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Any thoughts on ECC (MFW)?


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Like with any curriculum, you'll find those who like a program and those who don't. I hope my love it story helps a bit to know if it's anything that might even be what you are looking for.


I've used ECC twice. Once when oldest was in 2nd grade and then again last year when she was in 7th grade with the jr. high package. Also, my middle child was in 4th grade in ECC. So, clearly, I'm a fan of it.


Things that work well for me:

I like the style of manual with the grid format and the extended daily notes as needed.

I like the missions focus in ECC.

I like that it travels all over the world.

I like that it covers about 15 focus countries on all continents and then covers in smaller ways various people groups, and other places nearby. I don't think I'd want too many more than that in one year.


I liked the style of small sections of Bible reading to cover the whole book of Matthew over the year, mixed in with character training with short bios.


Looking back, I like how God used ECC to really help my family think about Bible translation and doing stuff with our lives. So I like the missionary biographies.


I liked the hands on crafts -- not too many, and easy to tweak down if needed. I liked the food projects too -- it was usually one food item to try. It inspired us to try eating breakfast each morning based on menus from that country.


It was fun.


I liked how my kids and I could snuggle on the couch to look at pictures of places around the world and learn what different geography terms mean and how they are special to the place in the study. It never felt overwhelming. Then my kids were willing to read through book basket when they were interested.


I like how the science was tied into what we were learning. this is even more so now in the 2nd edition program.


I liked the extra writing and research projects and reading too for jr. high students.


Hopefully, someone who didn't like it as much can help balance it out for you.



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We love ECC here! Your children are older than mine, so you would likely get the 7th and 8th grade add-ons. You can easily beef-up or trim down as needed.We love the missions focus. My kids are really growing a heart for God and missions. I really appreciate that there is no specific theological "flavor" sprinkled thoughout the curriculum. You read the Bible, discuss, and read about Christian heros of all denominations. Yes, the science is a tad light, but we add in lots of extra books. It works for us. Yu could always add in Apologia, as recommended by MFW. I love ECC and would recommend it to anyone. If you have any more questions, ask Crystal (cbollin). She is the MFW expert on the yahoo group.

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tagging on some more information about science in ECC to help on seeing the unseen.


2nd edition has more science than 1st edition. Still Ecosystem and habitat theme. But with the Properties of Ecosystems and book basket I think it's a good amount of science reading on the topic for elementary kid. Nature Walks are still encouraged and put in the schedule. There are some hands on activities for science -- but with the topics it's not always easy to do lots of quick and fun stuff. One of my favorite science projects last year was our rain forest terrarium that we started in week 9 in Brazil. Still growing and doing well a year later. even survived the out of state move. (yes, it's a real plant :lol:

so, there are some hands on things in ECC (watching river form, some demos of concepts), growing things, that funky thing with the number of books on top of 4 eggs....


but -- it seems light (in my opinion) because it's 3-4 times per week, and doesn't take a lot of time each day to finish. (it's like taking the shorter format jazzercise class). But not light in terms of topics covered in ecosystems.


We loved adding Schlessinger Biomes Around the World as part of our book basket time in science. Of course, ECC is a great year to have as an excuse to have field trips to zoos.


so, if it isn't enough, it's easy to add in controlled and fun ways that don't overwhelm the year either. (My dh is a PHD chemist, so we like the style of science in elementary in MFW.) or as one of my friends did -- it was easy to add in Science Olympiad that year.


And of course 7th grade and up, the science is Apologia's jr. high.



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Ooooo, ladies...thank you all! What a blessing to see your positive responses this morning! I was secretly hoping to have *thumbs up* opinions. :D I have used MFW in the past, but not ECC. I didn't even know that they had recently updated it. Good, good, good! Thank you again!!

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We are doing ECC this year and loving it. This will be my second time through also. We did it several years ago when ds was in 2nd grade and now again with him as an 8th grader and dd as a 3rd grader. I agree the science seemed light the first time through, but now with the Ecosystems book it is much improved. Except dd likes more experiments than we have so far encountered in the program. So I added a Magic School Bus kit to the mix. I'm glad I came back to this program after a few years away from it. I just would like to note the first few weeks of the program are very, very full and you may want to plan extra time to get through them. We were not able to get the basics and the program all done each day. We are just in Week 5 and are now hitting our stride and able to complete a whole days work each day. I have done other programs and came back to MFW because it was the one program that has worked the best for my children and me. The schedule is awesome, the program is well thought out and very complete. Good luck!



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I didn't even know that they had recently updated it.


I REALLY like the updated edition. No copies except for an occasional page from one of the books.:D And if you have a 7th/8th grader, the spelled out assignments are DREAMY. It's going to be hard for me to move back to the non-updated editions once we are done, since I'm so used to having all my jr. higher's assignments spelled out for me.;)

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I REALLY like the updated edition. No copies except for an occasional page from one of the books.:D And if you have a 7th/8th grader, the spelled out assignments are DREAMY.



I know what you mean.... I know what you mean.... ahhhh. Looking so forward to high school program where it's all done for us. :)


If you need the help in the other jr. high years with that scheduling stuff or ideas or something...... give me a holler in email. Maybe if seem to think I get it figured out this year, I might have ideas to help. This is a tough year emotionally (moved out of state and still dealing with adjusting....) but we seem to be getting something done even with the 8th grader.



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I did not LOVE ECC when we did it. It was great starting out, but the whole year read different segments out of the same books and I just got bored with it. There is a formula to the program and you just really plug in different countries into the same formula for the most part. My son didn't mind at all, but I just need a little more variety.


If you are looking for something easy to teach that will help your children learn about different cultures, then you will also love it. It just didn't work for me as a teacher mostly.



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I have to agree with bethben we did ECC and were very bored...same routine every month different country. It seemed like a great idea just didn't fit us. Everybody is different and it may fit you perfectly. Maybe if you know someone who has it take a look at it first too see how it flows.

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I have to agree with bethben we did ECC and were very bored...same routine every month different country. It seemed like a great idea just didn't fit us. Everybody is different and it may fit you perfectly. Maybe if you know someone who has it take a look at it first too see how it flows.


I have to agree with these posters. Perhaps if I tell you what kind off program interests us, you can see how similar/different your tastes are (and therefore have more info for your decision)


This is NOT to bash MFW, as it is a wonderful wonderful program. It just fits certain people and styles better than others.


We really like TOG and LCC. I love to tweak and plan and go deep, but thought we needed a "down" year to concentrate on other areas. I find that MFW is too planned out for me, as I get to know (and therefore engage *myself* with the info) the lessons through planning. I am not engaged as a teacher when I have not immersed myself beforehand. I have tried another "open and go" program (WP) and that did not work for us either. We get too bored reading snippets of the same books. I know there is a book basket to add, but we had already read most, and read through the rest pretty quickly.


I also find it difficult to combine the muti-ages... it seems as though it tries to hit the middle, and having one at 3rd grade level and another at high 6th grade level means that it is light for the higher level. We find that the science is mostly repetition for us, and again, will something that works for a 3rd grader *really* satisfy a 6th grader? We are ditching the science as of this week.


So- though I love the *idea* it is not a good fit for me as teacher. That ambivalence is then communicated to the kids, making it the program we are more likely to drop on a busy day, KWIM. We would have been better served by me making my own geog. survey, and doing it once a week. I am glad I bought from the company as I believe in what they are doing. I will be selling it when we are done, though.


Again, this is a great program *if* it fits. I am sure folks who thrive on MFW would wither with what jazzes me, as I am withering with MFW. No complaints with the program itself, just noting that what is brilliant for some is not for others. I have had great success noticing *who* I match with as a teacher and then seeing what they are using.


HTH! ~ Lisa

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Ladies, thank you for your gracious honesty. I do tend to get bored with things that are the same, even though that sameness is sometimes a comforting necessity for me. Take this year...I am spending so much time 'spicing things up' and tweaking to add variety that I feel, well, 'overspiced'! Too much variety perhaps. It's not a pretty sight to be 'overspiced' when your name is Ginger, either! :nopity: Thanks again for your insights.

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We used this 3 years ago. My youngest schooling at that time was in 3rd. I also had one in 5th, and one in 8th doing ECC. They all learned their geography better than I ever knew it in all my years of high school. My 3rd grader, especially. I won't go into detail about all the rest, but just ditto what others have said about enjoying it tremendously.

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Even though I really like ECC, I do know that I had those units where it felt too routine. Usually meant I was having a rough week or just needed to not feel too routine. Most of life can be routine so I have to change and spice it up. Same way in my teaching time. I'd just not all that creative always. So, I usually just looked on MFW's message board on the ECC Ideas Forum and found someone else's idea to borrow or try or add for that week to add some spice for temp solution.


some of my ideas (when I felt more creative...)

We would try to relate a holiday to the area we were studying. Or we'd change the rules on the geography game to play differently. Try a new food. Look around for decorations with the theme of the country or colors of the flag. Field trip or something. Grab music CD from library to hear songs from that area. it would be little tweaks here and there in the week.


doesn't mean it's right for everyone, of course. But hopefully it can help a bit if needed.



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