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Anyone finished Christmas shopping?

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I'm 95% done with all of my Hanukkah and Christmas shopping. Actually, aside from one thing I still have to pick up for dh and the "big thing" we have planned for the kids, it's down to baking, finishing up a knitting project, and shipping it all out. I am mailing my cards out today. I wrapped as I went so that it wouldn't seem overwhelming. This is the first year I planned ahead like this, and I'm hoping that it will make December a bit less stressful.

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Almost. It is hard because I only have a couple pay cheques I can afford to use for shopping and they come only once per month. I did about 75% of my shopping on the 20th of October(plus the stuff I had mail ordered with our school stuff earlier in the year), and will finish on the 13th of December when I get the next cheque. I have not started wrapping yet though because I have had to hide it all at my folks place to keep the kids out of it.

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We're finished!!!


We have one gift left for my brother-in-law that we ordered online, and one of my son's X-Box 360 games isn't released until Dec. 22nd, but we pre-ordered it so I just have to pick it up.


But everything is wrapped and we put the Christmas tree up today!!!


Woo hoo! I'm ready!

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Yes, we are well, mostly done. Our DD is visiting from MN and we wont' see them over Christmas, we opened gifts to and from them on Monday night. We have most of the rest of the family bought and wrapped!

We will keep adding with a few gift cards and things we havene;t bought yet, but mostly done.

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We're finished!!!


We have one gift left for my brother-in-law that we ordered online, and one of my son's X-Box 360 games isn't released until Dec. 22nd, but we pre-ordered it so I just have to pick it up.


But everything is wrapped and we put the Christmas tree up today!!!


Woo hoo! I'm ready!


Doesn't it feel wonderful! :001_smile:

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I just have to finish my photo books and order them. Other than that I am done. I have all the kids stuff wrapped. My poor hubby will still need to put together the items Santa leaves. I am trying to convince Santa to bring them early so Daddy can put items together in secret before hand. ;)

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I'm nearly done. I need to get DH one thing and work out what to get for my father and stepmother, who have EVERYTHING, but other than that, it's all completed. The kids and I will decorate the house and I'll send out cards this week, and I never do the wrapping till a night or two before since we have no good place to hide things that are wrapped. Other than that, it's just the baking to do, since I give small loaves of bread to family each Christmas. It feels GOOD.

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I'm done and spent the morning wrapping all the gifts and getting tons of packages ready to mail home. I'm so excited about the holidays!:D

Oh and the Christmas Markets are open!!!:D:D:D


ROFL..... I am barely started. I have 13 people to shop for and no clue what to get 10 of them. These are people who will be at my house Christmas and I don't like to just give gift cards. I like them to open at least one surprise gift that they would love.


I went out yesterday (no not early... left house at 8am) and got quite a bit of the traditional gifts of jeans for Dh and kids, Pj's for everyone. Was able to get a few gifts for youngest Ds and a few things for Dd.

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