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Does anyone think they had h1n1 before the first confirmed case in the US?

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I really think three of us had it in March. Dd3 is now recovering from it, and it is too similiar. The rest of us are healthy, even the one who gets EVERYTHING, after a week with no time to sanitize, and lots of cuddling and coughing in faces. Not wise I know, but when a kid is so sick it's hard to avoid.


I hope I don't have to update in a few days and tell you we're all sick.:001_smile:

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I keep thinking about how sick my kids were in late April into early May, just as the news reports started coming out about it. Plus, their symptoms matched what was being reported.


I do keep wondering if I'm wrong and next week when we're supposed to travel if they'll all be sick! :001_smile:

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I've mentioned this on the board a couple of times, but we all had something that was pure evil in March. My youngest ran 105 fever and I really wondered if she was going to make it. She was tested for the seasonal flu, and it came back negative.


It is probably the sickest I have been in my adult life. I was in the process of a miscarriage before I got sick, but my body still thought it was pregnant at the time.

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My then 4 & 5 yo had it the worst, but I remember on Easter morning, my oldest 5 all just sitting blurry eyed at the breakfast table. They were all pretty ill. DH and I both had it as well. Only the 2 littlest stayed well. WE have now had multiple exposures and no illness so I hope that is what it was. I just remember thinking it was awfully late to have the flu.

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I'm convinced we had it in October before it was discovered. I've never been that sick in my life. We had all the typical symptoms--bad headache, vomiting, diarrhea, body aches, high fever. It knocked my dh and me out for 5 days and it took us 3 weeks to fully recover. The kids actually fared better than we did but it was bad on all of us. Maybe it was just another bad flu. The pediatrician told us that something was going around at the time and no one knew what it was.

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Another 'March' here - I checked back through my blog and it was March 25th or so that I'd written about everyone having been sick... dd12 had it the worst - fever for a week, extremely sore throat, aches all over, cough (though not much of one), headaches, stomach pains.... it was flu-like, but not like the seasonal flu we all had a few years before...

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I doubt it.

Throughout March we were experiencing widespread seasonal flu, including some type A [A/Brisbane/59/2007(H1N1)-like & A/Brisbane/10/2007(H3N2)-like], even if you got a quick test positive for type A that wouldn't indicate the novel A/H1N1.


There IS spot checking and sampling of sentinel providers so it would have been seen. I'm not ruling out the possibility of a few cases but I wouldn't think it would be widespread & not noticed.

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I really think three of us had it in March. Dd3 is now recovering from it, and it is too similiar. The rest of us are healthy, even the one who gets EVERYTHING, after a week with no time to sanitize, and lots of cuddling and coughing in faces. Not wise I know, but when a kid is so sick it's hard to avoid.


I hope I don't have to update in a few days and tell you we're all sick.:001_smile:


DD and I had it in Feb. She ran the 102 fever and everythin. I took her to the Dr 3 times and they blew me off. They told me it was just a virus and she'd be fine. The 3rd time they finally agreed to give her an antibiotic to clear her chest before she got pnemonia. A week later they started talking about it and panicking on the news. :glare:My hubby and I looked at each other incredulously and started laughing. It's one of the reasons we haven't been vaccinated.




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Guest aquiverfull

YES! I also think we had it in March. I never run fever, yet I was running fever for 3 days right around Easter. That is the sickest I think I have ever been. I had the symptoms as well and my kids were sick before me. I've often wondered if we had it then.

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April-ish? DH picked up a friend of ours who was on a missions trip to Mexico because he got sick on his road trip home. This man was VERY ILL and didn't completely recover for weeks. Hubby drove our friend the 10 hours home. Two days later my hubby was so sick that he laid in bed for days. It was the first time he missed work due to sickness in ten years. High fever, aches, hot/cold flashes, awful cough, congestion, headache...the kids and I were mildly sick (barely registered as a cold) but that was it. We thought it was strange because we are usually the ones who are sick and he is healthy as a horse :)

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DD and I had it in Feb. She ran the 102 fever and everythin. I took her to the Dr 3 times and they blew me off. They told me it was just a virus and she'd be fine. The 3rd time they finally agreed to give her an antibiotic to clear her chest before she got pnemonia. A week later they started talking about it and panicking on the news. :glare:My hubby and I looked at each other incredulously and started laughing. It's one of the reasons we haven't been vaccinated.





That's kind of how it was for us too, except we weren't that sick. Less than a month after we had it we started hearing about it on the news. We don't go to the dr. ever with the flu unless there is some sort of complication (which has never happened), so there's no telling what we had, but as soon as we heard the symptoms we said, "Hey! We just HAD that!"

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That's kind of how it was for us too, except we weren't that sick. Less than a month after we had it we started hearing about it on the news. We don't go to the dr. ever with the flu unless there is some sort of complication (which has never happened), so there's no telling what we had, but as soon as we heard the symptoms we said, "Hey! We just HAD that!"


EXACTLY! Also, they just came out with a report that looked back into 2008. They think there were several thousand cases unconfirmed before May. I heard it on the nightly news so getting a source will be hard.:lol:

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We had a kick-butt case of flu here in March. When my son had a bout of something this summer that resembled H1N1, I asked the doc if it could have been H1N1 we'd had earlier, but she said no way.


We were pretty sick, but it was tested and confirmed as seasonal flu.


OK, rabbit trail warning:D


What, exactly is the seasonal flu? Wouldn't H1N1 be the seasonal flu this year since it's THE flu this year? Or is there a special thing about it that makes it an abnormal flu and therefore not seasonal? I'm so confused . . .:tongue_smilie:




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OK, rabbit trail warning:D


What, exactly is the seasonal flu? Wouldn't H1N1 be the seasonal flu this year since it's THE flu this year? Or is there a special thing about it that makes it an abnormal flu and therefore not seasonal? I'm so confused . . .:tongue_smilie:





There are more than 1 type of H1N1 influenza. That's why when we talk about the new one it should technically be called pandemic H1N1 or novel H1N1 or H1N1 (2009) - something to differentiate it from the other H1N1's which have been floating around for the previous years. Last spring, when the novel A/H1N1 appeared, there was still seasonal flu activity - both H1N1 & H3N2. The seasonals disappeared & were replaced by the novel H1N1.


This current season - which started in Sep or Oct (depending which country's public health office calendar you go by, and which never really ended as it kept going all summer), pretty much all flu is pandemic H1N1 though some H3N2 is starting to pop up. This is why you need both the vaccine for the pandemic H1N1 and the seasonal flu vaccine (which includes a component for the other, seasonal H1N1,and the H3N2, as well as a Type B component)


Hope that makes things clearer.

Edited by hornblower
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OK, rabbit trail warning:D


What, exactly is the seasonal flu? Wouldn't H1N1 be the seasonal flu this year since it's THE flu this year? Or is there a special thing about it that makes it an abnormal flu and therefore not seasonal? I'm so confused . . .:tongue_smilie:




Seasonal flu means strains that have been recurring year after year, with small variations. Seasonal flu starts out as a pandemic strain, becomes established in humans, and then keeps coming back. The novel H1N1 will likely become the seasonal flu, replacing the other strains. But since it's so new, we won't call it that until we're absolutely sure it's here to stay.

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