a Wii. I think it would be neat to have both.


LaurieNE, who used to be a No Game System person

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With your kids age probably a Wii, that being said our 360 gets daily use, or Wii gets used maybe 3 or 4 times a month. I prefer the XBox360 over the Playstation as well actually. The Xbox360 has a number of kid friendly games, but the Wii does tend to get you up and moving. I actually strongly dislike the Wii controllers, because they can be harder to control for fine motion, but DH doesn't tend to have as many problems as me with them.

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Another "no game system family with a Wii" for all the reasons stated above. My kids really don't obsess on it (they will for a couple of days if they get a new game) but really, it's just like any other toy--they get it out, play it for a while, then they're on to the next thing. We also play it as a family, and can actually work up a sweat doing so!

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Wii is great for families - even the young ones and Grandma can join in. We all use the Wii together except when ds is playing his Mario games - I can only take so much of those. He can also use his Gamecube games on the Wii. We also have the PS3, and we love it because we can watch Netflix on our TV, watch Blu Ray dvd's, download reasonable games, etc. We also prefer Guitar Hero on the PS3. Dh is more into the violent shooter type games, and PS3 is better for that. My son usually gets games for the Wii over the PS3, while dh will not play any games on the Wii unless it is family type play together games once in a while. I love the Wii for Wii Fit. Ds and I also work up quite a sweat with Wii Outdoor Challenge, which I highly recommend for the kiddies.

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