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Just for fun: if you have a non-traditional board name, why...

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Years ago on another BBS, I used to go by a combination of my initials and my graduation year. I was a regular but folks could never remember me. So I decided to change it, which was allowed there. Most of the handles I came up with were already taken so I ended up going with "Crimson Girl" to honor my DH who was then a grad student at Harvard. After a while, I got accused of false pretenses by a snotty Harvard alumna (as if being a Harvard graduate is so much superior to being a Stanford graduate :glare:) so I changed it to "Crimson Wife".

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Chiguirre is the Venezuelan word for a capybara. It comes from a joke when I was in grad school. I asked a friend who had gone hunting what he had bagged and when he answered that he'd got a "lapa", I had to ask what that was. The answer was a chiguirre, but much smaller. The clueless look on my face was legendary and an internet name was spawned.

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The first time I ever joined a message board and needed a login name, I was looking for help with a "I'm a new stay at home mom" kind of problem. I had scanned through some posts and seen all these clever names describing what kind of moms people were, and I said to myself: "well, I'm no supermom, that's for sure. I'm just a regular mom."


So, I typed it in, and the name sort of stuck.


And Scarlett was the first person to respond to my very first post btw. (This was on a different board.) And her advice was really kind and helpful. (Hey there, Scarlett! Thanks!)


And there you have it.


Awwww......thank you! You made my day!


Scarlett (remembering the thrill of seeing RegularMom on this board and recognizing her)

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Anytime something is chaotic and difficult to organize, we say it's like herding cats. This homeschooling thing is like that; everyone wants to do something other than what I want them to do:tongue_smilie: We also have two cats (I don't try to herd them though). I thought about this after I chose the name, but it also fits in with my Native American heritage- sort of "Dancing with Wolves"ish.


Is the Herding Cats thing from that commercial a few years back? LOVED that commercial.

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A friend thought my name would offend some people, because it made her think of vodka. :blink: It really refers to the fact that when hubby and I used to go to Starbucks, we would get four shots of espresso in our lattes. Now, I have food allergies and have not had a latte in years, but am afraid to remove my siggy line about drinking espresso! :001_rolleyes:


There are some days when I would want to borrow your screen name. And, not for some coffee.... :D


Nono is a variant of my name that has been a nickname on-and-off forever by children...

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I worked at CompuServe for a while and felt like I needed a screen name since I was a single, living on my own gal. I went by "dusk" a little while (I'm so not a morning person and it is a fun play on my real name). I hung on some Christian fora there, but spent a lot of my time on the SF/Fantasy page and newbies were always confused, so I was re-dubbed (with a mustard sandwich) as 'ladydusk' and have so been online for years ... there are a couple of other sites that aren't me around, but most 'ladydusk's online are me.

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And I was going to say: "Traditional" :D


Mine is a "hold-over" from a car-site (I have a MINI Cooper). It makes no sense here, but I got used to the alter-ego.




Oh, I can so picture you in a Mini-Cooper. Obviously not YOU you because I don't know what you look like but you know, your avatar you. :tongue_smilie:

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