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MCT Arrived Today: Oh my!


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I know, I know. Another MCT thread. Please bear with me!


I was able to get a few Island level TM's used (thanks, Colleen!) and I have have been holding off on my MCT order until I saw the books and determined if they were really "all that". It was hard to tell how it would flow from the website samples.


So, I plopped the kids down in front of Mythbusters, made some popcorn, and settled down on the couch with my books. For about 5 minutes. That is how long it took to realize that this is the best thing going! I kept interrupting the show to tell everyone how fantastic it was, or how much I was leaning from an elementary grammar book! I can't wait to place my order for the next level and see how this program progresses.


The main thing I got excited about was that I am going to be able to use this for my oldest son. He is both gifted and learning disabled, and a visual learner (to the point of having trouble comprehending spoken language). He is good with certain parts of grammar, and gets hung up with others. I intuitively KNOW this program will help this boy (I noted the "gifted" label and assumed it would be too advanced for him). The way this is laid out, from the lesson structure to the fonts to the art, is amazing! I am starting him in the Island level (though he is 12) and we will move at his pace through it.


I can't remember when I have been so excited to teach something!


I had to share my joy, as dh is snoozing on the couch and not interested at the moment.

Edited by happygrrl
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That’s great, I am so happy for you! I have a girl much like you describe your son, she seems gifted, but not in all areas. Since we are all set for grammar, I would like to use MCT vocabulary for her; do you think she can use it without the MCT grammar? I would love to buy it all, but only have so much money to go around.

I am also going to use some MCT with my other children; I was just showing them the samples tonight. (I want to move towards an LCC education with my boys)

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I'm so happy for you -- you realize of course that now no one will be able to grab any MCT fron the sale board here since now it will be snapped up immediately :toetap05: -- but that's okay :D -- I am so pleased for you.


Alrightly, then, I will add everything up and place my order -- anything I should know?:confused:

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That’s great, I am so happy for you! I have a girl much like you describe your son, she seems gifted, but not in all areas. Since we are all set for grammar, I would like to use MCT vocabulary for her; do you think she can use it without the MCT grammar? I would love to buy it all, but only have so much money to go around.


I am also going to use some MCT with my other children; I was just showing them the samples tonight. (I want to move towards an LCC education with my boys)


I am thinking that this program will help us to be more LCC. Since oldest is not moving quickly through Latin and Greek, we can't count on that for grammar studies. Enter separate programs for every LA subject. One benefit of LCC for us is fewer transitions so the day does not feel choppy; this was not happening with all our jumps between LA books. MCT will enable us to do our LA in a more fluid way, with each book reinforcing the lessons of another. Less, but deeper.


You know, the resale of these books is really high. It would be fairly easy to make a good % of your $ back from even a new purchase (insert evil maniac laughter).

I have not seen the vocab. book yet, but will soon. :)

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Warning: You will soon be on the quest to find the program that comes closest to "MCT" for every subject - LOL!


I know. The bar was immediately raised. This is a good thing for me who loves research and planning.... not so much for hubby who does the *listening* to all my research and planning!


Seriously- I see what you mean. I am trying to look at all the happy MCT users' signatures to expand my curriculum choice box!

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I am thinking that this program will help us to be more LCC. One benefit of LCC for us is fewer transitions so the day does not feel choppy; this was not happening with all our jumps between LA books. MCT will enable us to do our LA in a more fluid way, with each book reinforcing the lessons of another. Less, but deeper.




THAT is my plan as well! :001_smile:

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It's going to be hard for me to wait until next year. I want to start it in 4th as I do not have an advanced or gifted 3rd grader. :) I'll stick with WWE and FLL for now, but I'm itching to get my hands on this stuff.


Gives me plenty time to search the For Sale forum.

Me too, on the waiting part. But unfortunately mine will be in 5th. :glare: Maybe I can get one level after the first of the year and try it out. I am still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it all by looking at the samples because I am one who likes to see things in person.

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