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Lady Bug, Lady Bug - GO AWAY!

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LOL! We have about a hundred in our laundry room and another couple dozen in our bathroom and boys' bedroom. Our 5yo asked this morning, "Don't they know this is the boys' room?!" :lol:


I have swept/vacuumed up hundreds of them! They are all over our laundry room, living room, and MY BED!

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I found this:


Legends vary about how the Ladybug came to be named, but the most common (and enduring) is this: In Europe, during the Middle Ages, swarms of insects were destroying the crops. The farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. Soon thereafter the Ladybugs came, devouring the plant-destroying pests and saving the crops! The farmers called these beautiful insects "The Beetles of Our Lady", and - over time - they eventually became popularly known as "Lady Beetles". The red wings were said to represent the Virgin's cloak and the black spots were symbolic of both her joys and her sorrows.



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It's strange to see them views as "pests."


I've always though of lady bugs as almost "sacrosanct."




OK, yeah, I used to think that too.. until they invaded our home! Did you know that they STINK?? It took weeks to figure out what that horrible smell was in our master bedroom. We kept thinking that a rodent was living in the wall and peeing - creating some weird old urine, burnt rubber, sweaty locker-room smell :ack2:


Of course, for some reason, only I was noticing this overwhelming odor:toetap05:


But after some research I found out that yes, sweet little lady bugs do indeed, stink.





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OK, yeah, I used to think that too.. until they invaded our home! Did you know that they STINK?? It took weeks to figure out what that horrible smell was in our master bedroom. We kept thinking that a rodent was living in the wall and peeing - creating some weird old urine, burnt rubber, sweaty locker-room smell :ack2:


Of course, for some reason, only I was noticing this overwhelming odor:toetap05:


But after some research I found out that yes, sweet little lady bugs do indeed, stink.






What's behind the infestations?



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What's behind the infestations?





They're looking for a place to hibernate for the winter. They are attracted to light colors, so a white house stands out especially well. We happen to have a very OLD white house, so there are tons of places for them to crawl into and find their way into the house.


And yes, they do stink. It's a defense mechanism.


There's nothing like throwing back your covers to climb into bed to find it crawling with ladybugs. And then waking up to find small pieces of crushed ladybugs stuck to your back, feet, legs, from where they climbed into your bed at night and you unknowingly rolled over on them. But ladybugs I can handle. When the spiders come, though, that's another story....

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They're looking for a place to hibernate for the winter. They are attracted to light colors, so a white house stands out especially well. We happen to have a very OLD white house, so there are tons of places for them to crawl into and find their way into the house.


And yes, they do stink. It's a defense mechanism.


There's nothing like throwing back your covers to climb into bed to find it crawling with ladybugs. And then waking up to find small pieces of crushed ladybugs stuck to your back, feet, legs, from where they climbed into your bed at night and you unknowingly rolled over on them. But ladybugs I can handle. When the spiders come, though, that's another story....


Are the large numbers a new phenomenon? Or is this typical?



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We have a TON of Asian Beetles--look similar to a lady bug. This is the second or third fall that they are EVERYWHERE!!! Our home and all of our buildings are white, so all of our buildings are covered --on the end that the sun is shining on.....once anyone opens a dooor they come right in. They are all over the ceilings, the doors, every window sill. Yesterday, I looked outside and could just see little "clouds" of them swirling around the house and trees! Once the sun goes down and the temp drops--they mysteriously vanish.;)

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I had been told that what most people, with infestations, call ladybugs are not really ladybugs but a different kind of beetle. I had thought for years all those gross bugs crawling everywhere in my house were ladybugs. They are actually a lady beetle, imported from Asia. (At least, according to this site.) Does anyone know if this information is accurate? I'm not much good at searching the internet. :tongue_smilie:

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A couple weeks ago, we had a bunch all around, but after a few days they flew away. Not sure why. But I think one I snagged to eat some aphids off a plant laid some eggs. (Or is it droppings?) Any clue? What am I supposed to do to "raise" them -- maybe I can consider them a pet for the purposes of the formidable attainments of a child of 6? ;)

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we fought cock roaches and spiders all summer. One year we had a horrible flea invasion. i would step out of bed and 10 fleas would jump on my back/ I went out into the garage and I was swarmed with them. I had them all up my shirt. They were all over me I grabbed a hose outside and started hosing myself off and then ran inside and stipped and got in the shower to wash the rest off. it was awful there had to be 50 -100 on me. We finally had the exterminator come out. I had a 9 month old that was crawling around and I really didn't want him exposed, but I also didn't want him covered in fleas either. We've never had a problem since. Growing up we had a millipede invasion. I had french doors going to the outside and they would come in if I left my light on at night. One night I counted 40 millipedes climbing my walls and on my carpet. It was hard to go to sleep at night, I kept thinking that I had them crawling in my bed.

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Well, I'll tell you one thing... they are protected (at least here they are). :patriot: Our former exterminator told us he cannot legally spray for ladybugs here because they are protected. If he came out to kill another pest and "accidently" did the lady bugs in, that would be allowed. But an exterminator can't come out just to kill ladybugs.


I didn't want him spraying anything in my house anyway, so that was cool. I just showed them the door (from the outside).


Thou shalt not kill ladybugs..... :patriot::gnorsi:

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I don't know, my mom always told me to examine what was going on in my life (eg: was something happening that merited me needing "protection" of some sort, be it emotional, physical or whatever) if suddenly I had ladybugs around me.


But that's how my mom operates.




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