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My best is not good enough and other CC lessons

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Many days (esp. on the bad pain days) you will hear me muttering under my breath "Just do your best". And it is good advice. But I'm also coming up against the fact that my best is just not good enough. I've done my best but unless God intervenes I might not have enough this time around for the mortgage. I did my best but did not have enough stamina to get all my chores done this weekend. I was musing at 4 am this morning when I was awake again with insomnia that my best is just not good enough. And I realized that that is one of the central themes of Christianity. Our best is not good enough. That's why Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Our best is not good enough. That's why we need God the Holy Spirit's help to live our daily Christian life. Our best is not good enough and that's why we need to ask God for help in the midst of our difficulties.


I am so inclined to want to do things on my own. God gave me responsibilities, didn't he? He gave me brains and determination. I do need to do my best. But I need to do my best with His help. And when I do it with His help, I'm going to make good choices. So my new thing to mutter under my breath is "make good choices". Hmm. . . I seem to remember telling my kids that too!

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But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.†Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that l the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor.12:9-10

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Great post, Jean. When I get overwhelmed my prayer becomes very simple: Thy will be done...


It's so easy to beat ourselves up with guilt when we don't have everything "just right." But we pray for His help and do our best and know that His will is done. He knows we can't be perfect. That's why He came-- to save us!


Thanks for the reminder:001_smile:

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Thanks, everyone. It's amazing how nice a day I had today while all of this was fresh in my mind. Of course the trick is to keep remembering to rely on God's strength and not my own. No, the mortgage problem is not solved. And while I did get a bunch of work done today, there is much that was undone. And I still have health problems. But it was a good day because I had peace.

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